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Black Lives Matter protestors deface statue of Abraham Lincoln-

SpikeTalon 10 June 7

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I fail to understand why people protesting the death of George Floyd would think vandalizing Lincoln memorials here in the USA and in London, England would in any way contribute their cause.


The defacing photo being shared is photo shopped and other sites provide evidence

Okay, thank you for sharing.


Black lives matter? What, all other lives don't matter?

As George Carlin famously put it, "Well, if crime fighters fight crime, and fire fighters fight fires, what do freedom fighters fight?".


That shows their mentality. Wasnt it Lincoln that fought to end slavery and for their rights? These people are not freedom fighters they are thugs. And in my view doing black rights more harm than good.

Well said, I concur.

Guess we're seeing more federal and state programs on the way with plenty of money to throw around to their friends, but little to change the mindset and culture of people. The people rioting on the street will not be the beneficiary, but the well-heeled liberals and "do-gooders" in the minority communities will get most of the money. These local and state politicians will throw money to these newly incorporated non-profits as if that will change anything . . .except to ensure the status quo in government will expand.

Agree - except about black rights. There shouldn’t be a separation. They are your rights as an American.

I think they actually care nothing about anyone's rights...just exercising power through anarchy because any hierarchy will naturally produce winners and losers and in any such structure they are natural born losers.

@Geofrank I'm not so sure. I have heard but cannot confirm that those in the uk are middle class youth.

@Masie In the US the middle class has been the biggest loser for 25 years by way of having the jobs which sustained it exported and the values which undergirded and informed it "educated" away by mostly useless universities. I don't know exactly what forces are at work in the UK -it's been forty years since I lived there- but it seems the result is much the same. Nevertheless, any hierarchy will have lower and higher levels of duties, rewards and responsibilities. I think they feel like anarchy is the way to secure and guarantee their notions of what equality is supposed to be all about while freeing them from those pesky duties and responsibilities.


So ignorant and so insane. What they want is black supremacy and socialism. Hopefully North Korean will come claim them before they do any more damage to this great country.

We have been cooped up for months, this is a major underlining factor. The protest was in England and white teens and twenty somethings were the majority. Very strange events and I do not understand all of what is going on. In California I see at least three different groups at the protest: Spring Break, SJW's and BLM.

This twitter account has photos of the event.

So, were these teens ignorant? Yes, they are ignorant and insane by default. I also think they knew who Lincoln was, picked the Lincoln Monument on purpose, but did not understand what Lincoln did or why it was important. Grievance studies and the virtuousness of the feigned victim, it's the lens they see the world through. They do not even have an intellectual framework to understand why Lincoln was important.

Black Supremacist? I do not know of any medical procedures that can turn a white idiot into a black idiot. As they are so desperate for identity, I suppose that could be virtualized, sort of like they do with all the genders. So why not, black supremacist.

Socialism, it's the equality of outcome passion. Passion the high virtue, make sure everyone sees it! The passionate care deeply and can't think, they can't think because they have already made up their minds. The passionate are by far they are the most dangerous people there.

If you could magically make all the consequences disappear for North Korea. Yes, North Korea would claim them. The young girls would be turned to into whores and the guys dig in the mines. They would be effectively slaves or property of the socialist state. To be forcible confined to one place. To be forced to work. To receive no compensation. Beat if you don't comply, object or for no reason at all. A question to ask is this called slavery and if so why.

Your comment of "Socialism, it's the equality of outcome passion" hits the nail on the head. Students who take what we used to call "crip" courses in high school and college are now elevated to the same status (by virtue of a degree) as those who studied in the STEM courses. They even have PhD's in education who earn high salaries as those in engineering & science, yet the demand is for those with STEM backgrounds. What does that mean? Social engineering to provide equal outcomes in life regardless of the effort required to get there. I have a liberal arts degree (BS Business Admin), but the social science courses were required and got all A's in them, but not so with the science counterparts. Differences in effort and demand gives way to equal outcomes.

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