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Do you think children should be vaccinated? Why/ why not?

  • 46 votes
  • 18 votes
edgyberry 6 Mar 2

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Yes, the benefits out weigh the risk. I am of an age where they lined us up in school and everyone got a shot. I don't recall anyone I knew, having a long term reaction. Also, I do have reservations about the quality control of our medicine and where and how they are made.


More and more evidence is surfacing that vaxs are loaded with questionable and scary substances. The vax injured have little recourse because the government has given big pharma a free pass. Informed consent is important and the only way we can say we are a free people. If government can force you to take anything, then they own you.


Some years ago my best best friend's wife took their healthy strapping baby boy to a clinic for the first round of routine vaccinations. The child came home, unsettled, unhappy, and crying. He cried all day and well into the night without stopping. Finally, after some fifteen hours, he fell asleep, exhausted, as did his mother. She awoke at about 4 am with the sense that their baby boy was strangely too quiet. She checked him and found the little fellow completely still, without a pulse. They rushed him to the ER, where he was pronounced dead. The doctors chalked it up to SIDS. Despite a very plausible, even likely, connection to vaccination overload/reaction, the mainstream medical profession refused to consider that as a possibility. Since then, I have discovered that other similar stories have occurred, but are buried with medical euphemisms like SIDS. This tragic event alerted me to the risks of vaccinating for dozens of rather trifling illnesses that almost never kill anyone. Since then, I have raised seven children, all entirely unvaccinated, and all very healthy. That's my story.



Why is it that when 30 people catch measles ot is considered a outbreak. But if 1 in 100 kids develop Autism, nothing is said . My oldest son , approx 2 weeks after his shots , just disappeared from us . Became inattentive, started having sezures. He is not Autistic and suffers grand maul sezures.
When I was young we had 6 vaccines. Kids are getting way more now . Big Pharma has everyone running scared . Alot of profit being made . Why is it that they cannot be charged if a person has a reaction to getting vaccinated.

I think the main thing going on is too many shots at one time.. Good grief whats the hurry? They have the rest of their life.

Don't take the jab


We must use our common sense and admit that the reduction in very serious disease happened as a result of hygene improvements prior to vaccination and then acknowledge the exponential increase in neurological and immune dysfunction since the 1986 legislation and since increasing the number of childhood vaccinations from 4 to 76. We need then to, with every good intention of helping stop the suffering of children and the devastation of families who now suffer the 1 in 36 autism rates and the 1 in 2 severe chronic conditions (incl. asthma, serious food alergies, cancers) compassionately demand that the correlation between vaccination and this phenomenon be looked into. But at the very least we must never make injecting our bodies or our children with pharmaceuticals mandatory.

Marcia. Not true for smallpox and poliomyelitis

@monoccular we would need a far more detailed conversation than can be had here to explore that statement. I would suggest you look into the changed diagnosis criteria for polio around the time of the vaccine introduction for a start and look at all the vaccine injury payouts from the national fund for what used to be called polio but is now called other things.

@monoccular add influenza, Spanish flu killed millions, rubella causes birth defects if mother gets it whilst pregnant, mumps can make boys sterile, chicken pox can cause scarring of brain resulting in retardation, Scarlett fever can damage heart valves


Vaccination has eliminated the most common scourges of a century ago. So effective, that we now question its importance. We invent myths of its harm. Just as the descendents of cannibals lament the virtue of their Christian conquerors the grace of their liberty in favor of conditions they lack the fortitude to survive. Post-modern sensibility poisons the aquifer of common sense and logic. All that is modern is not invalid.


Neither of those choices would really apply. I believe in informed consent, and whether to vaccinate or not is a personal choice, and government has no right to force anything like that upon the citizens.


I am an older female. 75 years old as a matter of fact. During my childhood it was assumed you would have all childhood diseases. Chickenpox, mumps, measles, German measles, etc. I had them. All the kids in my neighborhood and my school had them. I personally never heard of any kids dying from them. I have a grandson that had a kidney transplant at 16 because he had an autoimmune disease of which we were not aware. I have great grandchildren that are vaxed and unvaxed. The unvaxed are kept away from the vaxed while they are shedding. I don't understand why parents who vaccinate are so afraid of the the unvaccinated. If your child is vaccinated they can't catch the disease. Right? After researching I've decided i would not vaccinate but the bottom line is it's not the government's place to dictate what you think is best for your child. One final thought . I have no statics but I dare say there are more children that die of cancer every year than of all childhood diseases put together. But you won't hear about these.


Why is this question ALWAYS posed as a ‘Yes or no’ all or nothing, black or white, ‘vaxxer’ vs ‘anti-vaxxer’? HUMANS especially young, growing humans are so vastly complex & so are the substances that the pharmaceutical industry SELLS & injects into them. There are too many questionable forces at work here!!! Money, science, big government, parental rights, vaccine injured & dead children, poverty, disease, nutrition vs corporate greed, groupthink, corporate brainwashing, government brainwashing etc etc. People need to educate themselves BEFORE handing their healthy newborns little body over to be injected with foreign substances. Then & ONLY then can they navigate this issue & make those important decisions. There’s got to be a level of trust, parental autonomy & a real CLUE about the risk/benefits because once that needle goes in there’s no turning back.


If you'd like to have your child in public schools, then there is a responsibility to the greater good not to intentionally infect anyone else's children with diseases we've all but eradicated from modern society

This assumes non vaccinated children are running around with illness - They are not, in fact lots of studies show non vaccinated children are healthier, happier and have less illness than vaccinated children. Childhood cancer, obesity, depression, autism has sky rocketed over the last thirty years and no one seemts to be asking why, or trying to fix it. These are really big issues, not if the occaisional child gets measles.

@AndyAces that is true individually but we've seen over the last 10 years when these diseases that can be immunized, reach collective immunization rate less than 90% these diseases start spreading dramatically. So if your child would like to be in public school it does not good to infect others.

@Rus-T-Balls Yes, I have been pondering the macro vs micro issue surrounding vaccines. When weighing up the risk factors it is clear to me there is extreme bias though to make Vaccines seem more effective than they really are (today). For example most evidence presented assumes all reduction in illnes rates are due to vaccines, this is far from the case, especially since a large portion of this reduction happened before the 1960's when vaccines were introduced. The biggest drop happened around the time of the NHS and greater awareness around sanitation and hygiene in general in the post war era up until the late 60's when the vaccine was introduced.

@Rus-T-Balls Rusty Balls, It is vaccination, not immunization. Consider this, when my unvaccinated caught chicken pox she had full blown symptoms and I kept her home. Recently vaccinated children are mostly symptomless for the virus that has been injected into them. This can shed for weeks. And they will be out in public all this time. Then, my daughter now has lifelong immunity but the vaccinated for something like measles will get how many other shots? Three? So three more times will be a shedder. Which is worse? When my daughter who died was going to get a bone marrow transplant over 20 years ago, the top doctors in the top teaching hospitals in the world (she was a patient in NYC, Boston, and Hanover) discussed vaccinations with me and convinced me that not only were they not good policy in general but in my daughter's situation recently vaccinated children should be avoided for several weeks after their vaccinations. When I expressed concern about catching the viruses naturally they felt that that would be safer than catching it from the vaccinations.


No. Because those who push vaccines don't vaccinate their own kids.



Most vaccines do not stop the colonization or transmission of diseases - instead they stop the vaccinated person from experiencing symptoms of the disease - they can carry and spread measles but will not get spots.


We vaccinated our first two and they suffered with severe reactions. The current schedule is one size fits all when they have no tests to determine if a child is genetically frail or allergic to any ingredients. Thankfully my children are not severely disabled but they do face challenges.

EXACTLY! One size NEVER fits all!! That’s how the industry treats children & it’s a shame!! Good for you to stop after the bad reaction!!! I’ve seen too many damaged & disabled children because the adverse reactions were ignored & these poor kids were stuck to the ‘schedule.’


I would urge people watch this video of Dr Bergman, he shows how negative vaccines are using the CDC websites, medical journals and reports, the information is all there it's just hard find


I think it's extremely irresponsible not to vaccinate your kids. Think of the kids with cancer or other illnesses that can't be vaccinated. It's them who are at most risk by these kids with deranged parents.

Twenty five years ago, my eldest daughter was being prepared for a bone marrow transplant. We were told to not allow her near anyone recently vaccinated. The world experts in hematology and gastroenterology we worked with then got me started on my investigations into what vaccinations really were all about and...after a second and then third child suffered...we no longer vaccinate. I would suggest you investigate for yourself.


I trained in Pediatrics in the early 90s. My predecessors and the attendings were expecting to have to take care of a child with bacterial meningitis every other week like they were used to. We were doing spinal taps on a lot of children but few were ever diagnosed with meningitis. I only saw very few cases during my whole training. The most common cause of child bacterial meningitis at that time was H influenza type b. A vaccine was developed and was just introduced a little while before. I did not see one case of H flu b disease. It also caused epidemic epiglottis which can be very tricky to handle, and a child can suffocate if handled wrongly. We used to practice drills to know what to do and how to recognize it. It has become so rare I doubt this is done anymore. Later in my practice I was once called by a ER physician who thought he had a case of epiglottis. I came and had a anesthesiologist and a surgeon meet me to be ready to perform an emergency tracheotomy if necessary. Turned out the child only had croup. But none of these doctors really knew about the monster I feared, and didn't quite understand my concern. A child with true epiglotitis would have a poor chance of surviving at most hospitals today, it would take them so much by surprise. This has proven true in some western states where vaccine rates fell low. It has truly made a difference, and the very practice of pediatrics has changed because of it. This is just one vaccine.
It is easy to be complacent it a world made good by our predecessors.

Thank you for sharing your experience...well said sir


This immunologist really puts it together nicely - I recommend everyone read it


Yes, and no. Vaccines work by introducing pathogens into the body. The body then responds by creating antibodies to combat the pathogen. Once the antibodies is created, the immune system then has the blueprint for future exposure should it happen.
Many terrible diseases have been mostly eradicated through vaccine use. The annual flu shot is by and large unnecessary as are the newly introduced "Shingles" and "Pneumonia" shots. These are pure profit for big pharma. Hospitals and Doctors offices get bonuses based on the participation of their employees and patients.
So, yes vaccinate. No to over and over boosters.
Just mt $0.02.


It's best to educate ourselves more on vaccines. More and more studies have debunked the claims made by anti-vaxxers that certain vaccines cause autism. While there can be side effects, the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risk.


I am in the middle of this conversation... Not absolutely either way. Some vaccinations seem to be very positive, but I always have a problem when officials start to use bully tactics to push an agenda.. whether it be the massive advertising campaigns to push the idea of vaccinating into the herd's brains or the forcing of vaccinations on workers or there a will be some form of retribution... Money has a way of tainting everything good and I think the initial Science was proper but then the corporate greed got involved and things changed to a darker vision... Example: polio vaccine seems to have been a success and warded off a major illness, but now we have millions of dollars of advertising and officials pushing the flu vaccine down or throats... I've had the flu many times, and in almost 55 years have never known anyone that actually died from the flu and in the cases I have heard of the person was very compromised to start with, old age or had some other major complication they likely would have died from anyways. Meanwhile you have reactions to vaccinations like Gyllian Barre syndrome, sudden death, and a possible link to autism that are shoved to the side quite vehemently by a lot of the vaccination Warriors. My own father in law nearly died from Gyllian Barre that was set off by a flu vaccination and spent approx 6 weeks in hospital.... Very interestin that govt had to put in place protection for the manufacturers of vaccines


The standard vaccines for children have benefits that far outweigh the risks.


I think the issue is more subtle than all or nothing. Vaccinations have been happening for decades. It seems the recent problem might be the number of vaccinations. I’ve wondered if the large dosages overwhelm the bodies of some children. Perhaps there could be some vaccines that are mandatory (protecting from life-threatening diseases) and some optional based on exposure risk or personal choice.

solid point



I've made numerous comments and replies to comments, but the bottom line here is, we all have our opinions and reasons for our position, so further discussion is a waste of time, IMO.

I took a break for dinner this evening and watched the news. The subject on the news was, is it ok to give 8 yoa kids hormones treatment if they didn't like their gender.

Another subject came up about, if 13 yoa girls should be allowed to have double mastectomies if they wanted to be boys.



This argument should be about statistics. Stats show that a population that has a high vax rate is the healthiest.
What is so hard about that to understand


I don't know that I believe in absolutes period. I do believe that there are plenty of things that are better to avoid and there are things that if avoided you can't build up a tolerance when they mutate or change. My issue is not knowing exactly what it is you are putting in me or my kids.


I don’t see this as an absolute. I can’t say one should absolutely, or absolutely not get vaccinated. I don't think it should be mandated, but a personal choice. It’s a matter of freedom. I don’t particularly care to be mandated by the government to put something into my body. Since it is a personal matter concerning your body, you should decide for yourself what to do.

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