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It’s a move that might leave some fans shaken (and maybe even some stirred as well)...

Ian Fleming’s James Bond books have been rewritten with modern audiences in mind, with so-called sensitivity experts removing a number of racial references ahead of 007’s 70th anniversary this spring.

The changes come as books by Roald Dahl have also been scrubbed of potentially offensive language, including “fat” or “ugly” characters — and tweaked so as to make the Oompa Loompas of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” gender-neutral.

All of Fleming’s thrillers — from “Casino Royale” to “Octopussy” — will be re-released this spring after Ian Fleming Publications, the company that owns the literary rights to Fleming’s work, commissioned a review by “sensitivity readers.”-

SpikeTalon 10 Feb 27

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Yeah, the more PC the Bond films get, the less I like them. The first hint was "Never Say Never Again," which I found as unsettling as entertaining. But they went over the top with "Quantum..." I strongly object.

And I strongly object to destroying any work by any author with some one else's idea of "acceptable art" - a purely Marxist concept.


Hm, more toilet paper.

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