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I'm firmly opposed to the idea of a universal basic income-

What do you think about a ubi?

SpikeTalon 10 Mar 6

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Finland, which ran a trial of UBI for unemployed Fins from January 2017-December 2018 had hoped it would give people the financial security to allow them to receive education and build new skills needed to re-enter the workforce. But the study concluded that those on the UBI were no more likely to find employment than a control group who did not receive the payment.


Further weakening the connection between productive work and is the wrong direction. We need to work. Short of work, we should suffer to change ourselves so that we become employable. Without that suffering, few of us would make the necessary changes. Suffering, as with work, provides meaning.

Per Victor Frankl - "Man's Search for Meaning"
We can discover this meaning of life in three different ways: (1) by creating a work or doing a deed; (2) by experiencing something or encountering someone; and (3) by the attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering.


Does it fit with the things I believe? No.

But if we're talking about compromising with the other side, I'd take it if they were willing to get rid of all other welfare and entitlements, for 2 reasons:

  1. There would be no specification for how to spend the money, so it's at least a step in the direction of personal responsibility, compared to programs like Medicaid or food stamps.

  2. It would require a lot less burocracy to manage because it would just be a straight deposit into your account and not much management after that. Hopefully this would shrink the size of government.

But of course, the best option would be for individuals to take full responsibility for their lives, and when in need, or when they're incapable of taking care of themselves, look to family, church or synagogue, and local community for help.

There is no compromising with the 'other' side.... Because the LEFT NEVER compromises......


I am going to start off that I am fully against socialism. I think it does not work on theory, execution, or is it ethically moral.

UBI is interesting and I do support it only in one condition, A.I.

A.I is going to play a major role in our lives in the near future, what if EVERY SINGLE job is replaced by machines that are cheaper, more sufficient/efficient in terms of production? If the top companies had these A.I implemented everywhere and there was literally nothing a working class person could do then there needs to be some sort of tax (although not heavily taxed) - for UBI.

If a circumstance happens like this, and believe me it will happen - do some research on artificial intelligence progress it is no sci-fi, then we need to be ready for the mass change. We simply do not know if all jobs can be taken, or what meaning will be left - I think these opportunities will open up for new meaning that we have not even thought of yet but right now we need to think about a.i affects because it is coming.


It has one good feature.
The Universal Basic Income is, of course, an insane idea. It does however have one redeeming feature… in theory. In theory (they won’t actually do this, but it is the theory) UBI would replace all of the other forms of government welfare. If this theory were actually to be implemented (it won’t be) the cost savings would be simply enormous. If we no longer had Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Aid to Families with dependent children… yada, yada… and lots and lots more yada… and if it covered all of these programs at the federal, state, and local level…we would decrease the size of the government enormously, and free up huge swaths of the American Economy. The economic benefit would be huge. Ginormous.
But they wouldn’t do it. In reality it would just end up as one more government program.


I would only entertain the idea if it meant ending all other benefits/entitlements.


It’s a bad idea.


I feel UBI will only feed non-productive attitudes, capitalism is amazing at cultivating the human condition in a manner that is the most beneficial to everybody of all classes


I think it is an abysmal idea.

  1. Nobody should live for free, morally and ethically speaking, if they have the ability to earn.
  2. Subsidies only cause inflation of costs. As an example, look at healthcare costs. Cost increase because they are largely paid for by insurance. Insurance rates then keep rising in a feedback loop. This is very destructive. Look at the rising cost of higher education when student loans are so easily had and are backed by the US Gov't. Same idea.
    Give a UBI of 10% of the median income level for a population and I predict you will find a corresponding 10% increase in costs, and quickly, too.

I'm not cool with it. But I also understand that we are going to have a larger amount of disruptive technologies coming at us in the next 20 years than at any time ever.

When we do, we will see many "smart" people, doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers, etc . lose their jobs because the machines can take care of it.

See, it's not just the menial tasks that are getting replaced, but the lawyer and doctor guilds are fighting this tooth and nail to keep their old paradigm.

I do know that humans fall into a couple of groups - some folks are hard workers and have to be doing something - most folks are lazy and can lay around all day. Not sure how, but we all do need to have something to do to make our lives fulfilling. We're wired that way - to do stuff and succeed.

So, what I see are huge transformations, and a lot of potentially bad times, but throwing money at people to just sit home is never a good answer. And that's what UBI does... and that's not a good thing.

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