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2407180800Th CONFLATION?

Is it possible that people have the conflated idea that democrat and democracy are the same thing?

To be clear about it, republican is not to be ‘conflated’ with our republic form of government any more than democrat can be conflated with democratic government.

To be precise, these United States were, and are, a constitutional republic – never a pure democracy. A pure democracy is in reality a repugnant thing that would cement such evils as slavery into perpetuity.

Try and find the word democracy in the pledge of allegiance you learned as a child in school – you won’t. You won’t find it because it’s not what the initial settlers and founding fathers wanted or agreed to.

It’s a democratic dinner when two wolves and one sheep come together to dine – how do you think that’ll work out for that sheep minority? And yet that’s precisely what pure democracy is in action. The founding fathers saw fit, in agreement with the citizen settlers, to install things like our constitution, the electoral college, along with “checks & balances” on the three co-equal branches of our government to protect against such as pure democracy.

Donald Trump isn’t a dictator, but the man that wants to impose term limits on our Supreme Court most certainly is one. Our founding fathers recognized the impossibility of avoiding the acrimony bound to ensue from such an experiment in self-government as the uniting of these many states for the common good of all concerned.

Yesterday, I was shocked ( shouldn’t have been though) when I heard one of these socialist democrats attacking republicans, and MAGA, with a false comparison misrepresenting Gov. George Wallace as having been a republican. You absolutely can’t believe a word these democrats say – always verify what they say! Not wanting is accidentally mislead anyone, I took time to verify what I already knew. Governor Wallace was a staunch democrat. (see below)

I have no problem with President Trump being a threat to the democracy of the confederacy – as that’s precisely what and who today's democrat party represents. That’s like I have no problem recognizing that we’re all born in sin, but that doesn’t mean that we have to “come on in” as the Stephen King fictional wizard invited.

There is so much wrong with the socialist democrat party I’m afraid that I could go on and on ad nauseam. They can’t even be trusted long enough to verify the fanatical things they say!

PS. When I started writing this post, I didn’t remember that is was Joey Reed who made the false comparison of George Wallace and President Trump. I’ll leave it to you to decide truth of the matter by comparing what she says in this video with the citation provided below.

Posted by: The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters ~ 15 hours ago ~
44,297 views ~ 416K subscribers
“What is a “Threat to Democracy?”


Meaning of conflation in English

noun [ C or U ]

“the act or process of combining two or more separate things into one whole, especially pieces of text or ideas:”



George Wallace

45th Governor of Alabama

George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and judge who served as the 45th governor of Alabama for four terms. He...

Born: August 25, 1919, Clio, Alabama, United States
Died: 1998, Montgomery, Alabama, United States
Cause of Death: Bacterial blood infection
Height: 5'7" (1.70m)
Spouse: Lisa Taylor(m 1981 - 1987), Cornelia Wallace(m 1971 – 1978),
Lurleen Wallace(m 1943 - 1968)
Children: George Wallace Jr.
Parents: Mozell Smith, George Corley Wallace, Sr.
Party Affiliation: Democratic Party (United States)
1914wizard 8 July 18
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