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Protestors topple George Washington in Portland continuing purge-

SpikeTalon 10 June 19

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We need to stop calling violent agitators “social justice warriors.”

Silencing, censoring, purging history, and property destruction are the opposite of justice, and an insult to anyone who actually fought for the principles that built America.


And Constitutional patriots are where?

Deciding if it’s worth going to prison to protect a statue while the police look the other way; they will only prosecute a normal citizen.. why lose everything when the odds are stacked against you?

@pnw1234 Because soon we'll have nothing left to lose.

Keep in mind, now days you can be arrested for opening YOU business , but not for LOOTING it!!!!!!!

@M1959 or preparing, maybe???

I agree. They do not even know what they are doing. I bet they won't take down the statue of Michael Jordan that is in front of the United Center in Chicago though.

Dear Patriots - This Is Your Invitation to the 2020 American Revolution RSVP Required


What are all of you (PATRIOTS) waiting for? You (PATRIOTS) bought all of those guns. You (PATRIOTS) stockpiled ammo. What the hell are you (PATRIOTS) waiting for?

Seattle - They are waiting for YOU (PATRIOTS) to do something.

D.C. and Chicago - They are waiting for YOU (PATRIOTS) to do something.

Why do you (PATRIOTS) think the police are standing down?

You can read my other article here if you wish...

My God. Thank goodness all of you white patriots were a bunch of total liars when you spoke about all of the things you believe in and all you stand for. Thank God you were polite when the government destroyed your life. You didn't even defend yourselves at all or stand up for your rights. Even with all those guns. You just let them do it. Because anything else would have been impolite. Better to have completely lost everything and give it all up willingly than to be called impolite, or worse - racist. In the history books, they will still call you racist.


People don't ever do anything. I contacted my local pistol and rifle association and asked, why with 60K members on their list, they are not organizing any kind of counter-protest to any of this. I got no response.

Eventually people will realize that the NRA is totally full of shit too.

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