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The classic: “If Only” they’d been in charge they’d have been able to have brought about the utopian dream of Communist Socialism.

Stalin was too weak, Mao was too weak, Castro was too weak, Pot was too weak etc. etc. etc.

The first step off of communism’s slippery slope is the belief that humanity is capable of doing GOD’s work through socialist economics with the guidance of communist elite experts.

Some try to rationalize their way out communism by trying to make distinctions between it and Marxism and/or socialism. But the whole scheme is predicated upon theft(s) and deception(s).

The fly in the socialist ointment is that “IF ONLY” never comes to fruition any more than a communist utopia does.

Whether your willing to accept socialism as a religion or not – it is at minimum is a devotion many are more than willing to pay homage to just like devotees have always paid homage to false gods.

What I’m trying to say is that ideas don’t just die or even fade away – as some should. And evil ideas can spring to life at any time if people forget what they actually look like – just like any other pretty snake in the grass.

A socialist truly believes their socialist cause (social justice ideas) to be just and fair – worth any sacrifice to keep alive.

One way to spot these socialist devotes is their belief in the omnipotence of man rather than the omnipotence of GOD! For this reason they can’t place any value on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. {John 14:6}

John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (kjv)
Posted by: MyyyTunes5 ~ 11 years ago ~ 118K views ~ 50.7K subs
“Robert Goulet - Impossible Dream


  1. the quality of having unlimited or very great power:

"God's omnipotence"

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