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Just laying about enjoying the lack of snow or rain (rains when above zero) and its warm enough... 45° F

Phrankhs 7 Mar 20

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Another inch of snow last night

Looks nicer as the old dirty snow is covered

Well, got Internet, Thai food and a fireplace to sit by while typing my inanities here


Well, that didn't last long.

A nice sunny day just turned into a gloomy thunderstorm

But, to be honest, I feel having seasons and weather better than the daily boring sameness of the big cities in California


And now that the Thai delivery guy arrived I'm full of Himalayan Mixed Grill, Chicken Chili, and Naan bread my stomach is as happy as the rest of me


Enjoy! I can’t wait till spring comes.

Found out one disturbing thing

Squirrels. Don't. Hybernate.

Not fond of the critters. One bit me as a kid.

@Phrankhs we have a friend who hunts and eats them. Not much meat, sadly.

@Clammypollack a family joke is "Road Kill Helper"

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