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If you want to see how open borders creates havoc on a country look no further than Sweden or Germany.

You can see it unravel in real time.

How many people on here think that open borders is a good idea? Pros/Cons?

svenskost 5 Mar 5

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A nation without borders will quickly cease be a nation.


Almost no one in the US wants open borders.

The right and Trump falsely assert that liberals or most Democrats want an open border.

The world has take a weird spin when Republicans who are usually the people who promote small government want spend on a boondoggle project and want the federal govt take over primate property while the deficit is growing at very fast rate.

There are much more efficient use of funds protect the border.

And most drugs are smuggled through legal ports of entry not through the vast border. Why not more funds look into dealing with that?



Globalism, open societies, and open borders could theoretically benefit humanity. However, these movements are currently providing negative benefit. Their main accomplishment is the propagation of imperialist Islam, whose objective is to convert or subjugate all other cultures. While Islam exists, globalism, open societies, open borders, etc. can only be detrimental.


Nope, open borders is an extraordinarily bad idea. Here in the US it's an ongoing problem in particular with drug cartels.

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