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My idea is to NOT defund the police but to keep them (well funded) for the sectors of population who recognize the folly of the "defunding" idea. Simply pull back - withdraw Police patrols and other emergency services from the 'hood. Too bad for those who live there they should have stood up to the communists/antifa/BLM thugs who are leading them into hell.
Set a hard perimeter around the city blocks who are hostile to Police and don't go in there under any circumstances. Let them boil in their own stew.
Outrageous idea isn't it...any and all responses gladly invited.

iThink 9 June 14

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I'll add to that...White cops; avoid any and all contact with black thugs. Let the black cops handle it!

Hmmm...interesting idea, but I don't know how you'd control that in the heat of the moment. Maybe if precincts were required to have a racial mix that mirrors the local population? If a precinct is 90% black, having a police force that is 90% black would greatly increase the probability that a black officer engages black criminals.

@coalburned That's feasible.


I agree it's a bad idea to defund the police. I'd rather see increased funding to be used for more comprehensive training and pay increases. Get rid of unions and departmental policies that discourage departments from weeding out the problem children...and every force has them. Require officers to live in the communities they police unless it's not possible to staff enough qualified officers. If communities don't want police, let them figure out their own solution within a given time frame and continue to provide protection in the interim. I hear what you're saying about let them reap what they sow, and it's tempting, but those communities probably have elderly/disabled folks who are afraid to speak up in favor of the police, much less defend themselves.

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