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Does this concern anyone? []

PatriciaBurger 6 Feb 28

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Yes! Its terrifying. My sons friend hung himself a year ago. This kid had loving parents and a good group of friends...its baffling

I am so sorry. So very tragic. Our society has begun to place less and less value on human life and then; there are the Momo challenges. []

@PatriciaBurger thank you. It was tough on the rest of the group of friends. I felt horrible for them too.


Yes, and I've often wondered why so many in this country are depressed like they are?

I am actually wondering if there is a correlation between the suicide rate and the psychotropic drugs prescribed to children; I wonder how many of the suicide victims were prescribed these medications? I can understand why many young men may be depressed in our current society; many of these men may have been boys who were diagnosed as ADHD and prescribed psychotropic medications. It would be an interesting study.

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