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Young people are marching in NYC in support of AOC’s Green New Deal. What a terrible thing Leftist leadership has done to these impressionable young people. How do you undo this kind of damage, especially when the Left shuts down free speech? And then they have convinced them to "self-censor" in "safe-rooms" and by labeling any opposing views as "hate speech".

Bugbiter 3 Mar 15

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It’s the leftist leadership, the leftist public schools, the leftist colleges and universities and the leftist Hollywood stars/singers. These kids are owned by the left unless they have really good and involved parents. We homeschooled our kids and they don’t buy into this crap


Schools have long since become indoctrination centers from pre-K thru Grad school. All MainStream Media is owned by the Money Power Globalists and continues the indoctrination and mind manipulation. Sounds paranoid, but--- Voila!! AOC, the Green New Deal, and marching in the streets proves it. Not much the ordinary citizen can do about---just try to awaken our children and grand-children to the threat.

I agree 100% ! The education system in this country was and still is designed as social control over children. All looking the same, desks in neat rows. Like factory workers. Today education brain washers are all for socialism and free everything. Life is gonna kick these snowflakes in the ass damn quick.


You can counter such with sites like this that do encourage open dialogue.

Yes, that would be ideal. But the ones who need to see this information will never come to this site or any other that they've been "warned" about.

@Bugbiter Just to draw your attention, that you're speaking from your point of view. You believe it's wrong, so you think everyone else should think, or would think like you, if you'd get a chance to explain them. The reality is, if there's no one who likes an idea, then an idea itself wouldn't exist

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