3 2

not sure where the anger is coming from in this group or site.. It's simple.. Honest debate and do not take things personal. Call me names, make fun of me, I am cool with it all. Speak your mind these are the actions of free men.

EdNason 7 June 1
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Won't let me add another pics but we can add up to 10 in one post? Do any of these post show in this group?



Wait-- did I do that right? We didn't debate it really, it was more just a declarative thing.

@EdNelson any showing

@jwhitten any showing

@Gerri4321 What are you trying to show us Gerri? What are these screenshots of? What is their importance? Why are you always taking screenshots?

@jwhitten sorry you are either willfully blind or just stupid do any if my post show was the Question so you can self eject anytime or be called out many times

@Gerri4321 Your posts don't make sense half of the time. I have been very patient in trying to figure out what you're trying to say and what's on your mind.

Insults will get you nowhere with me.

I am willing to try to understand what you're attempting to say. But you have to be willing to try to put together a coherent sentence.

I am not calling you names and I'm not even purposely trying to insult your manner of speaking-- I just can't understand what you are trying to say nine times out of ten.

I think other people have the same problem from what I've read. You seem to get offended whenever someone points it out to you. And I'm sorry if it offends you, but I think you misunderstand people asking you to clarify what you're saying so they can SIMPLY UNDERSTAND YOU with attempts to insult or offend you.

As I said before, I'm willing to try and understand you, but you have to be willing to try and say whatever you're trying to say clearly. Okay??

Like call me anything you like once don't do it to any other members if this group or any other members of IDW commenting in this group understand. Respect of self first others second is freedom if speech under the constitution. Like it or not!

@Gerri4321 Are you referring to my comment above? If so, it was a joke.

@jwhitten then i will consider as such and I will let you know that censorship of some here is real and its not a joking matter. I for one will not go silent to slaughter. Your choice

@Gerri4321 I'm referring to the 'Asshole' comment was a joke.

But I am doing my best to understand you so we can communicate.

Your last message was pretty coherent. When you write like that, I can understand you much better.

So-- and please be easy on me-- I know that BooRadley got kicked off the site. What other censorship has been happening and to whom? Just showing me screenshots doesn't help much. I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Can you tell me about an incident?

@jwhitten I'm trying you don't understand because my phone is being messed with and it's hard to make it clear. Boo got a raw deal. Since boo got ban I have been a target she and both were boo blew and that is why she got ban. My profile is changed many times a day. I change it it's changed my settings are to replace swear words with the star like thing yet it still spells out bitch I try talking with admin nothing I sent a pm to a member about a cross post I ask if he ban it from posting he did not get the pm yet it shows up as sent. Now if you would take the time to observe the screenshots you could connect the dots

@Gerri4321 Have you tried changing your password?

@jwhitten please now I am going to ask you the obvious are you tying to belittle me? All I just said and this is what you ask me? Have a great night. by the way your doing a great job at staying in your lane

@Gerri4321 If someone tells me that their account is getting changed, the first question I'm going to ask is about your password.

And if you really want me to "stay in my lane" just ask me one more time and your wish will be granted.

@jwhitten I didn't I wanted you stay in your lane I said you are doing a good job of doing so. Twisting words again you get a play book at some level I missed


I believe it's being fostered, promoted and allowed. A private group? Free speech abstulist? Proof readers not catching verbal abuse for 2 days from the same member? Injection of self were self don't belong pot stirring?

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Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisI am not able to use P. M. WHY? As G e r r i 4321 my p. M. Were blocked why?

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by Gerri4321Wondering where is the secret place on earth that has been hidden for centuries that our NWO RULERS WILL ENJOY after depletion of the population and enslaving the rest?

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