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Hey you know what's great to eat, an omelet on a tortilla with spicy corn beef and Dioblo taco bell sauce. Hey if you want to talk about what you usually do about homosexuality, lets talk about that. If someone is going to talk about homosexuality to or with you, then if you're not in support of it, you can't really attack that person's sanity or credibility for believing something different than what you agree with, every single time that I see you do talk about other people have said about homosexuality you're doing this, it's like almost that you are having a heated debate with them like they are the ones not listening to you and that they should know it, but that's not having a real discussion about homosexuality with someone, that's just called having a disagreement and by arguing with each other, almost like if it were a professional debate but without the audience at all to make an informed decision in the end, isn't that what you want to have Jaclyn Glenn, or let me rephrase that into a better question, isn't that something that you want for when you are arguing and trying to convince other people despite talking and not talking to the people that you're speaking to? Alright, just making sure. Well, then in that case, here's what I think of you every single time that you talk about homosexuality. Whether that you are trying to do what all that I just said above or not, it really doesn't matter really, because regardless if it is only an argument or a professional debate, you're only doing it because either you have an argument to convince another person who may or may not be trying to argue with you or because you know someone is wrong and you're trying to make others including them understand that, but you can't be doing both trying to convince others someone is personally wrong while attacking their credibility and not even just showing that to them or not but to everyone you keep doing it and shoving it down people's throats, it makes you look like you're not even really arguing with another person and all that you keep trying wanting to say is this person disagrees with me, which then it would defeat the purpose of arguing or debating another person trying to convince other people that is what you are doing, I'm not saying that, that you are or not doing anything here every single time that you do argue with another person in front of others, that it would just have to be either a good or bad thing, but you are horrible at arguing with other people about homosexuality and making them believe it, like you're so bad at it, that that not even your enemies want to partake in a confrontation with you because of who you are and what you do like this, to them, you're not even that, you're just a person with an objection against what other people are like, literally, do like, say like, be like, like a person that does have that objection that just came with the territory of being kind of like any kind of way, you're always going to be that person that comes with the territory just to object, and I'm pretty sure that not even your enemies want to deal with that, just as much as you have no idea how badly you are at arguing that to them over about any topic that you can possibly think of, you just suck really bad at arguing with people, it's not that I think that you're faulting over understand how to, which is probably pretty sure right now that you think since I'm the one who would be opposing you right now for saying that you are good at it or would be given the argument sake, I really just think that you just don't do it, like before that I was saying that it's like you just talk shit about only what you don't think that you like is all that you do, all of the time, it's funny that you want other people to hear your argument against things, but no one can if all that you're ever going to do is try to argue with them not knowing that's what you're doing and making them understand you're argument just to do so while also letting the audience pick whether or not that you're just stating your disagreement with them or actually trying to convince the audience of your argument too, I'll tell you just why that I say that about you, because you've built up the image that is what you do is what you do, you make that same point in every single each and every displayed point in all of the arguments that you make with I'd say everyone that you argue with on the internet, that's why that you suck at arguing things Jaclyn Glenn, no I'm not saying that there is a bad thing in what you do or don't do, it's just that's why that you do suck at arguing with people and the worse, dare I say the worst, part about that in this world is that you don't even know it yourself, but that is exactly what you just keep always trying to make your enemies decide, I'm sorry Karen, I almost didn't recognize your disguise while showing me your train ticket, that's alright Karen, because this train is anoutta here, see, if you're going to make your point known to people, that's how that you do it right there, the problem with every single time that you open your mouth in opposition with people, is that, those people if they were to start an argument, anyone who has ever argued or made the argument for anything has always been either on one side or the other between being right and being wrong, so that's what they do, is they make themselves be that person to make the argument, you, it's like you don't do that at all, and it's not like I'm just saying that either, I am as a matter of fact arguing against you right now, the reason that I'm not just saying that your argument is bad for your argument right now is because, it's not that it's a bad argument, you're just bad at the argument itself to be being understood as it should, see, this is what I mean, those people know this about arguing so they do make themselves be the person to argue and be arguing with another, and so everyone else not limited to those people, also, they do know that to and so that's what they are really looking for in any argument, disagreement, or real discussion in debate, that's how people decide whether it is an argument, or only a disagreement, your argument is a normal one, nothing too grand at least for a professional debate, but not bad either, it's your inability to make the audience believe that it is really you making your arguments, you should be doing that, if you want other people to know that you try to be arguing against them, it's exactly what I said, it's not that makes you bad at arguing, it's just you are being that bad at arguing that those who would know that's what you're doing can't decide if it's youe arguing with them or stating a disagreement but you still do argue just like they're the persons who should be the ones to know that just because you do try to say that you will be arguing against them, it's not the delivery that's bad, it's the final product, at least anyone that would know it other apart from you would be able to know whether or not that was what you were trying to do or not, you're like so bad at arguing, that as soon as you see them packing up camp that's it for you and you're still going to be the one to continue making a point that was never given in the first place to anyone not even the person you were arguing with to defend themselves, you don't care, you'll talk shit about anything Jaclyn Glenn, that's what makes you, you, and you're not even that good at it either. What are you doing, Jaclyn Glenn? If you have a point to argue, then that's what you should be doing if you don't understand why it is that, that other people don't really want to argue with you because they really are as a matter of fact that unsure that you're really the one that's doing the arguing with them. Just do it, do it. Argue your point, you were doing everything just so right and good, but then never state that you're finishing with proving the point that you're now forever, and always, going to keep n continuing to argue about, give it to your audience, that's what, all that you should be doing, make sure that they know that's your point that you are making, instead of arguing that it is, if you did feel that strongly and still wanted to crush people with your hands personally, just personally, then that's what you should be doing, not arguing that's what you're doing because the point is that you are the one arguing, that's what you should be doing anyway, this, I mean how is the audience supposed to know that's what you do, they don't, that's the point, you have to be the one to make them believe it, do argue for your side of your point, but don't let that be just the only reason that you do it arguing or letting while making those enemies understand that is exactly what you intend on doing, and that's why that you suck at arguing with people Jaclyn Glenn. I thought that was obvious to you. I was enjoying watching your videos because I thought that's what you really felt like, all of the time, I mean, like seriously, I was not expecting myself to do or don't believe that you are arguing or being making an argument for or against anything that whole entire time, until you made yourself into that, and so that made me think that now I'm going to have to think that you feel this way too, but then as I was watching and expecting to keep seeing that again just to confirm it, it never came, and I can't help but to be me and think rationally, now I really do think that it doesn't ever come at all now, you were bad at arguing and don't let me be the one myself to make you be convinced of that, girl Jaclyn Glenn there is no other way around it, you're just that bad at arguing with other people, but your videos are still good, although I think that you're about as average now as any other YouTUber out there, only so and so good about average for average YouTubers, half assing more than half of half of their whole entire content, I didn't want to put you in that group, but it's true now that's just where you are, it would have been believeable if, that you really made it your point that's what you also want your audience to believe and not just the people that you are arguing with, but that's what I'm trying to say here, that's what you're so bad at making them other people believe it too, cause you suck at arguing in general, it doesn't have to be my point to you that I'm making you understand, you should be who understands just how sucky you are at arguing with other people, because girl you suck at arguing with people about things, that's just something that you're never going to get, all that you do is just depend on your audience and talk about things, it's never like you feel that way or that you're for anything, because all that youre audience will ever see is just you making and not giving your point to them, sure, it could have been good and might have worked, see, see what I did there, that's not me being trying to argue with you just to make my point, I mean it, that way of argument it could have been good for you, I would do it the same way too, like I am doing right now, I'm giving you my audience my point, and I'm making my point, my point, there doesn't have to be an argument or someone to be arguing, in order for people to be arguing or not, that's the message that you're just not getting, it's the reason that I who agrees with how that you do this daily, still doesn't believe you that you would really stand a freaken chance in a real argument with anyone, hmmm, maybe that's why Social Repose left you, oh, I don't know, I'm just saying.

I'll give you my evidence to support my opinion of why that you suck at arguing now, it's like with all of your videos, they all have a message that your point is meant to be funny and against something, you don't ever show whether or whether not that you are the one talking or arguing against things half the time, and that's just it, only in those times that you do show it, you've never been the one to make that the point of what you do that the audience should see, so no one knows whether or not that is kind of your point or something that they should pay attention to, you're always stating your case, like a person that doesn't know they have a bad case unless the audience figures that out, and it just defeats the purpose of why it is that you say that you want to make videos for people in the first place, I mean yeah you can complain about when other people don't understand or would try to understand your point, there's nothing wrong with that, I do, but it's not like I would do that just to make sure that they would even be able to know that's why that I do it, how I would argue would be like that Jaclyn Glenn, not why that I would argue just to do that, do you understand that? But I can't believe you, you know why, because I would know that anyone who argues with you is going to be hearing about that they are, that you complain about it, arguing to them, unlike it is really that you are seriously really trying to make them believe it or not, if it was you that just wanted to talk shit or be talking shit, I can't believe that either is what I'm saying, just because something is bad and someone should know it or be told about it, doesn't mean that the purpose of arguing or debating with them is supposed to accomplish that just because it happens to be doing it being a real argument that's happening. You cannot, just be arguing, just to make sure that you're audience is who knows that or not, you can try and it doesn't make it a bad argument, but you're missing the bigger point here, this isn't really a real argument or debate being made, all that you ever do is just keep talking shit about however anyway, any way, that people are, no matter, how they are to be, literally the way they are to be in reality, so, let me give you a little piece of advice, instead of trying to convince me and others that you're arguing a point, just be arguing your point because it's your point that you're arguing, it seems that's what you're tying to do, so do that, otherwise I'm certainly not going to believe that's what you're doing whether or not that is what I think that you're really doing, that's exactly what I'm saying to you. That's what you're trying to do isn't it, so just do it, and then those who watch you will know that.

Paul and Morgan are not condemning anyone to Hell, they're just talking about their beliefs, that doesn't mean they are acting on them just to make a point, you're blowing this out of proportion, I can see why that pairs well with your arguments, because that's just what Christians believe and you're gonna talk shit about what it is even they would believe being Christians, I can understand why it is that you do that, but I don't believe that you were really making that your point in your videos about them, so it just sounds like you would be the atheist with a temper that talks shit about their beliefs just because it's their beliefs, at no point have you really been talking about what it is or why that you are arguing against them and their beliefs. There I said something about what you do about Paul and Morgan. Now I can tell you why it is you are wrong about what you believe and are trying to do in arguing against them. That's right, now this is a person me, making the argument against you here. I'm not saying that homosexuality is good or bad for people just to be arguing it or not, and you can even do this in professional debate, I just have to say this, yeah about that homosexuality, it is a bad thing, lets not point out that even God would take credit in saying that it is right now, I'm just saying this homosexuality is a bad thing, everything in the universe is like one form of life isn't it, well it is, if a spider evolves to spin a web to catch insects or a butterfly evolves to be hidden from its enemies, then in some form or another all live is what just what it is because of anything and everything else, that shouldn't be up for debate or debatable, but that's why that homosexuality is a bad thing, and it would also make sense that just God himself would see it that way without having to pick any side of whether it is or isn't, you see, if all things are like each other and there isn't meant to be any difference in them said to supposed to be the same, then everything that lives in this world whether new or old, they all have some traces of what makes what they see bad in other people it is inside of them too regardless of it being either neither a good or bad thing in reality, and if that is so, then there couldn't be any other reason for why that one gender would want to be attracted to another of the same gender other than that person is contempt with divulging into themselves the thought that they want it to be that the same gender wants their attraction, and if there are two people wanting this at the same time, apparently there is a conflict that was resolved by sex, you can't say that sex never had any part within dealing with what that is, if normal relationships are meant to be that way, just meant to be that way, then if homosexuality is the same thing as normal relationships, that means that sex is a real part of it and you can't say it's not if you were going to try to make that an argument or not, it's homosexuals that would try to say making it known that if you don't believe that same genders can love each other without sex but it is still the same thing as normal two gender relationships, that does mean that homosexuals would dare say that they are not the same if it wasn't just a matter of sex or not, but the truth is, sex does factor into homosexuality for you to make that argument or not, it's not what homosexuals do that is the problem, if anyone wants to argue that same genders are a good thing that if they are not then normal different gender relationships are wrong just to prove that same gender relationships are a good thing, there's a word for that, it's called being gay, gay means happy, these are two genders men and women both being homosexuals and arguing that, that it's not what they do is bad it is what people think that people think that homosexuals wanting to be gay is a bad thing, alright, but just arguing or saying that it doesn't change the fact that, that, is what a homosexual would argue against a heterosexual is that it's not wrong to want the same gender even if all that it really is would be is about having sex with that same sex homosexual, that still doesn't make it right though, you are entitled to make a statement and to argue against that, but it's still the truth that any homosexual that would want to try to argue against heterosexual thinking, is really doomed from the start assuming that the homosexual is the same way that a heterosexual would be arguing for homosexuality, that's the point, real homosexuals wouldn't be doing that if it wasn't only just about a sex thing, and that doesn't make them right. It really is a bad thing to be actually in doing the concept of the action of being a homosexual, homosexuals are like that kid that cries when they get hurt but didn't really get hurt and still smiles when their parent turns to look away, you can't argue with a homosexual and expect to win like that, that's why this is screwing up our whole entire country right now, it teaches kids that it is alright to do just whatever that you want as long as you're just crazy enough to stab the guy next to you in the throat who disagrees with you, it's sick, that's not supporting homosexuality, that's the most disturbing thing about why people ague for homosexuality in the first place, you don't think so, but that is the truth. And look, look at how it is messing up the world right now, you're not even really homosexual and yet you're even trying to goe along going along with what these, coined, "radical homosexuals," and it is all because you think that you are right, let me allow me to correct you for you to know this, it was never about being right to argue for homosexuality, it was to stop, and to put the stop to those people who for real would try to argue that homosexuality is just a bad thing, that's what the problem is, Jaclyn Glenn, and look at you, here, you are trying to do the same exact thing but against those that are opposing homosexuality but all because you aren't homosexual and you still feel like arguing for these homosexuals, that's what is sick about real homosexuals, you don't have to argue or prove the point to others for it to be true or not, if that was meant to be the debate, it's not a debate that in reality whether there is, was, or ever had been a debate against two opposing sides at all, homosexuality is abad thing for the whole entire race of the human population, and there doesn't have to be a reason either, it just is bad, because it's fucking bad to be, to be being a homosexual like that, here, you can have this from me to you girl, it doesn't matter if anyone is to be any way any kind of way to be, because no one has to be any kind of way just to make the argument that they are to be what they are to be, they either are or they are not to be, making the argument and having a point to prove out of because of that it does make you an extreme scandalous crazy social justice warrior, that is what it makes you look like to everyone else around you. How do you like that, Jaclyn Glenn. Never had to debate or prove the point, that's exactly what you are girl Jaclyn Glenn, and everyone knows it too.

caseyxsharp 7 July 3
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Posted by caseyxsharpHey you know what's great to eat, an omelet on a tortilla with spicy corn beef and Dioblo taco bell sauce.

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