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WE NEED TO START MARCHING ON THE CAPITALS AND DC. To many of these left wingers are mobilized and pushing to destroy the Constitution. If the people that understand and love the Constitution don't show some action we will lose. I am for haveing the Convention of States leading the charge.

BILLY1966 2 Mar 16

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My husband went to our kids’ school every year on “Read Across America Day” armed with a copy of the Declaration if Independence and the Constitution and read in as many classrooms as teachers would allow him in. Since you have to have a connection to the school to be invited it has been years (our youngest is now 22). This is how we change the playing field; Education.

Maybe we should inquire at the local library to see if if we could have a “Children’s Independence Reading Party” on or near the 4th of July where we can read these great documents and maybe even The Federalist Papers as well, so our children will understand why our government is so well conceived. Hey, it could happen!

I agree with that premise to start teaching our children about what the Constitution is and why it is a symbol of freedom for all people of the world. Our children have been indoctrinated for decades and we are reaping the reward for not being more active in what is being taught in our public schools. Unfortunately our country is at a tipping point IMHO. The democrats and republicans are not upholding our Constitution. The radicals are mobilized with all these young indoctrinated adults thinking that socialism works. I believe we the people have been too apathetic to what our leaders have been doing for seventy years. We have given our government to much leeway and not enough accountability in every office in the US. We the people are going to have to go into action or we will bee turned under by our own apathy. The Convention of States IMHO is the only way to stop us from going to war with each other. We the people have WAY more in common with each other than not. We need to push back.


If you're asking the wolves how they feel about a fence, I have a bridge for sale.
Try asking your friends to stop watching sports
See how that turns out.
The colosseum and bread


Trying to get people awake and up off of their collective asses is difficult. AMERICANS have become so complacent. It is frightening how many will give up their Constitutional rights for a little so called security. Security provided by the government isn't security, it is shackles and slavery!


I am not totally in favor of trying to change the Constitution. Maybe, we should try to enforce it before we try to change it. If lawyers get involved in the re-writing, it will be written in "legalize" which no one, including members of the BAR, can translate!!!!!!

@MADcHATTER As I stated before, I have reservations about lawyers or politicians, most are both, changing the Constitution. I agree with your goals, and would add a few of my own, but worry about politicians be in charge of the changes. I also wonder why they would want to cut their own throats,i.e. retirements, by endorsing term limits.

@MADcHATTER I’m not 100% sure on this, but I think the current SCOTUS will have No right to overrule if COStates votes to ratify any new amendment. The Beauty of Article 5 is that with this section our Framers recognized that The States Created the three banches, (including the Judicial Branch), and we’re Fully within their rights to amend the Constitution IF they can muster a 38 state majority!!!

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