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Is our system rigged? Can we fix it?

I recently saw this video on Facebook. I was intrigued by the strategy to “unrig” American politics. I am interested in getting feedback from the IDW community. Do you support this idea? Do you dislike? Why?

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Dungbar 2 Mar 14

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I read somewhere that politicians should wear their contributors on their suits, like NASCAR wears their sponsors. I thought that was a good idea. The corruption runs so incredibly deep at this point I'm not so sure we can ever get rid of it all together


Yes it is rigged but unfortunately I don't think we as a society in the USA can change it. Most people are just partisan hacks and don't see any wrong from their team even when they are calling the other side out for the same things. Will take a huge awakening of the masses t get any change.


Yes it is.

No we cant.


I've said this before. A constitutional amendment to change how we elect our representatives and present legislation, at all levels.

  1. Voter ID person voting only. (exceptions for truly disabled only) (not emotionally. etc.)
  2. All elected positions are for six year terms.
  3. Terms limited to one term. no back to back terms.
  4. Elections for President, senators, and representative held on different years. two years apart.
  5. All bills submitted are to cover only one subject, and have to be on a single standard sheet of paper. All bills should be published two weeks before any vote. (exceptions for emergency, to be reviewed later)

These seem reasonable suggestions... I personally don’t understand how illegals are allowed to vote, seems corrupt... we have pretty rigorous voting rules in Oz, which seem to work...US needs to sort the system out

Only thing I’d do differently is Senate two four year, House two Three...that House can be very loony!


ALL “Systems” are “rigged” ... if they weren’t, they wouldn’t BE a “System”.
ALL “Systems” have a Goal ... a Desired Outcome ... ultimately ALL Systems Fail ...
Once a System achieves its “Goal” where does it go from there?
The Laws of Nature ... Reality ... indicates that it CANNOT simply enter into a form of “Stasis” not for long at any rate.
The lack of a “System” results in an Anarchic State ... an Anarchy.

As to this video ... since I am pretty actively watching the various “things” popping up in our politics, I find it odd that until these videos started popping up recently, i’d Never heard of this “group”. I note that they throw around some “polling data” and statistics but i’ve Never heard of anyone conducting such polls.
They purport to desire to remove corruption from Our Government. A Lofty and Admirable Goal ... something worth striving for ... However, it seems that they are looking to establish a more truly “Democratic” form of Government ... another Lofty and Admirable Goal ... or is it?
As things stand in Our Nation we are on the edge of a clear divide between what I would call “Makers and Takers” ... a point where there are as many people (Constituents?) that want to be “Given” as there are that simply desire the opportunity to “Make Their Way” ...
IF in the process of removing Federal Corruption we simply unleash Civil ... Social ... Corruption, what do WE as a Nation ... as Citizens ... gain?
It seems to me that these are good and thought provoking videos BUT if looked at carefully, they seem to be pushing the Concepts that would, for instance, remove the Electoral College.
If this isn’t a “Logical Explanation” as to why WE should be embracing a “Socialistic” form of Government ... I’m missing something.
Further, I’m pretty suspicious about the statistics they are so casually throwing around as well as what they are using as sources ... Bloomberg?
I hear them throwing around “Facts” I’m not sure what they’re based on ...
I hear them throwing around “Statistics” I’m not sure where they got them from ...
I hear them claiming “membership” to a group I’ve never heard of ... “We’ve got 85 ... if we could get it to 850 ...”
Doesn’t this sound an awful lot like the claims and aims of the “Justice Democrats” (the People behind Occasional Cortex) which itself is a subset of “” which is itself a fuzzy-friendly version of the Left?

I believe it was Will Rodgers that said, "There are Lies, Damned Lies, an Statistics". Statistics are like lawyer talk (legalize), anyone can use them to their own advantage.


It isn't this Hollywood idiot. I respect her talent but she is reading a script.

If you want to change elections for the betterment of anyone and everyone GET GOVERNMENT UNIONS OUT OF THEM. As long as they can control the mechanics of election they can control the outcome and that outcome will be in their own self interest.



I would add that if you want to fix something PICK ONE ISSUE. Don't bundle a bunch of them together. One issue campaigns are lonely and hard, but you might get something accomplished. Everything else is just more politics and ego boosting.

See my post, above, about legislation being written on a single page and one subject.


These are perennial problems. I don't think you'll ever get money and influence out of the system. There's not a single thing she's mentioned that hasn't always been a problem. Everyone thinks the world began the day they were born. Reforms are always a part of our political process - not the structure itself. Some of these reforms could work, others would make things worse. They are right that ground up policies are often the most successful, but that's been known as well. I'd have to see specifics to see if this is a real reform or just one side trying to convince the other to sign onto their agenda. Who isn't opposed to corruption? It's what you define it to be that causes the fighting.

Ask the Russians ...
Once upon a time there was a “Ground Up” movement that was going to “Free the People” ... “Level the Playing Field” ...
It was the brainchild of Marx and Engels ... it was Promoted and Pushed by Lenin and Tolstoy ... it resulted in Stalin and MILLIONS of people dying of various things including FARMERS Dying of Starvation ... it’s called COMMUNISM

Special interests with big money wasn't a big problem before the 80s. SCOTUS screwed the whole country with Buckley v. Valeo.

@george Would you prefer taxpayer funded elections? How much deeper would you want the process to be corrupted?

@Bay0Wulf You mean like the Tea Party - as a grass roots movement - is communist? lol

Actually “Taxed Enough Already” (TEA) is not and never was intended to be a “Political Party” ...
They simply looked at the candidates available ... on both sides ... and pointed out the ones that most closely aligned with their thought process before the primaries (you know ... Taxed Enough Already) ... they pointed out (vetted) mostly republicans but also some democrats.
Maybe you should consider learning about topics before you make a fool of yourself?
I mean, it’s perfectly okay to make a fool of yourself here ... but why would you want to?

@Bay0Wulf Why are you attacking me? I have not endorsed or implied I support communism. I have not said anything about creating a political party. I have simply stated what I think is the way to go about creating change - positive change that brings disparate groups together.

Am I “attacking”?
I’m pretty sure that’s your post that equates the TEA Party with communism.
I’m pretty sure that’s your post declaring “Ground Up Policies” as most often being the “most successful”.
I’m pretty sure that all I did was point out that “Ground Up Policies” are no better than the ones who come up with them.

@Hugh-John77 if u want to make America great again u would have to get rid of the system that destroyed America to begin with. We were great when elections werent for sale to the highest bidder. Public financed elections would allow the best ideas to be on the table instead of just the ideas of the richest people who control the politicians now. The best years of America were the FDR economy years when money was not speech and corporate greed was in check with 70% and higher taxes. Funny how corporate owned news designed for profit has propagandized people in to believing the exact opposite due to the American mentality of never read anything or really research anything. Very few of us know more than just the basic talking points but almost all of us are so arrogant we never admit when we are wrong. Until there is a huge awakening of the masses we will just continue to do down hill as the elites profit at record numbers year after year. Only in America are people so dumb they vote against their own interests every election because they have team mentality retardation. People need to stop voting for either party and vote for a person that isn't already owned before they take office.

@george The only thing that saved FDR's economy was the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

@Serg97 guess that's why the 60s were booming for the middle class as well huh? Everything was going good until Reagan came along then wages flatlined even tho production kept increasing. Then they sent the jobs over seas to increase profit even more than they could make with our min wage laws by using slave wages and child labor.

@george The government IS financing elections via government unions now, billions of dollars of our taxpayer dollars.

They are voting for their self interest. More government.

@Hugh-John77 then it shouldn't be any problem getting rid of the donation funding that corrupts them

@george Every 'system' of government is inherently corrupt. Freedom has a price. We are free enough to pursue that corruption. There is no cure but you can make it smaller.

Disease will always exist. Make better doctors.

@Hugh-John77 removing money is making it smaller

@george I lived thru the 60's, working , raising a family, I don't recall a great economy UNTIL Reagan was elected.

@Serg97 sorry u didn't succeed like the majority of the country was doing. There is a reason the middle class was the largest ever until after Reagan and then it has slowly died.

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