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If your government was being run by foreign operatives, would you care? What about Chinese operatives?

Sensrhim4hizvewz 8 July 8
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I can guarantee that most parents do not care about their children's grades until the child starts failing classes for not being " Woke " enough when answering questions.

Going after the child does not help because it only points out how you fail as a parent. Going after the tenured union teacher does not solve the problem because they do not have authority to radically change the lesson plan .
Going after the principal does not solve the problem ; The principal is not the one who is elected. You should be thinking of the superintendent in LOCAL politics during non-presidential mid-term elections .

Just like these other federal agencies you listed , you can not just vote them out. Florida is one of only two states (along with Alabama) that allow some voters to elect their school district superintendents. In Florida, 38 school districts elect superintendents while 29 appoint them.
The trend of switching from appointed to elected superintendents has cooled in recent years, with Lee County in Florida being a recent example of switching to an elected system in 2022.
There are pros and cons to both elected and appointed systems. The choice often depends on what fits best for a particular district's leadership style and community preferences.

In conclusion, if you want the option to vote out problematic agents : You need to first take power away from politicians who had the power to appoint them in the first place.

With the recent immunity powers given to the presidency through the supreme court , the FBI can continue to hire agents like Osama Bin Laden and Mohammed Alshamrani without any consequences .

    • The phrase you are looking for is : " We investigated ourselves thoroughly and ultimately found out how we did nothing wrong ". There are plenty of things wrong with this cop-out of a statement .

Lack of objectivity: Self-investigations can be biased, as the investigating party may have a vested interest in the outcome.
Limited accountability: Without external oversight, there's less pressure to conduct a thorough investigation or implement meaningful changes.
Public trust: Such statements often erode public confidence, especially when there's a perception of systemic issues or cover-ups.

i am sure that there is more to discuss on this topic but I will be censored for alleged " mental illness " if I go any deeper into this problem. For the record, I am NOT suicidal and I love to be alive in the best country on earth .


They are both communists

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