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'White supremacist' suspect in Michigan kidnapping plot is actually a Trump-hating anarchist...

SpikeTalon 10 Oct 9

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All of this chaos we see was brewing out of sight of the average work a day citizen. Trump was just the spark that brought it into the light. Whatever you think of Trump better now than when it is too late that people get a taste of anarchy.

What history teaches us is that once the conservatives are silenced and made irrelevant the fanatics will go after whoever stands in the way of them acquiring power. We know from the French Revolution, Stalin's Russia, Hitler's purges, and Mao that the radicals that bring revolution into being will be rounded up as soon as the revolution is a fate complete. One way or the other the kind of revolution that is simmering will lead to a dictatorship if it succeeds.

Discounting the millions dead due to his wars you could argue that Napoleon was better than the monarchy he replaced. That Stalin ended the chaos. That Mao pulled the Chinese out of the Middle Ages. It is even true that sometimes the ends do justify the means but for most people in the West it is an objective fact that they are physically better off than most of the people in the world and certainly most of the people that have ever lived. The justification for a revolution has never been weaker. Most of what degrades the current quality of life is spiritual. Something that Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler and Mao had no answer for.

Out institutions have massively failed to give people the tools to find meaning in life.

Post WWII we have had one lost generation after the other. Before that people didn't have the luxury to look for meaning. Now the more people search for meaning the more it seems to slip away from them. No amount of equality, free health care, forgiveness of student loans, or other physical improvement is going to cure the spiritual illness that inflicts Western Civilization.


A narrative is much more important than facts to the left. The insinuation needs to be immediately broadcast throughout the Democrat MSM before the facts are known. Then when the facts are known they can be ignored.


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