Population Growth and the time bomb for humanity

Every minute, about 240 babies are born on the planet with only 100 deaths. In total, about 128 million babies are born per year (using the World Factbook, about 11M (8.6%) are white, 9.8M (7.7%) hispanic, 33.7M (26.3%) asian, 34.7M (27.1%), black, 13.8M (10.8%) middle eastern, and 25.1M (19.54%) indian). With only about 56M deaths per year (2.3 births for each death), world is growing by about 72M people per year. The following shows what happens on the planet EVERY TWO MINUTES. These new people need about 150 new acres (60 hectares) of farmland to produce enough food to eat (average world diet requires about 1/2 as much resources as a typical American's). Replay

What does the near future hold for the fate of humanity? Let's start by looking at the amount of farm land per person. Most countries have maxed out long-term viable farm land (e.g., clear-cut rainforest land soil is thin) and urban sprawl consumes more.

Growing food requires water, fertilizer (uses natural gas, and lots of fossil fuels for production and processing. Many places are irrigating using ancient groundwater at frightenly unsustainable levels. Read more here.

Why the drop per capita? The simple answer is that massive growth in population worldwide.

While population growth Europe and North America is slowing, Africa, India, and the Middle East will double in the next 50 years. Read more here.

Why have we not starved? Crop yeilds have had an huge rise due to fertilizer, intensive farming techniques, and genetically modified plants. While incredible, we're running out of miracles and global warming will reverse these gains.

Despite gains in crop yeilds, population rise in Africa and the Middle East is causing growing food insecurity already (note: chart time range is short).

African and East Asia has cultivated more land, they're the world exceptions.

Fertilizer growth continues (note: chart time range is short)

So now what? Either enforce birth control or the planet will enforce death control.