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Evolution of the US in the Nuclear Age.

When I was a kid in Phoenix Arizona in the 50s, crime was not really visible. Not like today. Holdups of stores rarely happened, and gas stations more commonly but still a big deal in the newspapers when they happened. There were some cowboys who were not the smartest people I had ever met, and some had a tendency to speak more than they should to a 6 year old - maybe for effect. Some of them said the mob ran the state, and the big powerful ranchers who associated with them lived near Tuscon.

Phoenix was not a very large town in those days and eventually you might bump into a name that might be in the news, like Everett Dirkson, or Barry Goldwater. As a bit of a precocious kid, often walking around downtown near the law offices of James Struckmeyer, in one of the tallest buildings in town a the time, I followed elections, was aware of the political parties, and often heard contempt emanate from the Democrats about the Republicans. It was notable to me that I rarely heard the same from Republicans about Democrats. I had a sense when I met adults of whether I could trust them or should not speak to them, and except for Everett Dirkson, most Democrats left me feeling a little unsettled.

Racism was practically non-existent. I knew of a few individuals who said incredibly angry, racist things, but most people ignored them and generally kept their distance from them. There did seem to be roles and jobs that were more often held by those with darker skin, but not much poverty in Phoenix. Most of the folks just making it day to day were blue collar workers, janitors, transportation workers and teachers of all shades. And I witnessed the change in some of them as unions took over their trades. I felt unsettled about what I saw there too. By the time I left Phoenix in 1964, I had the distinct feeling that Phoenix had become a different, more scary place. I literally felt my future was uncertain remaining in Phoenix. No one was going to care about a 13 year old kid, but what would I be required to do as I grew up, I wondered?

Some of my fearful state could be attributed to witnessing atomic bomb tests on TV when I was 4. Those airborne tests happened only a few hundred miles to the North, just West of Las Vegas. Later I would learn that my sense of foreboding may have been a sense within my own body as a result of those tests. I was born of parents who lived in Colorado Springs, in which every man, woman and child received a dose of about 9 rads following every airborne test. 17 of them when my mom was pregnant and until we left in 1953.

150 or so rads is quite a lot for a baby, and today I have a similar syndrome as many Hiroshima survivors.

I had asked my Dad if I could live with him in New York State. In those days custody was pretty much automatically awarded to the mother. Statutes set the age of choice at 14, but the judge agreed that at 13, I would be regarded as capable of making the decision. I had no idea that the State of New York already had gone through what was happening in Phoenix, and that its politicians were long ago bought and paid for.

The difference seemed to be that the concentration of power, and history of corruption seemed to be in New York City, and Albany, but not so evident where my Dad lived in Schenectady. Schenectady was an industrial town, formerly the home of ALCO locomotive, GE's Gas Turbine Division, and the Knolls Atomic Power Labs. So mostly upscale middle class managers lived in my Dad's neighborhood of Niskayuna - the Mohawk Indian name for the area.

More curious than ever, I started to look into the history of New York City. I concluded that many of the movies made in Hollywood failed to capture the extent of corruption, coercion, violence and mayhem that had been going on in the City since Colonial days. In the first successful European settlement, the Dutch West India Company had brought African slaves, and was soon in conflict with the local indigenous population, resulting in the first loss of life in the area. In 1638, eighty Lenape were killed in the Pavonia Massacre near what is now Jersey City.

In 1664, the British attacked the Dutch in repeated conflict until 1674, when they finally gained "New Netherland" from them and renamed it "Suriname" under the Treaty of Westminster. The number of casualties may be unknown. Leister's Revolution controlled the area from 1689 to 1691, when he was executed. Again the casualties are uncertain.

In 1741 a series of fires were blamed on the slave population, and 35 people were executed, mostly slaves.

The rise of lawyers in New York by 1760 resulted in their general disgrace, and the founding of the American Bar Association was an attempt to salvage their profession. Wealthy empires had risen by then from robust trade with Europe, and conflict arose between the Delancy and Livingston families in 1768.

Some lawyers were Loyalists - holding fealty to Great Britain, and they were not allowed to practice law without signing allegiance to the nascent United States of America.

The Revolutionary War from 1776 to 1783 resulted in the British withdrawing from the Colonies. There were about 50,000 US casualties from all causes, and probably about the same number of British casualties.

New York City served as the National Capital under the Articles of Confederation from 1785 to 1789, and briefly served as the new nation's capital 1789-1790 under the new United States Constitution.

Irish immigration driven by the Great Potato Famine stressed the new city with desperate and culturally corrupt immigrants, who did not come " order to form a more perfect union," the goal of their formerly British earlier arrivals. By 1855 Fernando Wood was the first mayor of Tammany Hall, and a political machine was established that controlled the local Democrat Party, which had been founded in 1828 as the "Party of the common man."

Thomas Jefferson feared the aristocratic attitudes of Alexander Hamilton's Federalist Party as reminiscent of the French before the French Revolution, who had given too much power to the central government at the EXPENSE of the common man. Some have argued that Jefferson's party became the Democrat Party, but that makes no sense. The Federalists were interested in a stronger central government than the Constitution allowed, a trait of Democrats today.

Only 30 years after the new nation was created under a Constitution that for the first time in history declared that government had not the power to grant rights to the people; we just have them, politicians - Democrats, cynically jockeyed for power, at the expense of the rights of the people.

The Constitution stated that the government had no right to infringe our rights. And our government was set up with three branches, creating an unlikely environment for collusion against the people. Our leaders were exempt from prosecution while in office. All of those principles came from the things that went badly in Great Britain. Yet power brokers sought loopholes in the Constitution to increase their influence.

The Democrat Party could at any time have declared itself to be a defender of the Constitution, but has not to this day. And its leadership has been a string of corruption, deception and even murder almost from the beginning. From calling themselves "The party of the common man," to labeling themselves "Liberals," their deception had roots from the beginning. True liberals of course, are defenders of individual liberty (LIBERty for ALL). Democrats are proponents of big government, which always is at the expense of individual liberty. That's what the Constitution is all about: individual liberty.

In 1854, our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, declared the Republican Party the defender of the Constitution. Democrats, having been accepted as more or less the definition of what politicians were, corrupt and born liars, did not seem to feel particularly duty bound to change their ways, but also knew they had a problem. If they did not find a way to improve their image against the newly formed image of Lincoln's Republican Party, they might be toast.

Democrats stepped up their already well developed art of slander. Democrat voters did not want to lose face either, as having been fooled all that time, and they were happy to repeat the slander offered by their leaders. But Democrats had not changed. Around 1868, they formed the Ku Klux Klan, and hid under white hoods to avoid being identified, and tried to intimidate former slaves from voting Republican, including murder. Democrats, in true historical form, did their best to convince voters that it was Republicans attacking former slaves; something incredibly still believed to this day by most Democrat voters.

I had a great uncle named John, who was a flim-flam artist, a gold mine salter and an all around disreputable character, who was a Democrat and a member of the Klan. Even he tried to resign from the Klan because of their level of violence, and fled the area for fear of being murdered by the Klan for quitting. Great uncle John disappeared an early age.

Around the turn of the last century a new political movement appeared which also challenged Constitutional limits of government: Communism. In theory, Communists stated they believed that humans could govern themselves with no government, kind of like Libertarians on steroids. But they claimed socialism would have to be adopted with a strong hand to properly lead the people to that evolution. They knew nothing of genes in those days, and actually believed humans would evolve by political coercion into some kind of higher species.

The 18th Amendment to our Constitution made alcohol illegal in the US. The 21st Amendment repealed it. It was our first real experience with social engineering that proved without any doubt that you can't legislate morality. There have been other such tests which have proved the same thing. Every time a new idea has been forced on the public in which the public is divided, things do not go well, and such measures are often repealed.

But Marxists and Democrats found they had in common their belief that the Constitution had to go, and Marxists had new ideas that Democrats were only too willing to adopt, such as de-stabilizing society everywhere Republicans were in office, to make alternatives seem more reasonable. The KKK remained their militant arm for that purpose until the 1970s when enough of the public finally seemed to catch on. Democrat leaders who had held their convention in 1960 across the street from the KKK convention in Chicago, with leadership freely walking back and forth as recorded by Life Magazine as I recall, redoubled their efforts to label Republicans as KKK, and explained that "Blue Dog Democrats" were really Republicans. Much of the public bought that tissue paper flimsy assertion.

In 1833, Chicago was founded and its first mayor was a Democrat. Democrats have held Chi-town since then, and it has become known as the "Corruption Capital of the US." Most big cites are full of workers, and the appeal of the "Party of the common man," and the allure of socialism almost guaranteed big cities would all be Democrat enclaves. Corruption became synonymous with US politics.

In 1855 Chicago Mayor Levi Boone was run out of office for being anti-immigration. Elected in a full-on Democrat held territory, Democrats claimed he was actually a member of the "Know-Nothing Party," I guess as a way of disowning the corruption.

In 1931, Anton Cernak was assassinated. Possibly mob related.

In 1955, Richard Daley became mayor of Chicago and his regime was widely known as mob connected.

More recently Rod Blagojavich was found guilty on multiple counts of corruption in Chicago.

In other cities corruption flourished. Democrat Governor Huey P. Long held court from 1928 until his assassination in 1935.

Constitutional challenges were made by Democrats almost from the beginning. One of the most damaging at that time was the 17th Amendment.

The Senate was a stable branch of government appointed by the states for longer terms than the House of Representatives, which effectively addressed the Founding Fathers concerns that most governments often do more harm than good with legislation. The Senate often stopped legislation from passing. As George Washington noted: "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." - In a speech of January 7, 1790.

But the 17th Amendment changed the Senate to popular election like the House. Hello runaway legislation! We now have about 19,000 laws on the books, many conflicting and duplication, which the Constitution was generally intended to cover. That's a lot of opportunity for siphoning away funds when the public is not watching.

And is the public watching? Even a few decades after the Constitution was adopted, immigrants with little understanding or devotion to its radical principles, came in bringing their desperation and lack of morality often caused by desperation. Understandable, but the US was to pay a terrible price in destruction of Constitutional principles by pressure from Democrats, Marxists and many immigrants.

After the "Civil War," WWI, WWII, and Korea...war weary Americans just wanted to be left alone to enjoy the freedom that their representatives were supposed to keep for them. No one noticed when the first serious blow to the Constitution came in 1937.

Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt illegally coerced the Supreme Court by threatening to remove them all if they failed to abandon the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. In what became known as "The stitch in time that saved nine," SCOTUS did so in the 1942 decision Wickard v Filburn, which gave the government the power to tell US farmers what they could and could not grow, as effectively as Soviet Central Planning. The public response? Crickets.

That was the camel's nose in the tent, that inaugurated a vast unaccountable Federal bureaucracy that even Franz Kafka could not have imagined.

The corruption continued almost unabated, as the Department of Agriculture quietly became the FDA, and eventually the Department of Health and Human Services.

In 1948 Lyndon B. Johnson was suspected of election fraud, but in the first evidence of the existence of a Deep State, hid the fraud by manipulation of the judicial system and the state Democratic political organization.

Senator Ted Kennedy murdered an aide and was never prosecuted, but a book by the attending State Trooper after he retired called "Executive Privilege" details what happened at Chappaquiddick.

In 1987, Democrat mayor of Biloxi, Mississippi, Pete Harat was convicted of murder.

Some estimates are that around 50 Democrat Senators and Representatives who had nothing going into office became millionaires, like Harry Reid and John Kerry. Our 33rd President Harry S. Truman said "You can't get rich in politics unless you are a crook." Given the fact that he was a Democrat, it might explain how he knew, although there were certainly those who inexplicably chose to join the Democrat Party who were dedicated servants of the public. Truman, who died penniless, was probably one of the few.

In 1983, Democrats passed the little known LRRA, which "regulated" insurance companies. 276 insurance companies went out of business overnight, and insurance rates quadrupled. Was that a foresightful tactic to set the stage for un-Constitutional Obamacare?

The public was outraged and Democrats successfully blamed "big pharma," the medical industry and of course, Republicans. Again the public bought it, elected more Democrats, tightened their belts and went back to sleep.

Obamacare was passed in the dead of night with Speaker Pelosi noting "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it." Insurance rates tripled over the prior increases. Statistics on medical procedures and deaths worsened. Democrats again blamed big pharma, the medical industry and Republicans, and again the public quietly tightened their belts, elected more Democrats, and went back to sleep.

More recently, Democrats have seen that massive omnibus bills easily pass in Congress without a peep from the public. Bill Clinton managed to secure millions from the Haiti Relief bill, and the public seemed oblivious that no relief made it to Haiti. Let the games begin!

When Obama came to office as a shameless Marxist, he asserted that classical economics like supply and demand were outdated concepts, which Marxism could properly control. Obama proposed and the Democrat Congress passed 9 trillion dollars in spending; about the same debt acquired in the history of the US before Obama.

Some on the right were concerned that it might not be just delusional thinking, and if our society were sufficiently destabilized by an economic collapse, that Marxism might actually seem like a reasonable alternative to a public completely disconnected from our Constitution. The United States economic performance under Obama was the worst in the history of the United States. Only Biden may exceed that record.

And Obama brought back racism in "Critical Race Theory" at a time when the human genome had been sequenced, proving beyond doubt that there are no races among Homo-Sapiens. More intentional destabilization of society? For the first time in my life, I witnessed systemic racial hatred. I had only read about it in books about the KKK before now.

"You have a Republic, if you can keep it." - Ben Franklin. Today the public is mostly unaware of the uniqueness of our Constitution, as if other countries also have such a document. Liberia adopted our Constitution almost verbatim, as attorney Betsy Landis, who did most of the work for them, told me. But in her lifetime, the Liberians proved they had insufficient understanding of the concept to honor its principles. They ignored their own Constitution and chaos & corruption reigned. Long before Liberia, John Adams said "Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge of the people." I fear we are not far from being like Liberia.

Democrats are now in full-on theft of the resources of our nation, our elections, and our Liberty. We have an unsustainable debt of 31 trillion dollars, far greater than our GDP. About $100,000 of debt for every taxpayer, for absolutely nothing in return. The devaluation of our currency from that debt will only survive support as the World currency for a limited time. After that, we will go the way of Argentina, Greece, Yugoslavia, and so many other nations who tried to print money out of thin air to get out of economic trouble.

There is a pervasive Deep State; operatives installed by Democrats at every level of government to protect Democrats from prosecution, that are provided massive funds for election fraud, escape or payoffs to keep them out of jail, and which now reaches across the Constitutional separation of powers, which at one time prevented collusion against Americans.

The 9 trillion Dollars the GAO said is missing is enough to keep that going for decades more.

Agencies now fully co-opted include the FBI, the CIA, DOJ, Department of State, Department of Education, the HSS, and to varying degrees, the military. Democrats and Marxists probably believe this is the right direction for the US: bringing it down to the level of any other nation, to make it ripe for Marxism. Our Founders would not recognize this United States of America. Even I don't, and I did not know America before farmers lost their right to grow what they chose. If America does not wake up soon, this great experiment in Liberty will soon be a memory in history.

Democrat voters today don't want to be bothered with politics, and seem to be more concerned with the Masked Singer, and their monster trucks. The few who aren't seem to be focused on a very narrow spectrum of concerns, including "justice" in Ukraine, COVID-19 vaccinations, Climate Change, and Republican election fraud. Some of them are single issue voters who think gender or likeability are important to the future of the Republic. Others are focused on the Federal Reserve. It has probably never occurred to them that the bank holding US Federal currency can either be a government bank or a private bank. Guess which one might be more prone to corruption?

Still others seem to have bought the Marxist myth hook, line and sinker, that the government actually has money, instead of the reality that it comes from the people. Money printed out of thin air by the government is worthless, and when placed in circulation is no different than counterfeit money. Enough of it and the whole currency is worthless. That is like stealing from the people, whose paycheck becomes worth less and less as more money is printed. When your debt is $100,000 and you might not make that much for the rest of your life, you are basically working for nothing at that point. Someone owns you.

Most of them seem unaware that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia has roots hundreds of years old, and that interfering literally risks nuclear war. Those same voters have no idea that no one survives even a limited nuclear conflict, and actually consider that an option.

Most folks are getting wise to the vaccine and climate change frauds. As for Republican election fraud, it just proves how brainwashed so many of them are. They will no doubt continue to blame Republicans until we are a Marxist nation their rights and toys are gone, and they wonder how Republicans did it, in spite of their champions, the Democrats.

TimTuolomne 9 Mar 25

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Thank you for this, I will with your permission pass it along.
I have been saying often lately that this looks like a slow moving train wreck, both here in the US and in most Western countries, especially in Canada where 65% of voters voted for greater socialism in the last federal election. God help us.

I wrote my true experiences to provide a clear record of Democrat corruption from the beginning, and to offset as much of the current false narrative as possible. Please do forward as much as possible.


One thing missing here is the damage done by Woodrow Wilson. Extreme and pervasive. He epitomized the racist and socialist bent of the Democratic Party at the turn of the 20th century.

I share your respect for Everett Dirksen.

My first visit to Phoenix was in the mid-70s. Downtown was in decline but Goldwater’s remained a beacon.


Interesting overview, especially to someone of our age who has never been in Phoenix or New York city.

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