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LINK THe war on White people!

It may seem over the top is it??

arboristly560 6 Apr 17

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Is there some kind of "white privilege"? Maybe a tiny bit - there are definitely areas where you can do things as a white person that won't get you near the trouble as if you were a black person doing the same thing...

But is it completely systemic and driven by some kind of racism or supported by law? No. It is not. And most of those things above I point to are illegal anyway and anyone (black or white) should be punished for.

Further, we have had black privilege in this country since the 1960s. We have quotas and racial preferences and all kinds of things... and the blacks who have used it (at least some) don't want it to ever end.

Where we fail as a society is that we have become less of a "Melting Pot" and more of a congealing point where the various ethnicities, nationalities, and religions have quit blending into one solid whole that is stronger than any one piece, and instead are in danger of falling all the way apart... as if the fire underneath all of this has gone out.

And blaming it on the white guy is, bluntly, disingenuous and a cop-out. Whites are generally much MORE willing to integrate than blacks, asians, hispanics. Try moving into a black majority area if you are white... ditto hispanic. I've done both - and no, it's not all hugs and kisses - they treat the white "interloper" worse than just about any of the stuff you see on the news about a black family being attacked in a white neighborhood (clue- when was the last time you heard of it, and where was it? Was it local? No, more than likely it was in some distant city, and it was harped on for days, BECAUSE IT IS SO RARE as to be non-existent).

Who has suffered the most in the last 60 years or so? Poor people. Doesn't matter what color they are - poor people haven't kept up - even though they are still outstripping the rest of the world in living standards (we have an OBESITY problem in our poor people! How weird is that? You'd think the poor would be starving to death... ) Our poor people only have 1 phone and 1 car and 1 TV... yeah - how messed up is that?

Our "War on Poverty" has spent enough in the last 50-60 years to build a $200k home for every family in the USA... think about that a minute... and yet we have poor people... and those poor people are the ones not integrating into our culture and are having issues, thus causing our society to struggle that much more.

Add in the intellectually "poor" of our universities, who have been mostly taken over by socialists and other utopian dreamers, who can't face the reality that we are the best, we have the best, and we should be at least a little proud of how we've accomplished breaking world hunger and world power problems - instead that makes us all even more evil - call it "white guilt" or "wealth guilt" - it drives climate change, it drives the racist aspects of the PC movement, it drives the SJW ideals... because they can't deal with being so blessed, so they have to destroy it.

I agree with some of your thoughts!I think it is a politically driven narrative to lessen the wealth and power of those who wheeled it! And for the most part of this country existence Whites have! That said I'm not giving it up or away because some Marxist, or racist says I should!I'd rather rumble!


Divide and conquer. I don't think its an attack on white people. Its just a way to get thinking people to shut up.

If my kids want a liberal arts degree there are about 3 colleges I would promote and the others would be a big no.

Not an attack...they are not paying homage! The Jews didn't think they were being attacked either! They're still being attacked, not by |Nazi's but by Islamist Fascists! But that just divide and conquer! Conquer keyword submission!


First off, there is no such thing as a "white" person. With the advances in DNA we have seen that we are all a mix of ethnicity. What is white? There are white MUSLIMS, Mohammed was white, there are albinos, are they white?

If you're saying we are all Homo Sapiens your right...BUT! Are you telling me Asian have the same physical attributes and melanin as Negroes! Are Caucasians the same as the American Indian or the Asian Indian! You mean evolution is a sham!THeir is the class of birds reptilian, they are the class is Aves, their are 223 families of birds they are all birds but all ARE DIFFERENT!Not different species different family changed over millennia by evolution period! That is science not politically correct or biblical and not debatable!THat is like saying good is bad and up is down which are oxymorons and have No place in science or rational discourse! I am caucasian and have no Negro genetics in my heritage in the last 100.000 years,or more!

@arboristly560 actually no, what I am saying is this. My grandparents were Cherokee/Scotish and German/ Irish. I have family who are cousins married to black people and they have children. We are not a white race, we are all mixed.

@AZWoman I am saying some of us are more WHITE than others!And a lot of CAUCASIAN are mixed and more are not!I'm not fighting I'm just saying that their are races and thats all!

@arboristly560 Geeze, why the Fuck you yelling?

@AZWoman Yelling??I have not begun to YELL!LOL! Peace out AZ woman!

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