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Here, you like smart things right? You like hearing about how people do stupid things to help you feel better about why that you are so such much smarter and not doing those stupid things? I don't know, then maybe you will like this if that's you alright. It's about writing, communication and it's telling how to write better with style and it was a reply that I gave someone too. So technically it's just me talking just why more about how it's people are stupid then. It's like that have fun.

I didn't try to talk like I do, I just got real good at talking stupid people that I learned I have no choice to talk like this just so I for one can make sure everyone including all of the stupid people can possibly understand me. It might also help because I'm left handed and syntax isn't something that would come naturally to me too. I just try to talk about what I'm talking about without ever actually just pointing it out what I"M talking about, trying to tell other people something about new things they don't know before is really impossible, they either know what you're talking about or they have no idea and having no idea, it's not like they would know what you're talking about if they haven't ever heard anything else like it before too, talking to people that might just not know what you know is hard enough, adding to those people the other people that is are who is those that really don't know what you're talking about is just trying to convince what other people know to other people that they only think they know is just like complete nonsense because they're the ones that think it, well, it doesn't sound so easy does it. This is dumb to me. I don't mean to put down my own writings buy it's incredibly unbelievable. It's yeah it's dumb to me, if I had things my way, then I could just basically shoot anyone that just about doesn't understand me right now too, that's the joke. But I have to settle with this though, so shouting everyone that doesn't is just way out of the question and not even an option for me. it's dumb because this, knowledge, let me ask you, why is it just so damn hard to just to get knowledge when, when that's supposed to be hard part right there, how many people in the world has it been that you've ever head now that has complained just but only all about the shit that they know about in the world, like everyone you've ever met, you'd think that it would be people that would know this, so why then is there always only having to be someone else telling them hey you know this is bad for you right, understanding new things, that's not even supposed to be the very most hardest part about learning, isn't just, strange, that it just so as it happens, happens, to be that like that, I think so, that's what I think, who is the one person in this mother fucking world here, who is it, that is who, who, that is, that has to be the one to tell you that it must be a bad thing just to understand new things like, when it's you that's the one trying to understand new things that are the new things to you that you're about to be learning to know about, this, this is why right now, I have to do it every day because of that right now. I said fuck this shit like a long ass time ago, listen to what I'm saying and you can hear it, clearly, what do you think, telling other people new things is really actually impossible, the only way, real way, as it turns out as a matter of fact, is to, to, be the one that tells that person that what they're thinking isn't what their thinking just to be able to tell them that now what they're thinking about is, really, actually what about what you're talking about now, that's so stupid, so stupid in fact, I'll be unafraid to say it, people should freaken know about this, that's how stupid it is too, there is no way for you to tell that person new things you're thinking that you're wanting them to possibly ever know, what's the point, I mean for starters, they are only able to understand you just only when they are do is really thinking just what they're thinking isn't what you're thinking about that you're the one now trying to tell them about to them, it's impossible, people that think it isn't, now those are those, the stupid people in the world. Ha, I mean, just look at what I'm doing, I don't even have to try and people will always be like that's not true all the time to me, like they can't understand or something. My actual impressions on that matter of them being able to understand me is another story too really, I don't get it, but let me just say, say this, this that why would anyone ever be telling me something like they is being unable to understand me, they aren't able to but that's not the point, I just don't get it, it, I mean like, what about, isn't the whole purpose for of conversation is to be able to communicate your thoughts with to other people right, why is it that it's only then when, when only a person says they don't understand you, is it because, that, that they're simply strictly telling you that because of that what you said is making them be telling you now that's the reason they don't understand you, can't you just like, just be talking to someone and the real reason for them understanding you whether they do is because what you've actually tried to converse with them about and not just what you've ever said to them even, dumb. You have to tell people this, is that real, I mean you'd have to tell this just to them those people right now that they're the ones complaining about but they're still the ones telling you now they aren't able to understand able to understand you now still too, dumb. Oh, I'm sure that I've pretty much accepted my place in literature now. Since when, is what I ask, because I've been a writer for about ten years, now I'm the one since, having to asking here too, this is really happening, I ask since when, since when did that start happening to me, that, that I am starting to, able, to, start to be able to, now I see this of what is to other people good written work which was actually meant to be informative to those people when but only because it's just that is so off the wall crazy that it actually loops right back around to making sense again for some reason to those people but who like I say also like I say aren't even able to understand me at all right now but you're telling me that this the written prose that was literally still written just for the intended purpose the one and only purpose this whole meaning of this work was ever meant to enclose in the reader's minds wasn't already still better than that other thing that I just had told you about too? If that's supposed to be better, because it actually makes sense to people, then, I'm fucked. Well, of course that's what I'm talking about right now as you get, get it, probably, yeah I'm sure. I was fucked from the very start of this at all. It's like spitting in the face of all the writing who ever just imagined being able to dot an ink pen, I don't believe in that anyway, anyways, yeah I just said it, I don't believe in it anyways, are you kidding me, so that's like probably then I guess, trying to tell me too, that plus add to all of that now by the way, telling me now that like now technically there's no real ways, way, to ever communicate with other people, let alone, those to which that you're communicating to either and what is anyone then, no, I don't believe it, because that's stupid, really, like really? If you look around, you'll see just able to see just how irritating this fact a makes writers all of the time, and that's not the half of it either, because they know how irritating it is to them, and it will be talked about that you can see when you look at their works even when you're not the one looking at them too. I've been trying to say this now just about for nearly now about a minute now, so I'm ready to say it now, it's not that I think people are just stupid, I mean that too and I do believe that though, but that's not what real writing is even supposed to be about just for someone else to know what you mean, but, see this is what I'm talking about there it goes again, I try just to always be doing the best interpreted speech available out of my mouth always continuously and with the very precise exact thoughtfulness of communicated like I always do, I mean if you're really listening to this, there is only one real option available to us and to me and you both, it's pretty clear, someone doesn't need someone like me always describing things to them that they're the ones complaining about, just to, then yeah understand that when if I were to really have tried, to have really have tried, then, they would have been the one able to understand me too, I just don't get why though that it has to be me then that has to tell them that, just for them to understand just what I'm saying also, to me, it's like, I'll be like this always when it does happen though, I'm like, yeah this is why that I talk like this all of the time, because oh let me give you a break if this is so hard for people to basically understand too, either they will get and to be able to understand you or it's that chances are they aren't picking up anything at all from you no matter what you're trying to tell them or even if it's technically called at communication still, you won't know until you try, so why be at any time ever expecting that person to really be the ones that understand you even or if be because it is, now that they really do understand you now, if they actually can't understand you, well, then you know what that is, that's not called communication, that's called bad communication, bad communication is the same thing as it's not even real communication at all then, I don't write to only always be able to beat my readers into submission with a barrage of words aimed at their psyches, that's just as stupid as believing that just by using stupid people language that you'll be able to convince other stupid people that what they're thinking that is really stupid really and is really stupid even for stupid people to do, it's just stupid, yeah pretty much, so listen to this and tell me what you think then, ignore everything else that I've said up until this point, alright, I'll tell you one thing so I'll know then so that I know you'll be able to think of it, it's this directly, remember, ignore everything, that all that I've said to you right now, alright, well so people think that you must be able to be the one to be understand and, to, just to have then them those other people around you that they are able to know what it is that you're also the one talking about too, so why is it then, that there is no one, that has, ever, figured this all out for themselves too?

You want to know my real reason for saying all of this, kind of just first let me say this, I like talking to you about this right now too though, usually I mean you have no idea how many times that I've had to say this just to have someone else being able to understand me and mostly most likely they never do really actually, this is what really that I actually like doing right here, just telling other people things that I can talk about here, I hope that the rest of what other people can't understand right now dies and is burred in an unmarked shallow grave right now, I have to dig holes, plural, just to get to be able to fill them with all of people's stupidity too, just no, alright, you want to know my real reason for saying all of this right now, it's this right here, I have actually, actually I have accepted and acknowledged the fact right now, that, that it might not even e that I'm just really smart, if you're to tell me or anyone ever does try at convincing me, that it's either just that the reason they don't understand is all because of how I'm just being stupid, or then if not it's really just that I think that I make sense only when I am talking to other people, then I would have to agree with you then, then, yes I would, I would, would too, oh, I know it, that I'm either just as stupid to other people as stupid people can be, or, it's that, or, it's that the real reason that they don't understand themselves right now isn't because of anything that I've ever said, it's because that that's it, you get it, I'm saying they be thinking that what they be thinking is really what they know too, because but it's not, that's the most stupidest thing that I've ever heard in my life right now, no, it's not what about what you know, in a conversation, with, other people too, it's, that what you understand, if you don't understand something, then you shouldn't be the right now the one that even thinks of actually even being the one to tell that other person is they are stupid just because of something like that that they did say, ever. That's stupid, if that's what passes for smart people's food for thought now days, then, maybe that's right, maybe I don't have any point left in this world anymore, besides, so everyone just is way too stupid to understand what I have to complain about anyways too, if someone tells me they don't understand, then I'm not going just to question every decision that I've ever made, but then when they turn around say shit like, oh now I understand you now, I just feel like punching them in the face and walking away, but one thing that I can straight tell right now to you is this, that when that happens, what I'm not going to do, is, to be telling them that they are stupid because I don't understand them listening to them telling me that the reason they really don't understand is because they just be thinking that I'm stupid just for trying to talk to them, when I open my mouth, it's because I want people to know what I'm talking about, not just only be thinking that they do, but then again, I don't know, maybe I'm just not stupid enough just to be thinking that's really actually a good idea, anyway, or maybe it's true, yeah it could be true, people are just stupid because they're people.

I didn't have to tumble around with this in my mind for years, just to prevail, in being, able, to know that other people either are or aren't able understand me themselves like people would. I knew this straight right out of the gate. I will say though, it did however take me like pretty much quiet well a while though just to think about having to be the one thinking about there might actually be something that makes me really different from people that's making me different than people and I may not even know just what that thing is like even if I did know it, I contemplated both, nothing has changed since then, I still talk to have let other people understand me, I still think that people are just way too stupid even just to understand things what they already do know think that they know themselves, that and I still think that there is definitely something like that is still making me different than others myself, it was never like anyone just had other than if someone ever told me before that like that's the way it really is to me, I've just heard so much crap in my world in my life, that now I've just been the one to have assumed that it may just be only just by chance but still I mean someone out there was simply just bound to talk to another person atone point and somehow, don't even ask me how, someone that is that person was able to understand that person and maybe then it didn't even have to be what that either of them ever even thought they knew, known, or that thinking that they have thinking that that they are thinking they themselves were really are the ones now to have just so simply been able to understand that other person, yeah I assumed that, because, I'm not a stupid person that would other possibly think otherwise, isn't that pretty funny?

So, I was thinking, you know this isn't even have of what I could be telling you right now about what people think and why they would ever be thinking that I'm the one that they just cannot just simple possibly ever be able to understand right? This was just the very one idea that popped into my head for just why that I might just be thinking of maybe ever is possibly at all wanting to even tell you about it to you right now. That's the thought that i just grabbed and ran with right there, sometimes I don't even watch what I'm saying I'll just let whatever falls out just fall right on out. Maybe I am different, or stupid, or something literally nonunderstandable to even those people that would be thinking that they know, I'm like oh, so what if I am, it's not like ow that, now that I'm going to be listening to be convinced by just simply people like these at of at all ever being the ones to convince me of that, you know why, because, stupid people. Oh no. I only think about this like this, the real meaning of communicating, is to have something to say, the only thing that I can say right now, is, that I've not always be been the one that has always had something to say, but I do myself always just trying to simply at to trying to be the one that does actually have something to talk about, if someone is ever going just to trying to be the one to convince me of something that I don't already know, I mean I'm left handed, an INTJ personality and I'm psychic, they better be gosh darn, you have no idea, gosh darn able to fucking tell me just why that this right now is just to way is so too fucking just nonsensical, if they ever think they would have a rain drop's ripple effect on just being the one to be able to convince me of that I just can't understand what they're even talking about right now. Humans can't even understand each other, I'm like way so far way out there passed that. I could actually tell you just why and how exactly why that, that I'm not anything different than people even with them other people trying to convince me I'm wrong to my face, although yeah I do believe so that I really am I make no exceptions but the one and only exceptions I happen to be making at the time,, when they figure out why they're wrong talking to me about it, let me tell you too, I'm not going to fucking turn back around, just to then, ask them, just, why that is, that, that they either do or don't think they are be able to think they know they be understanding to me or not to them, because like, I said, when I open my moth it's not just to simply communicate if that's what people think, when I open my mouth it's because I have real shit to fucking talk about, that what people.

Oh but, there was something that had a profound impact on just how I write about things, you want to hear it, I rad the book, The Style of Writing. That's literally the name of it, the author was something Funk that's all I remember. It was so like nothing small, small book, it was actually really like not even a whole 50 pages inside this book that was the same size almost as a letter, and, I can actually tell you every point in that book without even having to tell you what it's all about too. Alright you're getting it. I think this might have actually been just how it was really written too right here. One, don't use words no, not, stuff, things or whatever, or at least use them where appropriate, use words like something or nothing, two, use you know what just don't even use any of those words that sound like disagreeing, use a word like whether, whether I decide to roll my blue ball outside, it's still cold outside, see like that, three, if you use the same words in a repeated series in a list of some kind, use the same words in all parts of the phrase in that sentence, don't change half way through like start by be saying she's and the stop switching to she is mid way through the point of your sentence, but I've mostly found though myself that people are just too ignorant to this, whether you do it or don't, you should be writing to people that you think should be the one people that being are the ones that do appreciate you're words otherwise no matter what you're saying you're probably just going to sound like Shakespeare trying to text a teenage girl, you could get away with it that's not what I'm saying, you do this for when you have something you know you want people person to read, it depends, four, verbs can change anything that you write, I will go to the store, or I will be going to the store how's that, five, any number that is over above 10 right now, is written in plain number form, unless if maybe it's a really big number, six, I added this one to this myself but t fits perfectly, if it's worth saying once, then it's worth saying it again too, it fits into use the same words or phrases if you're going to be making the same point over and over, let me ask you this, what do, did, you think that the purpose for those questions were that you were asked when in class at school, can you answer this critical thinking question, well you can't be stupid and say yes, you either know the right answer or you don't, this is what school is for right here, you can't just think you know the answer and you certainly just can't start throwing your answers out there silly goosy, I mean like I've said here, people just aren't simply going to be understanding you, this works on women too that I've found, like even when you either do try or are having been be making sense, talk about how you feel, and that's another thing by the way feelings are better than thinks that you can, if there isn't a thing they understand, then well you know what feeling made you said that thing, and then look at that you can still say it again too even to a person that doesn't actually understand, that's communication, seven, passed tense will kill your story, people don't want to hear what's happened they want to hear what is happening, eight, using we makes a better impact than you and I or me or you,, nine, these are the biggest here, nine, use words that make it sound thoughtful, like instead, I mean look it's like written writings they are supposed to be the brain child of the people's minds, it's a whelm of thought, so of course, back to what I was saying, instead of like, use the word likeness, something like that, ten, use big words, not in the literal sense, I mean like, like, grand, that is so good, so kind, no, say, that's so much good, that's much kindness, see how that works, eleven, use short words, if you know that you can spare to trim a big being of a word down and it still mean what you intended, then do it, I am willing and am willing, is not the same as saying, I am willing and have the will, not every word or words have to be a mile long, twelve, use as few and as little as words as possible to you, don't let your story just have suck for context don't do that but, but, but you should cut out as many words as possibly allowed to you, you're telling a story not writing the world's longest opera, you'll know once you get good at it, I love a marry Christmas, how about, a marry Christmas is lovely, God damn right, fuck what people think, thirteen, you should always, always, finish, putting, your most important valuable to you spoken words at the start beginning of your sentences, you'll have to get good t it, it is but it is easy though, just take the most important information that you were just going to slap onto your sentence at the end and then put it at the beginning at that point, maybe not the beginning of the sentence but the point, just put the most valuable words closer to the beginning if you can, which sounds better, I love the Little Mermaid or The Little Mermaid I love the Little Mermaid the mermaid I love. This is what style in writing is, you can't have style writing and make it sound like you know what you're talking about, but at least if you do follow these rules no one will ever try saying to you ever again that what you're saying is stupid because it's just you saying it ever again. This, is real communication, don't let anyone ever tell you that it's not. Also I read a whole book on the skill of communication, again that was the name of the book. But don't tell me that I've broken like all a lot of the rules, I know, I know I've been the one breaking all of these rules, I said that I would try communicating with other people, I didn't say that I for one was ever going to make it able at it to be easy for them to understand. They think that they can write better and make more sense when they talk about things that I be talking about, I'm like, alright you wise little fucks, let me just see you try, if you thought that convince me of something that I wasn't aware of was hard, you're just gonna have to be now just trying to other than that be able to actually truly, truly actually, convincing me that you're better than me, me, at writing things that I tell other people about, doesn't even stand a chance when I repeat back to them just what they say to me. They either know what I mean, or fuck it, I guess we'll just have to figure out why that Neanderthals kept being the ones to be dug up out of the ice sheets of the last ice age won't we then. Stupid people. I tried telling them. As soon as you can follow all of these rules, then you will be able to tell me that whatever comes out of your mouth is more precious than gold to me, until then, everyone is just spare blood to me.

caseyxsharp 7 Nov 20
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