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We truly live in a screwed-up world. I'm sure most of you had heard about that guy in Texas who attempted to rob diner patrons and was shot dead by an armed customer in the process, and turned out he had a fake gun. As that old saying goes, play stupid games and win stupid prizes, and that would certainly apply to that case.

Was responding to a post on another site that was complaining about widespread increased gun usage in the US like that, and tried to make a point that guns per se are not the problem in society but rather a mixture of criminal element and stupidity, and the woman went off on me (predictably enough) accusing me of absurd things like, wait for it... having a racist mentality and showing a cavalier attitude towards human life, among two or so other strange things. It's worth mentioning that the woman in question is not a liberal but rather that far-left progressive brand of political thought, and there is a clear difference between the two.

Anyways, strange world we live where criminal thugs could gain more sympathy for their actions than a law-abiding gun owner who believed the gunman was truly out to harm other people. There's a rather frightening amount of emotionally crippled individuals walking among us in society these days, and that problem is far worse than I initially thought it to be.

SpikeTalon 10 Jan 9

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My wife and I were talking about this same subject several days ago. Between leftist DAs, calls for strict(er) gun control, efforts to relax the law for certain segments of society, and demands to defund the police, there's no doubt in my mind there are large portions of the population who want to be able to do as they wish without suffering any consequences other than desirable ones. And anyone who objects is labeled a racist with such carelessness the word has no meaning any more. You're right, it's worse than any of us thought.


Another example of the radical lefts attitude (complete indifference) toward human life.


I posted this video quite some time ago - it certainly applies here

the woman in question is not a liberal but rather that far-left progressive brand of political thought,

if she truly is that much of a radical thinker she has a lot of nerve to say that you have a racist mentality and showing a cavalier attitude towards human life

There is no group who comes close to being defined by racism and indifference toward human life than the people who think as she does. During the 20th century (particularly during WWII) there were tens of millions of human bodies burned in furnaces, bulldozed into mass graves, and left to rot on the surface of the earth who lie in testimony to the utter corruption of that political philosophy. The number of human beings sacrificed upon the altar of communist - socialist thought during the 20th century might well be in the billions.

Today that attitude toward the value - the devaluation - of human life is among other ways being demonstrated with every abortion that happens every day, every year to the tune of millions of human lives destroyed before they can even take their first breath.

And another thing about people like her: An all too often repeated sentiment toward violent deaths of police officers (and military as well) is as follows - "oh well, they knew the risks when they chose that job"
To that I say the criminals know the risks involved when they CHOOSE to rape, rob, murder and or commit any form of violent crime - even when they use a "fake gun" in commission of their crimes.
Just a practical observation here: There is no such thing as a "fake gun" when it is pointed at you during the commission of any crime.

Well said, and that deserves to be its own post.

@SpikeTalon Thanks - feel free to share if you like

@iThink Had wanted to ask you this, as like me you also have considerable experience with handling firearms, yet this one (not surprisingly) often times stumps advocates in favor of gun control. I can see the difference almost immediately. Which one is the fake, the one over the word oops or the one over the words you're dead? I'm confident you'll guess the right one. If anyone else reading this wants to take a crack at it too, go right ahead, I'll get back to this post later.

@SpikeTalon Of course I immediately could tell which was the fake and which was the real gun - but not quickly enough to keep from getting shot.
No one is going to stop and say "hey, that's not a real gun" - you try to rob me with a toy gun? git outta heah wit that bullshit...

Nope - gun pointed at you with evil intent (robbery or kidnapping...etc) is for all practical purpose and threat to your very life.

Oh and one other reason some idiots try to get away with using fake or toy guns to commit crime is that they can't be charged with "felony while using a firearm".
The charge might look something like this:
"use of fear and intimidation in commission of a robbery"

Big difference between the two where it comes to seriousness of the formal charges and applicable punishment.

@iThink Oh I agree on the not having enough time to decide before getting shot first, but that's not why I asked though. Just out of curiosity if you could guess which one was fake, no time limit or real scenario there, just curious if you (or anyone else who wanted to comment) could spot the fake one. Most of the times I had asked the same thing to those I know who advocate for more gun control cannot guess the real one despite taking considerable time before answering, which in turn would prove my point that such individuals should not be able to make choices for the rest of us.

When taking all the time you need to spot a fake, and you still can't guess the right one, that person is in no position to criticize me for owning guns. If you didn't want to answer, all good, was just curious was all. I agree on the part with criminals using fakes to avoid felony charges.

@SpikeTalon I see your point - I was looking at it from the perspective of the person who shot the criminal who was brandishing a fake/toy gun. When its pointed at you there is no time for hesitation.
This case should help to deter like minded criminals from committing crimes. It helps greater society to know that in any given place where there are a number of people / patrons, customers, attendees etc there is a very high order of probability that more than one person there is carrying a concealed firearm - and will righteously use it against a criminal actor.
People who criticize the cop or the private citizen of committing wanton murder whenever they use lethal force in a split second decision just don't know what they are talking about.
Brandish a gun (fake or not) I'm not going to ask questions or hesitate for any reason - the only reasonable thing to do is to shoot if the opportunity to do so presents itself


The Constitution is either defended or not. Whatever stripe of "liberal," there is little difference between a "liberal" and a "far left progressive." Neither are aware of the fact that our Constitution protects the rights of Americans by limiting our government - the only document in the World that does, by asserting our rights are inherent, not granted by government, which the government may not infringe*.

So whether or not you fault "liberals" - who's very self title is a lie, because the very definition of a Liberal is someone who defends the rights of individuals, they are Democrats, and Democrats only care about power.

Democrats were not founded to defend the Constitution like Republicans are. Granted there are Republicans in name only, basically Democrats who chose the label "Republican" to get elected in their district. But those people have no intention of defending the Constitution.

Lincoln founded the Republican Party in 1854 with the expressed purpose of defending the Constitution, because there was no party doing that. Democrats called themselves the "Party of the common man," which was a lie, because if they were, they would already have identified themselves as defenders of the Constitution.

But they were only about power. And when Lincoln founded a party based on Constitutional rights, they realized they would be found out as power hungry hypocrites, and their only recourse was to slander Republicans.

Those who had voted for Democrats found it easier to believe the slander than admit to themselves they had been fooled, and Democrat leaders found that their base was only too happy to slander Republicans with them, and shame anyone who voted for Republicans. That tradition of contempt for Republicans persists today, even though Republicans are the ones defending the rights of everyone, including Democrats.

The KKK was founded by the Democrats from that mentality, to try to intimidate former slaves from voting Republican. They wore hoods to prevent being identified as Democrats. Look it up.

  • Its true that Democrats have chipped away at that protection - like the 2nd Amendment, because the voters let them. Some of us want the US to reverse the damage they have done to the Constitution, but Democrats naturally oppose that because it might limit their power. If they were classic Liberals, they would not.

Glad to see you too acknowledge that people like those are not truly liberal in the sense regardless of them identifying as such, and I agree as well.

@SpikeTalon Yup. Democrats lie. Its in their DNA. And they are incapable of understanding that there might be a group of people motivated only by protecting the Constitutional rights of Americans, not power. Look up the number of Republicans who served one or two terms in Congress then retired. Big list. Look up Democrats and RINOs who were in Congress until they died. Also a big list.

there is little difference between a "liberal" and a "far left progressive

I totally get your point and I agree with you in principle.

If we look at the true definition of "liberalism" or "liberal thought" we will see that the claim of being "liberal" by the socialist left is an oxymoron of the highest order.
Liberalism and Socialism/communism are diametrically opposite of
one another.


Guns are not and have never been the problem!!!!!!!!
STUPID is the problem, and there seems to be a lot more STUPID than there was when I grew up!!!!

Stupidity and criminal intentions are truly poor bedfellows.

@SpikeTalon Stupidity and criminal intent pretty well go hand in hand!!!!!!!

@Serg97 With often times lethal consequences at that.

Infringing on 1st and 2nd Amendment rights is far more dangerous than firearms. Those infringements could result in the destruction of America and kill half of Americans.

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