Cult of Social Justice

This is a place to discuss the cult-like following of far-left identitarianism (political correctness):

Ideological Purity

Shunning of Outsiders

Moral Shaming

Virtue Signaling

Fundamentalist Warring

This is a place to discuss the cult-like following of far-left identitarianism (political correctness):

Ideological Purity

Shunning of Outsiders

Moral Shaming

Virtue Signaling

Fundamentalist Warring

RecentPosts By EmbarrassingMom (2) Posts by members only

Cult of Social Justice
Sep 26, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by KanjaG
LINKGender-neutral daughter wants pink: parenting advice from Care and Feeding.
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
Sep 13, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by QuantumPenis
Some HARDCORE virtue signaling by these health care professionals, but they get called out by a man passing by. Do all black lives matter, or just some?
Cult of Social Justice
Jun 19, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by VoicesCarry
LINKReplacing the Police with SJW Sharia?
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
Jun 16, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by pbuck0145
The "Bubba Effect" is accelerating.https:
Cult of Social Justice
Jun 3, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by EricJohnson
LINKGeorge W. Bush calls on US to examine its 'tragic failures'
Cult of Social Justice
May 17, 2020May 2020

Posted by EricJohnson
A Case of freindly fire:
Cult of Social Justice
Apr 14, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by Serg97
Has anyone except me, had the idea that this "Pandemic",will be the excuse for the Governments of the world to hit the "RESTART" button???? It sounds like just about every country in the world has over spent their budgets to a point that there is NO ...
Cult of Social Justice
Mar 9, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by potat
I just like memes
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
Feb 3, 2020Feb 2020

Posted by EricJohnson
says here that Linda Sarsour gets money from where "no one has gone before" StarTrek funding
Cult of Social Justice
Dec 31, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by tigercake
Cult of Social Justice
Dec 3, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by shj648
Another article that everyone should read which provide guidance on how SJW theories works inside our schools systems.
Cult of Social Justice
Nov 1, 2019Nov 2019

Posted by shj648
This site is very important in educate people in the impact of the SJW movement in public education.
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
Oct 17, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by Diogenes
Reminder!!! The ballots are out now, so If you’re a registered voter in Washington State, make sure to REJECT Referendum Measure No. 88!!! For more information, see Please tell anyone you know in Washington state!
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
Oct 10, 2019Oct 2019

Posted by Diogenes
If you’re in Washington state, make sure to VOTE NO on Referendum Measure No. 88! Despite struggling with the Attorney General for over a year concerning the wording, the referendum was still worded confusingly on purpose to make it sound like ...
Cult of Social Justice
Sep 21, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Raphio
10 letters
Cult of Social Justice
Sep 21, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by Raphio
The Green New Gulag
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
Sep 21, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by iThink
Justin Trudeau - I'll just leave this here:
Cult of Social Justice
Sep 13, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by ThomasSheedy
David Silverman needs our help! Over a year ago my good friend David Silverman was thrown under the bus by people who claimed to be skeptics. Dave is the former President of American Atheists, Author of Fighting God: An Atheist Manifesto for a ...
Cult of Social Justice
Jul 27, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by Colpy
Gotta love Rex. Dead on, as usual.
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
Jul 27, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by pbuck0145
British officials, law enforcement, and the MSM are complicit in impeding the prosecution of the grooming gangs.
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
Jul 15, 2019Jul 2019

Posted by Diogenes
This is an interesting analysis of the animalistic mob in Portland, OR, that attacked Andy Ngo.
Cult of Social Justice
Jun 13, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by EmbarrassingMom
I'll be live on YouTube at 4:00 PST TODAY to discuss what Leftists Misunderstand about Evangelicals with former leftist Keri Smith of UnsafeSpace. WHERE? Embarrassing Mom on YouTube
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
Jun 8, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by tigercake
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
Jun 3, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by Lorelee
If you serve Jesus does that mean you have to be a socialist? Why socialism and Christianity don't mix. JesusChrist church socialism SocialismKills Click link
1 comment
Cult of Social Justice
May 24, 2019May 2019

Posted by tigercake
What Does Teaching ‘White Privilege’ Actually Accomplish? Not What You Might Think (Or Hope), Zaid Jilani

Note: you must be a member to view more groups or posts.


Posted by KanjaGGender-neutral daughter wants pink: parenting advice from Care and Feeding.

Posted by potatI just like memes

Posted by DiogenesReminder!!! The ballots are out now, so If you’re a registered voter in Washington State, make sure to REJECT Referendum Measure No.

Posted by Raphio10 letters

Posted by RaphioThe Green New Gulag

Posted by ThomasSheedyDavid Silverman needs our help! Over a year ago my good friend David Silverman was thrown under the bus by people who claimed to be skeptics.

Posted by ThomasSheedyDavid Silverman needs our help! Over a year ago my good friend David Silverman was thrown under the bus by people who claimed to be skeptics.

Posted by ThomasSheedyDavid Silverman needs our help! Over a year ago my good friend David Silverman was thrown under the bus by people who claimed to be skeptics.

  • Top tags#video #SJW #reason #SocialJustice #world #money #USA #memes #Farleft #schools #vote #god #youtube #religion #Identity #justice #religious #advice #Police #racism #BBC #books #fox #currentevents #memories #cure #Currency #StarTrek #FakeNews #theories #indoctrination #endoctrination #Regressives #guns #educate #biology #media #liberal #technology #created #conspiracy #theorists #Justintrudeau #Trudeau #society #rights #jokes #LawEnforcement #evangelicals #freedom ...

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