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Anyone else think Rand Paul would be a decent pick for the Republican ticket in 2024?

SpikeTalon 10 Mar 3

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Rand Paul is fine by me. I personally look for constitutionalists like him. The country could use more constitutional minded individuals.


I wanted him in 20. I am pleasantly surprised by the results of Trump so far, and especially like how he has actually been willing to listen to Rand, instead of just McConnell and Ryan. Trump is a little short of conviction on some issues, but has been tolerable so far overall.


Of course. And if one looks at Trump, prison reform, bring troops home, there is some overlap.


I though a lot of his dad, not quite as much of him. I think he's got good ideas, and a decent perspective, but I also believe he compromises too much. I believe he saw his dad stick to his guns and realized that integrity cost Ron respect and the nomination, so Rand's willing to kowtow to the system. Not near as bad as most in DC, but not the man his father was IMO.


Rand Paul has always struck me as being a sharp individual. I like him.


I would say, if he runs; "It's about time". I would really like the Libertarian party to be recognized in it's own right; however if it must be done as a Republican, so be it. []

Same here, I wish the Libertarian Party would gain more traction.


I like Rand Paul and hope he does well. I like scenario 1 the best. Hopefully scenario 2 or 3 will not come about.

I hope he does well too. We need another conservative President after Trump.

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