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ABORTION: to me abortion should be a easy solvable problem in any country around the world. For me it is not "a womens rights to choose" unless the other was put out the right to help decide by choosing by knowing or not. (The burden lying with the guilty) it should be your moral obligation to protect yourself first from sexual transmitted diseases as well as unwanted pregnancy, you did not do this now it's your moral obligation to be parents or not, if you decide not, it's your burden to carry. Tax payers should have no obligation in this what so ever (we didn't have the fun, majority are willing to pay for birth control and do) P. P. Has many human rights violations close them down, open up private independent abortion clinics 2 or 3 per every state ( not 20 in low minority areas) 0.3% of all abortions are from rape, 90% out of I can't afford, I don't want. ( not we) simple. The problem is Abortion is a vote pandering business among other huge money making products. Eye creams, make up, sweetner, black market "powder babies" and so much more. That the ELITE politicians are well aware of.

Gerri4321 7 June 8
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Wait, so why should a woman have a child if she doesn't want one?

You obviously did not read the whole post. Even if you did she has the to say no, the right to use protection, before she gets pregnant or no?

@Gerri4321 What about when the condom breaks, her medication messes up her birth control, or her husband's vasectomy doesn't take?

@criminey359 again did you read and understand the post?

@Gerri4321 Yes, why are you against the 90% that can't afford or don't want a child? What's wrong with a woman or a couple deciding they don't want a child?

@criminey359 no place in this post does it say I'm against or for.

@criminey359 this post states facts and how I believe we can solve the issue

@Gerri4321 You're also claiming that Planned Parenthood has human right's violations against it. Such as providing family planning to the poor. Cancer screenings, STD screenings, basic health care. True human right violations indeed.

@criminey359 you are misinformed P. P. Does not provide such services. They do drown babies from botch abortions in saline, do not report abortions from women who are victims of human trafficking, sell aborted babies on the black market and more true human rights violations indeed

@Gerri4321 So you are denying that Planned Parenthood provides easy access to contraception, cancer screenings, and various health services? You should go inform their millions of patients to let them know they can't get any sort of health care at Planned Parenthood.

@criminey359 I'm not denying what I know they do not provide. You can link any article you wish and I will on my time prove you wrong

@Gerri4321 So are you denying that 3% of their services rendered are abortions, and that federal money can't be used on said abortions? My question is what are the other 97%? STD screenings? Mammograms? Or worse yet preabortions (providing contraception for those not in the know).

@criminey359 I am saying that 3% is not abortions the services done and money fined are spread so that it looks like 3% is abortions. But it's not.

@Gerri4321 Prove it. The videos showing your claims were a poorly edited chop job. I want to see you disprove that that federal money is not used on the 3% of procedures they do. Bring up some sources. I can wait.

@criminey359 just the name it self plan parenthood abortion clinic? Bit I will, researching one sided information is not how you research.

@criminey359 I can keep going with the debunking the 3% myth but why? Just like the cost of a hospital stay but why?

@Gerri4321 Wait, I think I see part of the issue that video raises. It's still doing around 700k breast exams, and a similar number of pap tests. Though it looks like by far contraception (preabortion if you want to call it that) and dealing with STDs and general reproductive health are its main goals. The video is misleading with its numbers as Planned Parenthood is doing only about 1% of all pap tests, so its still doing ~700,000 pap tests of the 70 million being done. Also means they are doing pap tests at faster than every 97 seconds. I see your point. We can't let women have affordable health care in low income areas. I'm not sure why that has to stop, but I'll take your word on the evils of ensuring reproductive health care, cancer screenings, STD care and many more services.

@criminey359 misleading with it's numbers? By your count, or PP count? Your missing the point al together or avoiding the fact that these clinics are primarily in minority areas to target the minorities or did you forget or not know the reason behind PP was to eliminate the black population?

@criminey359 I have also seen video interviews were ex employees said that PP don't even have mammogram equipment or sonogram equipment heart monitors to hear the babies heart beat among other things so do some research like I said.

@Gerri4321 Why do you need to hear the fetuses heart to abort it? Most abortion just requires a pill. I know about its old history. But I also know there used to be states that had legal methods for keeping humans as little more than livestock. Maybe the point of Planned Parenthood is to be in areas with high poverty and for some reason there is a link in poverty and minority areas.

@criminey359 they don't have them so mother's don't change there mind. And being poor doesn't mean you should not be a mother you had all the same choices to make as any other.

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Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisIt is all true and should be investigated!

Posted by KristinaDavisI am not able to use P. M. WHY? As G e r r i 4321 my p. M. Were blocked why?

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by KristinaDavisMy post are being sent to open post area why? They can be blocked there! And set to visable by me only why? It's the truth!

Posted by Gerri4321Wondering where is the secret place on earth that has been hidden for centuries that our NWO RULERS WILL ENJOY after depletion of the population and enslaving the rest?

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