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Here in Canada too!
bobbo666 comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Not gonna work here. Since the first suspicion of the WuhanFlu wiping out humanity the local library closed its doors. Months and months later they opened them, kinda. You come to the door after ordering docs online (no browsing inside) and they pass them on to you without contact -- but only if you are wearing a mask. Same budget, tho. Imagine. I quit going entirely.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Learn to type and/or proofread, yah lazy TWOT. And, toothpicks were used, had to be.
‘Fight of our lifetime’: Grant Newsham on the global impact if China declares war on Taiwan | ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Naah, gonna be like Sudatenland. (sp?). Nothing bad came of that, right? The death toll will be much, much larger. The only way to stop it quickly will be to decapitate the monster right off. Since that would cut off BeijingBiden's "cut", not a chance.
What to say anytime Zuck defends Facebook
bobbo666 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
If anything on FB offends you, why do you return or fret about not being allowed to do so? It is not like rehab -- wherein you are supposedly freed from a nasty addiction. It has not been good for years. It's like being addicted to arsenic.
Dear friends older than 37
bobbo666 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
No, yah TWOT, it had nothing to do with a typewriter. It was the PROPER way to end a sentence.
If I was not banned, I'd see about it ;-)
bobbo666 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
Another version: "You've already had it." At any other time in history, it was called the flu. And, since that is what the now withdrawn CDC PCR test was testing for, millions of people already had it.
Word of warning.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
So long as mailin voting is allowed (not absentee, that is vetted) there can never be a valid election. The midterms will tell, Demos will sweep.
The Hard Reality from the Sedition, Subversion and Sabotage Field Manual No. 1 By BadQuakerDotCom
bobbo666 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
Umm, kill would-be tyrants? Prospective murders of millions? Kinda like the meme of going back in time to kill baby H? It's not like we don't know who they are.
Google And YouTube Will Start Demonetizing What They Call 'Climate Denial'[]
bobbo666 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
Start? They've been doing this for ages. Doubting the Armageddon caused by wrongthinkers who actually read the science on the ineffectiveness of high CO2 levels and confuse such with actual air pollution has been hidden for quite some time. Just like ER doctors who testify about the corruption of science on the WuhanFlu farce. This anti-science BS is brought to you by the same folk, bytheway.
I used to post funny stuff on facebook. Now it's nothing but warnings about "sensitive content."
bobbo666 comments on Oct 9, 2021:
They are just trying to protect your simple, little mind from bad thoughts. Badthink. Avoid it! And, since you are too simple (not being an enlightened progressive) to accomplish even that, just shut up and sit down!
I’ve Been Thinking…
bobbo666 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
With a PedoPres installed into the WHouse, what can anyone expect? And, with Epstein dead (murdered) the perves in the MSM are safe.
Virtue Signaling At Its Finest…
bobbo666 comments on Oct 8, 2021:
And, it is "feelings" that matter to the types that worry about this sort of thing. Not reality, feelings.
Mom speaks out on FBI school probe: DOJ ‘has declared a war on parents’ To be more straight ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
The FBI was turned when that political hack Mueller was made its director. Downhill since then. It will resemble the KGB before long.
This is very interesting.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Kind of a turnaround. For ages the left has been routinely using their slaves as pawns.
History Debunked - Black History Month; Destroying the myths.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
I'm not sure what sort of hero s might be getting pushed for another pandering by the race/hatred community leaders. Don't care a lot, either. When their ilk hold up monsters like Floyd or Brown, they lose all credibility. There are black hero s, tho. But, they will never be publically (sp?) celebrated, tho. They are the small families that struggle and succeed in raising non-parasites and losers. And, I say families. Dad had the courage to stick around and do his job.
LGBT Movement is Now Called ‘2SLGBTQQIA+’ []
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
If this is supposed to be one of those cryptic vanity license plates, "Whhosh" right over my head. That is why I'm sticking with my original read: LGBT = LuggButt. If that offends, congratulations, you have two active brain cells!
Governor Newsom Unveils Plan To Get Millions Of Californians To Switch To Homeschooling ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Could well be closer to the truth than suspected. He is an idiot. Yeah, yeah, I know it is the BB. I still stand by my position -- he is an idiot.
Years ago, people laughed off Jordan Peterson’s warnings of the state someday compelling speech ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Pretty boy Trudeau's Gov'mt made it quite clear to JP that the intent of the law was to punish. They, the gov'mt, estimated that an "improper" use of pronouns would cost ~$300K. Yes, hundred. There is no free speech in Canada. Not in US, either, for that matter. Not since the commies took over.
Seriously: what is the US going to do if China takes Taiwan?
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Taiwan cannot depend upon any treaty with the US. Obama and Biden are both against American interests. Taiwan's best option is to purchase nukes -- and then "leak" to the CCP where they will go if an invasion happens. No need for ICBM's. Just junk freighters in China ports. Taiwan is like Cuba, a lot of refugees eager to take revenge for family members murdered by commies.
Biden’s State Dept.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
It depends. If a country only needs 100 nukes to reliably waste all of its enemies, and reveals that it has 1000 -- enemies won't even think about a surprise attack -- couldn't possibly hit all the sites. Not really a card game, unless my deck has 100 aces and I've got 95 of them. Of course, this is BeijingBiden's State Dept -- they probably listed all the addresses, too.
Last year there were very few (in many places none) asian flu cases.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Well, it and its variants are. But, they have been renamed. More profits that way since folks were backing off flu vaccines (& they were legit vaccines) since their overall effectiveness is 10-40%. Note that the vax for the renamed variants conveys no immunity whatsoever. CDC changed the definition to cover that failure.
When two men met on opposite sides of a river.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Could humorously turn into a "who's on 2nd, what's on 3rd" skit if the other guy is cruel enough.
Congress is attempting to pass “red flag” gun confiscation orders and other gun control measures...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
SCOTUS already smacked red flag laws in a ruling a few months ago. Looks to be another crappola law writeup to pander to idiot constituents while knowing full well that the law is illegal. Typical gun control crappola. Typical BeijingBiden move.
Bardejow, Slovakia
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Umm, the axe man concerns me a bit. He's wearing a hood. Does that mean the village had its own, full-time, headsman? Odd thing to celebrate/honor in the town square.
New Video - Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema was stalked by activists into a women's bathroom, and ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
The progressive left (progressive=DemoSocialist=socialist=commie crappola) has always been a mob of hateful, self-centered, self-righteous Aholes. Their goal has never been to improve, just belittle and hold down others. It makes them feeeeeeel better. And, since there are so few adults around willing to treat them like the whiney 4-yr olds they model, they get away with it.
There is a gender neutral, non binary pronoun that is for everyone...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Everyone in general or just when you feel the urge to bestow it upon a deserving TWOT? If the former, chill dude.
Chinese dissident claims COVID-19 was spreading during the 2019 military games in Wuhan.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
This, Fall of '19, is same timeframe when a bunch of Wuhan leatherworkers were returned to northern Italy -- Italy had allowed importation of cheap labor to replace Italian leather workers. Italy was first EU "area" (no longer countries there) to break out in WuhanFlu. And, surprise, surprise, the CCP denied it had anything whatsoever to do with them.. Thousands died. But, since the CCP couldn't care less, so what?
Got a chuckle out of this one.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 7, 2021:
Top left didn't open. Too much water. I do that to my roses alla time.
Australia is such a success for the globalists that I believe the next move in America will be moves...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
That is the reason for defunding police. Let crime get out of hand, and institute a police state as response -- elites are now forever in power.
As Northern Germans, we really struggle with the six feet distance mandate .
bobbo666 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
What, no whinging about metric system crappola? You are really a closet Pole, aren't you? Yeah, yeah, trying to pass.
Facebook COMPLETELY Shuts Down AND Hit With Major Hackhttps://[]
bobbo666 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of TWOT's. Mebbe DJTrump's intricate Russian connections finally came thru? Please, next shot, totally black out Silicon Valley. Include San Jose, too, the mayor is an idiot. Then, march up the coast. Black out every area within 30 miles of coast -- only 30 miles, mind. My house is at 30+. Let's not be sloppy! Precision is important.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
I don't believe that BeijingBiden is that predictable. He is random. Like a coin flip.
Lauren Southern: Can You Still Oppose Mandates While Complying?
bobbo666 comments on Oct 6, 2021:
Just another version of : I disagree with you but will defend to the death your right to say it. I feel that if someone is vulnerable, health wise (co-morbidities) then get the jab. It will protect you but is worthless for immunity and protecting others. But, if you choose to not get it, for whatever reason, don't. And, anyone who tries to force you or anyone who supports forcing you is a stinking bastid who deserves the worst the world can give.
'Firearms bubble economy' makes 2021 second-highest gun sales year ever | Washington Examiner
bobbo666 comments on Oct 5, 2021:
I object to the misleading "bubble" bit. That is usually reserved for commodities that are kinda investments -- houses, 2nd house, srt, etc. Things expected to increase in value and therefore constitute an investment. My gun purchases were not an investment, unless increasing my odds of staying alive is an investment. If their sale value drops to nothing, I don't care. I'm not selling.
“MIT” – where brains and balls are inversely proporational
bobbo666 comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Lemme guess. His inappropriate political views were expressed when he said that "some inconsequential gas has no measurable effect on climate -- anywhere." Oops.
Interesting that the “picture everyone naked” trick to ease anxiety while presenting in front of...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Yah, I was always suspicious of that. I do not want to see THAT uncovered. Now, those three over that a way, oh Lawdy, what was I supposed to be thinking about?
the boosters
bobbo666 comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Lots of losers.
exemplary cognitive dissonance or donkey cavity flatulence
bobbo666 comments on Oct 5, 2021:
Well, hatred yes, ignorance no. Leave it to a loser to get only one out of two. But, he does follow up with a stupendously stupid implication that BeijingBiden wants to improve anyone's live beside his own.
Why are there only two pallbearers at a politician's funeral?
bobbo666 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
A big wheel politico will use a dumpster -- they have wheels. Still only need two pallbearers to get it moving.
Until money is made to be obsolete, equality and unity cannot be.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Fred, this is gibberish. Money is simply a convenient means to trade one thing for another -- a step waaay above barter. Inequality is good. It simulates competition, which leads to advancement of all. What is dangerous is when those once in power using $$$ to keep others from supplanting them thru competition. That is how communism "works".
"If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because the guns will be needed to ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Guns have been called the great equalizer -- 'Cause they make a feeble me able to defend myself against a life threatening assailant (even a bear). Protecting myself against such is a human right -- even if it means I have to kill an attacker to stay alive. So, your trying to limit my access to a gun is you trying to wrest away from me the right to stay alive. You are a potential murderer, of me and my family. I am armed. Go ahead and try and take it. “FUCK JOE BIDEN” ?
bobbo666 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
History is written by the winners. And, we non-commies have lost.
Spanish government says that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been isolated The Spanish Ministry of ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
My understanding is that the initial PCR test for the WuhanFlu, the one that was used to "document" millions of cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths, was withdrawn as invalid since it was never tested against an actual bit of the virus -- it had never been isolated by anyone. So, that test was "validated" using bits of flu virus. This kinda implies that all of the numbers are for flu.
BioNTech CEO says new COVID-19 vaccines will likely be needed next year []
bobbo666 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Well, of course. The MBA's who infiltrated most companies and rotted them out from the inside are predicting a need for continuing profits -- that means more mandated jabs. Numbers and Dollars are more important now.
Singapore Reports Worst Daily Number of COVID-19 Cases, Despite High Vaccination Rate Isabel ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
I wonder if they are using the Chinese vaccine -- the one that is supposedly developed as an actual vaccine -- like for all other vaccines before the CDC perverted the definition to eliminate immunity. Nonetheless, it is made in China. So, it will "break" in six months or so.
Don’t use a big word…
bobbo666 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
There is protest....And there is being a complete ass. []
bobbo666 comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Why would anyone expect anything other than such terrible behavior from a "leftists"? They have become trash.
DeSantis: 'We Look Forward To The Day When The Western Hemisphere Is.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
He and others like him need to pound away at the tens of millions murdered by all socialist/commie regimes. Every time. And, YES that is real socialism. Every time. It is not about social justice, it is about promoting its supporters over the bodies of others. Marx was a monster, like Caligula. Hitler. Every serial murderer in history.
Tortillas Were Thrown At A Basketball Game, Prompting Calls To End Racism.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Oh lordy. Those distressed are in the same category as the twit horrified at seeing American flags all over the place. Grow the 'Ell up, people! It was kids harassing other kids.
I want one! Bicycle from… 1946.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Lower the damned rod connecting the steering column to the seat -- like a Dutch bike. Even as a kid I hurt myself enough times to remember. Otherwise, cool!
It’s Now Legal For Young Black Savages To Beat Old White Dudes To Death, They Just Have To Claim ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Concealed or open carry. An armed society is a more polite one. Look at FBI stats, ~300K/yr incidents wherein an altercation was halted or minimized by someone pulling a gun.
What to know about homeschooling:
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
I think the only potential downside is a decreased socialization with other kiddos. But, all we in society need worry about is training the little savages before the age of 4-5 and the job is gonna be OK. If you miss that, tho, disaster.
Almost put this in jokes and memes. But it's 2021 and reality has been shoved in a blender.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
And, since Trudeau did the same in Canada, they are next.
SCOTUS Justice Kavanaugh tests positive for COVID-19, but is fully vaccinated, has no symptoms ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Well, what kind of test? The FDA/CDC withdrew the early PCR test months ago since it was invalid -- since the folks who created the test had not isolated Covid they jimmied something up using flu virus bits. So, the early PCR test confirmed the presence of flu, nothing else. And, the vax confers no immunity. So, of course you can get re-infected. Showing no symptoms might just mean that the fake vax continues to protect HIM! No one else, tho. As to the meaning of this mess, it is a soup of fake CNN news. It has devolved into that state. Which, BTW, is perfect for would-be tyrants.
Here ya go folks - what is really driving the hoax of COVID vaccine mandates and the lockdowns?
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Nah, never work here. Corrupt Demos and other commie trash are accused of all kinds of stuff but the braindead boot lickers who follow CNN ignore it -- since CNN quit reporting years ago. They have all the integrity of Goebbels and BaghdadBob.
Hunters teeth are so bad that when he smiled to the cashier at walmart, the barcode scanner picked ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Meth heads have that problem -- smoking destroys the enamel. Most everything else, too.
Need your input if we could change the name of this group to "International News" and the group icon...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
Well, as an American, would this then exclude news in US? Or, internal to any country?
Oh, lookie here. What's that?
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
OOOh, "effectively controlled". There is a dangerous concept. Since it is legal for US reps to do insider trading this would be a very dangerous idea. It would make it difficult to continue to feed insider info to relatives so that they can invest on behalf/profit of the politicos. Can't have that.
The Wuhan FLU.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
If near-criminal negligence = deliberate, then Yes. With funding from Fauci, et al, for gain-of-function; they were trying to anticipate a nasty version of the flu. They screwed up when they allowed it to get out. They made it criminal when they covered it up in the first week or so.
UK Government Report: Vast Majority of Delta Variant Deaths Are VACCINATED People, NOT Unvaccinated ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 2, 2021:
I'm fairly certain that this did not come out via CNN, or their boot lickers who spew the party line. Anyone disputing the probability, near certainty, that those who got the fake vax are not breeding mutations lack a basic understanding of evolution. If such continue to spew the party line and ignore the argument, they are anti-science; AKA "modern day liberals". And, "MDL"s are not the liberals of Roosevelt2 days. Not even Carter's.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Antifa, like BLM, is a commie mob. A collection of attention-seeking losers taking directions from the DNC and its ilk.
Spain: Lava stream now reaches Ocean; experts warn of irritation on skin, breathing ...
bobbo666 comments on Oct 1, 2021:
"Experts " had to issue warnings that molten rock would irritate skin and make it difficult to breathe ? Geesh. If you see a cloud of unknown crappola and it is not fog, get out of its path.
Amen to that.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 1, 2021:
I'm just assuming that the piccie is a representation of her kids. Where, oh where, is the "bad sheep" in this bunch? Surely one of them was willing to smear on a little blackface to screw with the camera!
I’m not anti-social…
bobbo666 comments on Oct 1, 2021:
AKA : I have taste. And, you taste funny, so go away.
Chinese Government Scientist Filed COVID Vaccine Patent Before Pandemic Began []
bobbo666 comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Also note that the vaccines peddled by the CCP seem to be an actual attempt at a vaccine -- using bits of the bug and intended to provide immunity. In contrast the crappola peddled by Pharm is a vax only because the FDA redefined/corrupted the word so that immunity is no longer a requirement -- unlike any other vaccine in history. So, it is possible that the patent application is valid and not in conflict with any of the crappola being peddled over here by BeijingBiden and his supporters.
You don't need an Ancestry DNA kit to find out who your relatives are.
bobbo666 comments on Oct 1, 2021:
Ooh, I did one of those. I'm a mutt! Imagine my surprise! Mostly EU, but ~5% Mex and SE Asian. I'm a non-white minority!!! Where are my reparations? I'm old, need them now.
Vaccine Supporters - How Do You Explain Singapore's Data - After 77% Fully Vac, Death Doubled - ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 30, 2021:
Vax supporters don't feel obliged to even acknowledge contrary facts, much less discuss them in a meaningful way. Vax supporters are like global warming zombies -- simply repeat what your masters have written and go on. Every point made in these fields is scientifically disputed, repeatedly. But, since that is branded "misinformation" no action is required. Arguing with a modern day "liberal" is a waste of time. Mind, the word "liberal" has been totally corrupted. Kinda like "gay".
ANTIFA Terrorist That Shot Proud Boy At Anti Vaxx Mandate Rally Arrested []
bobbo666 comments on Sep 30, 2021:
My bet is that this arrest will be just like hundreds of others when the DNC Antifa/BLM tools were burning and murdering in most of 2020 leading up to the "election": charges dropped by a bent prosecutor.
"Why are men such sleazeballs?" wondered the woman with blue hair
bobbo666 comments on Sep 30, 2021:
One man did it so WE all do? You, whatever, are full of shite. Men either lead, or follow those that do. Things that do upskirt videos are not men. Mebbe by your definition they are, but that just means you mix only with the bent crowd and need to get out of your basement a lot more.
NY State Crushes Healthcare Workers For Defying Vaccine Mandate [technocracy.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Saw a video recently on CDC total US deaths by week by location. Almost the entire spike of excess deaths in the US is due to only the state of NY. And, most of those are from NYC. Mind that excess would also include shootings and drug OD's. Everywhere else was flatlined -- right at the yearly average. No spike worth mentioning -- unless you are a petty tyrant and add numbers when no one is looking.
HEADLINES FOR 9/28, 2021 ▪ Constitutionally Illiterate Democrats Suggest Giving President, ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
You can suggest all you want, you shriveled old hag.
When your freedoms are casually stripped away
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
If no one in the audience had the guts to click their heels and give the salute, they are all lost.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
When you can't find systemic racism, you make it. That is what racists do. Especially those who call themselves liberals.
Australian Police Commissioner Refuses to Enforce VaccinePassport Mandate []
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
An Aussie in office with a pair. About bloody time.
Russell Brand: Russiagate is a Democratic Conspiracy Driven by the Clintons []
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
He is about to become a Covid death.
Leftists protest at home of Biden’s DHS Chief Mayorkas, harass his wife- []
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Well, if they went onto his lawn, shoot!
Seems Bigger To Me…
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
With no bodies, a bit too soft on him.
When I was a boy, my dad told me the great thing about America is that anyone could be elected a ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Well, now out here in CaCaLand you can print your own ballots from home. Give you any ideas?
When the Soviet Navy Lost 16 Admirals in a Single Accident: The Tu-104 Crash at Pushkin Vid ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Several US corps had the stupid habit of going on "leadership conferences" (yeah, right, drugs and hookers) on the same chartered plane. A few went down, as planes tend to do from time to time. A couple of Corps died -- too small to have a deep bench. So, the Boards insisted on splitting up the top brass on separate planes. Then, there was a rash of suspicious crashes, reorg time!
India openly defies One China Policy | TFI Global Who gets to rule India in the next few years ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
That would be wise, but the Silicon valley Aholes are beholding to the CCP money.
‘Is Australia Freer Than Communist China?
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Well, many of the Aussie politicos bought into the CCP Belts trap. So, as long as their checks continue they will do their bidding.
Ahh, dads…
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Wait until you area large/old enough to run away to ask: where are the bodies?
Who Are the Beneficiaries of Biden's Border Crisis?[]
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Well, several: sponsors of terrorists pedophiles would-be slave owners -- especially sex slaves really desperate unions Anyone used to looking down on PuertoRicans and wants a larger group to make them feel like less of a loser
ACLU Sorry For Misquoting Ruth Ginsburg, But Maintains That ‘Men’ Can Have Babies
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England. On your knees, knave! Off with IT's 'ead!
Feminist logic be like....
bobbo666 comments on Sep 29, 2021:
Well, cupcake, if this horrifies you; send me your eMail address and I'll reply with something that will really hurt! Grow up.
Good boy! Good boy!
bobbo666 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
My dog is insulted by your use of that term to compliment that........ thing.
It All Makes Sense Now [youtu.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
The suicide of nations is the goal of the globalists -- it puts them personally in charge of everything. This is all about power. Personal power. For selected individuals. Want an image to focus on? Think back to any movie about gangsters. Mafia, whatever. Visualize a bunch of gangster "leaders" gathered about a table discussing who is gonna take over the drug/hooker business in XXXland now that "Vinnie" has been killed. That is how globalists think of YOU in XXXland! YOU are a customer, a sheep. A slave. They are in charge and they will decide what they will do with you. Once you surrender the idea that gov'mt serves at the will of the people, this is what you will get.
Facts about IQ never taught in schools | Thomas Sowell Vid 12:48 mins. []
bobbo666 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
If you want a more in depth, but still layman explanation on IQ go take a peek at Jordan Peterson's YTube videos. He did quite a few as part of his lectures in Uni. It is a basic characteristic. He also warns that discussion about IQ vs race is forbidden -- has been for decades.
New York Times quietly corrects story on CBP Agents ‘striking’ Haitian migrants as narrative ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Annnnd, as with most if not all previous progressive (aka, commie crappola) lies, too little, too late. The zombies who live for CNN and MSNBC, et al, have already ingested the point on the lie -- they will not recognize the "new fact".
The first rule of Condescending club.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Potential responses: Oh, you must be in a teadhers' union, then. So, shall be try a different language?
ABORTION Up To Birth Passed By Democrats | Details EXPLAINED []
bobbo666 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
The Guv'na of Virginia bragged about having approved such a law this months ago, claiming woman's rights. This already the law in more than that state. I think NY also has it. The Guv'na (blackface or channeling KKK roots in college piccie) stated that in practice after birth a woman (still in the throes of birth) will be "counseled" by a "health professional" on what to do the the "expelled fetus". If she says she doesn't want it, it is left to die. Progressives do not believe in the sanctity of ANYTHING, except their personal power.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
Because JR is a typical progressive and that mob has bought into the intersectionality (sp?) cult, and that is based on racism. So, of course, her comment on anything will be with a flavor of victimhood and pushing race hatred.
New Yorker.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 28, 2021:
The treehuggers out here in CaCaLand hae practiced this, sabotage, for decades. They routinely blew up (or tried -- most treehuggers went that route 'cause they are losers) power transmission towers -- 'cause they were helping to spread humanity and increase technology. Basically, treehuggers hate all OTHER humans. Also note the number of "wildfires" out thisaway appear to be arson. Some by careless losers "camping" in the woods and too dumb to have paid attention to the "Only you can prevent forest fires" messages that have been spread around for decades. Some, tho, were by treehuggers trying to drive out villages and home tracts "infringing on Gaia". Here's a guideline: Avg human IQ = 100. Knock 20 points off for the treehugger class.
Biden Recommends Dishonorable Discharges For Troops Who Refuse Covid Vaccine | Tim Pool Vid ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
If I expressed what I recommend for BeijingBiden my FBI file would get an update. Loathesome little TWOT.
Dear Fortune 500 CEO, I have enjoyed working for your company though the ups and downs of the ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
I love that he names names. Direct and personal attack. Best approach when in desperate times. I think it was Mike Rowe who made the point: ~"if safety is first priority, your project will fail."
Berlin, German Teachers’ Association criticizes participation of students in climate strike The...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
So, a union Pres is insisting that attending school (i.e., obeying the law) is more important than expressing one's moral outrage? He's expressing logic! What's next, TRUTH? Heretic! Burn him!!!!!
Rules for thee but not for them...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Well, since they know the virus is not dangerous, why care?
AZ Audit Says 9,041 Mail-In Voters Returned More Ballots Than They Were Sent via @WestJournalism ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
One precinct in Detroit supposedly sent out, but, nonetheless counted >130K ballots for people who weren't even registered voters. Wanna guess how many were for DJTrump? The fraud was rampant.
Funny but true.
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
The red jacket guy is actually touching a tool: half point. The rest, liberal arts or Business Admin degrees-- and, yes, I'm critical of present-day IT types, too.
Why does it seem like everyone outside Australia knows something is fucked about the loss of ...
bobbo666 comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Citizens in Poland, France, Germany saw the Jews being disappeared. They did nothing. This is the same phenom: pick a group to eliminate, plunder.
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