According to my very limited poll, most of the people in this community are center right to right. I want to leave this open ended an not a poll because I am looking for personal answers. Why do you think you gravitated toward this community as opposed to others, i.e. Twitter and Facebook?
Having been abandoned and ostracised by The Left in my country for objecting to the vapid SJWs and antisemites in my party, I don't really have a political home any more. I've never used Twitter as it's populated by a confederacy of dunces and bullies hiding behind anonymity. Facebook is a lukewarm cuddle-puddle for virtue-signalling over-sharers and social cripples trying to convince their peers that their meaningless life has some actual purpose when it clearly doesn't.
So far so good on here - there doesn't seem to be hordes of emotional haemophiliacs bleeding their sanctimony all over interesting and complex issues.
Personally I think right/conservatives are naturally drawn to the idea of an "Intellectual" site. If there's a EDW site (Emotional Dark Web) that's where you would likely find more left involvement. The actual name of that website would probably reflect some noble, altruistic cause.
Simple. The social media sites are very bias and do not hold everyone to the same standards. I can only speak about my experiences. I have been targeted on other sites for simply being a Trump supporter. I am not racist or have any phobias . I simple want equality I do not get from other sites. Plus there is more discussion here witch is great for conservatives.
I'm not a fan of trump but think that trump supporters are probably the most discriminated group on social media. I hope you feel comfortable here.
Being that you specifically cited FaceBook and Twitter, I never used those sources for two reasons. The first being that I'm not crazy about social media to begin with, and secondly due to the recent complaining from alot of their users mostly in regards to censorship, I really don't want anything to do with either of them. Now, as for why I gravitated towards this site? The Admin dude of this site hosts another site (which will remain nameless here) that I had used and he messaged me about this one shortly after it had launched, and I'm glad he did as I'm enjoying it so far on here. Hope that answered your query.
I think the IDW was created out of a need for a platform whereby discussions on a wide array of topics by people with a variety of social/political/cultural beliefs could take place without being "shouted-down" by SJW types. So I think, for a platform such as this, asking people to place themselves on a political spectrum is okay, but not particularly necessary. Do I need to know who I'm talking to in order to shape my post? That would be disingenuous. I think topics can be discussed freely and respectfully in spite of one's political/social identity. That, to me is the essence of the IDW.
"I think topics can be discussed freely and respectfully in spite of one's political/social identity. That, to me is the essence of the IDW."
I certainly hope you're right, because that's exactly what I've been looking for.
I welcome all opinions.. Can we really paint ourselves into a corner these day? . My views vary.. Center right on some.. Far right on others and a shocking left turn on health care.. Let's just get on with finding good paths instead of insulting ourselves within "group think". Let's open discussion and be civil..
I'm pretty new here, but I was attracted to this site because of the idea of free discourse without ad hominem attacks. I think the best way for people to understand one another is to actually listen to each other's perspectives. My experience on Facebook has been that one side or the other does nothing but reduce the opposing side to something easy to hate. I can't tell you how many times people have called me a Nazi because I didn't vote for Hillary Clinton.
I agree completely. I lost it completely when someone called Ben Shapiro a Nazi because he is conservative in his idealogy. When we start calling Jewish people nazi's we have lost our focus and our way. It reminds me of all the times I have been called a racist only because I was born an raised in Alabama. I have seen more racism in other areas than the little town I grew up in so that never made sense to me. I try to explain that most of those battles our parents fought and we have since moved on to being poor together as most of us were.
I had the benefit of a classical private education. We were taught to be curious and find our own answers, the value of empirical data. When I was in college, this is the late 70s and 80s, so many, even then, simply were checking boxes to graduate. I wanted to learn and found myself in a minority.
Accepting the status quo just isn't in my DNA. Hearing good ideas from anyone has always worked to my benefit and in turn to our mutual gain. Live inside out. Sometimes being selfish is the most generous thing one can do.
Can’t be bothered with Twitter. I have an account that I used for a couple days a couple years ago ...
Facebook ... I continue with Facebook because I have a LOT of family and they can mostly be found there. I also have a few friends there. Otherwise, FB is so loaded with Left Leaners that it simply gets tiring.
So far this ... community ... hasn’t been inundated with people having nothing to say and a burning desire to say it (aka. Trolls) However it IS a bit ... confusing ... so far.
Facebook is structured to limit dispersion to a few dozen people at most. If none of them are influenced by your ideas, they die in the medium. Twitter is often insufficient space to freely develop a cogent idea. My hope is that this space enjoys wide dispersion, so ideas of merit will propogate, and our social intelligence will expand instead of become funnelled into predetermined directions, as clearly is occurring on Facebook.
It is rather ironic, but I believe a lot of 'right wing' and 'libertarian' people have gravitated to the IDW in general because the largely left leaning IDW speakers have, nonetheless, tackled (almost) head on many progressive canards, and champion the idea of truth. We know that if the truth will actually be spoken, we win.
If that political axis map has any validity, I'm slightly left of center and extremely anti-authoritarian. I consider myself an ancap, but I'll pretend to be a libertarian to get along. I left FB because of monitoring and censorship, I was never on twitter. I was only in social groups and an IDW group on FB as it was. The social groups were all dominated by SJW's (that's a whole discussion in itself as to why). I enjoyed the IDW group quite a bit, but with increasing size came vitiation and with vitiaion came increasing 'admin' activity (i.e. censorship), which contradicts (in my view) the essence of IDW. A lot of the more interesting posters felt the same and had already quit. Most of the vitiation came from what appeared to be a concerted effort from SJW's to sully the conversation and an increasingly hostile tone from all sides, but this was actually more constructive and interesting than the more timid and arid interaction the over moderation achieved. Anyway, this came up in a google search as an alternative. It's not very active, but no complaints so far.
I'm center left. I don't use twitter and my Facebook is filled with SJWs. I know a lot of social media are biased and censor anti liberal content. I like honest, rational and civil discussions so here I am. The simple answer is I'm fed up with the radical left.
Your self description sounds much like how folks on the right (like myself) would describe themselves. Interesting.
Oh that's a loaded question.. We all have the right to change.. I was "Center Right" .. still am except for some changes with health care which would make me center left.. Immigration laws, family values.. "far right"... but it doesn't matter how grotesque you find Trump.. He is a leader.. This shit of hiding behind a political veil has ended now.. The world will not remain the same after his presidency.. "We need balls".... before we fail terribly..
Thank you all for the replies. I will attempt to sum up what I am reading as I think I have found a common thread. It would seem that from left center to right, we feel alienated by the SJW culture of other social media platforms. What we want is a place we can have a true social discourse without being shouted down. I am seeing some variety here and I can only hope we have a broad base on this platform. I want to see discussion, I mean real discussion from all sides. That is the only way this truly can work.
I checked this site out because they had an ad on Ben Shapiro's show. I assume they are catering to conservatives, though they could be advertising on Pod Save America, too .... I just don't listen to liberal shows! ?
I don't think the IDW is "catering to conservatives" at all. I don't think Bret Weinstein or his brother Eric (who coined the moniker Intellectual Dark Web) would consider themselves right-of-center. I just think that since the SJW crowd is predominantly leftist, those opposed to leftist tactics are predominately right-of-center. Those of us who are right-of-center were typically the ones targeted by the SJWs. Now however, even left-of-center professors like Weinstein have been voraciously attacked by the extremist, SJWs. No one is immune to the attacks from the SJWs if one offends them in some - even minute way. They are poised and ready to pounce on anyone with an opposing opinion. SJW types are bereft of any tolerance. SJWs are mob-like in their tribal behavior. Mobs can be very dangerous.
Anyway, I am here to support the IDW and its concept. Facebook is useless for anything other than being a source of humor from some of the memes. ...and I can see pictures of some of my relatives and friends who are far away.
I limit FB groups to hobbies and family, as the other content is always dubious and low brow. I try for a wide spectrum in TW as the chattering class is well represented and there are often links to in-depth articles in reputable publications. I follow broadly but cull aggressively for trolls, whores and racist content. I'm interested in the presenters here on the principle that there's little to be learned if you're the smartest person in the room. I'm also dismayed by the advance of SJWs in other media. For example, I've always listened to NPR. However, since Trump, they've normalized far-left positions that I had presumed were in the dustbin of history.