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I waited to do this poll until the membership on this site increased, which it has. This poll is geared towards my fellow Americans. Are you in favor of or against gun control measures in the US? I'm firmly against any sort of gun control measure as I'm not convinced such has or would ever deter criminals with violent intentions. If you are in favor of gun control measures, please explain why.

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SpikeTalon 10 Mar 24

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The gun control measure I am in favor of is holding it with two hands rather than one. The reason for this is that it steadies the weapon and improves accuracy.


We were victim of a false flag operation which resulted in HUGE changes to our ability to possess, purchase and use firearms in Australia. As if as a warning - it was noted by one politician only months before it happened...." there would have to be a massacre to change the gun laws in this country, " - An wouldn't you know it? months later that's exactly what happened. I am referring to the Port Arthur massacre.

Some " interesting" facts found since the incident

PRIOR to the incident and apparently for no particular reason.... the government ordered a specialist vehicle be designed and made - a mobile coroners suite. Strangely, it was only ever used for that incident, and since has disappeared.

Also the weapon used was ( according to official records ) supposedly handed into the Victorian police for disposal - how did it make its way across to Tasmania?

According to the story - the shooter has the intelligence level of an 8 yr old ( literally ) he enjoyed watching cartoons and DVD's. - and yet? according to the media ( witnesses claim he was taking head shots from the hip ) - and all with no military training. or military service.

He has also NEVER been interviewed by the media ( no film footage of the walk from a police van or some other place under escort to a court of any kind ) - it was all conducted " via video link ".

Is it " just me ? " or does this stink of something rotten?

Just as a foot note I myself managed to get off the internet an audio recording of the supposed offender while he was hold up on the phone in a caravan park talking to police you can CLEARLY he gun shots outside, and hes making comment saying hes just heard another shot - then asking is everybody alright ".


I've proposed 2 gun control measures on this site -

  1. Gun restricted zones must be accompanied with appropriate measures to prevent guns from being used in those zones (failure is subject to civil penalties and the removal of the restriction) - (ex. Someone gets shot in Chicago, victim sues Chicago and the city's gun restrictions are removed).

  2. Government agents (police, etc...) are subject to the same gun/military restrictions and penalties as the free citizens they derive their powers from without regard to their government status. (ex. Local police get APC with mounted MG, Joe the farmer can have one too.)

I'll consider any gun control measures the NRA has approved.

Uh, no! Will not comply.

The criminals love unarmed victims. The government loves unarmed citizens. I REFUSE TO BE EITHER!!

@AZWoman I don't think we disagree

Gun free zones don't exist when I'm around.


Shall not be infringed.


It’s not about “gun control”, it’s about “people control”. We have a group of narcissistic, arrogant, obsessive-compulsive people in our government that are control freaks. They believe the only ones who can possess guns are the police, because the rest of us are morons incapable of common sense. They believe the only ones capable of governing are themselves because the rest of us (deplorables) are incapable of any type of creative thinking. We have the Bill of Rights that guarantees us inalienable rights to which they constantly undermine by passing restrictive legislation under a guise of humaneness. “Hate speech” is a perfect example....and abhorrently overused. Gun control is another...


Shall not be infringed. Enough said.


I have owned guns my entire life. I will NEVER give them up. That is why there is a second amendment.


The US does not have a gun problem. We have a people problem. Bad people do bad things and I'd damn sure rather be armed to deal with a bad person.


I believe in Natural Law. The right to keep and bear arms as well as self-defense is associated with that. Anything that would be hostile or taint the laws of nature, is against nature itself.


The 2nd amendment is the bodyguard of all the rest! (Simplistic but true)


When the Second Amendment was written it protected the rights of every citizen to have and use exactly the same weapons technology that the government had.

Where can I get my B-2 Stealth Bomber?

Once you get it, make sure to get a Letter of Marque (Article I, Section 8, number 11) from Congress before using it to engage any foreigners, of you're just another air-pirate.

If Congress has a mechanism for authorizing private citizens to use their warships, the Founders obviously expected that someone would have such warships...


I can't vote but if history proves something it is that when the people are disarmed the government becomes the criminal because it has all the guns. The great dictators of the last century all disarmed their citizens. In Islam, another totalitarian ideology, non Muslims aren't allowed weapons.
As hard as it may be for certain people to accept the Founding Fathers were right when it came to the content of rights spelled out in the First and Second Amendments.
Criminals will always find a way to get a gun. The thing is that with gun control the best way to get a gun is to work for the State.
Welcome home comrade to our peaceful utopia. Please leave your guns at the entrance or else we will shoot you.


2nd Amandament , why do I need more reason. There is still gona be crime with illegal weapons and i would rather have sometime for me and my family's safety. I would recommend having a psychiatric test conducted or have checked for any criminal records before buying a gun. Limitation in number of gun owned individually can be also put in place.

The HIPPA laws would not allow the release of information from a psychiatric test. Limiting the amount of guns owned is against an individuals FREEDOMS. You start limiting one thing a person can own, it will cascade into limiting the amount of other things one can own. How many guns does one need to commit a crime? CRIMINAL backgrounds are already checked before gun purchases are allowed to take place.

@AZWoman well I'm saying either have extra new laws or these libretards will take all away. There should be some middle ground that needs to be set in place otherwise all the commotion in other countries and the media hyping it up is a form of moves like in chess. What do you think that could be done about it ?

@alenjose710 I really don't care what they do in other countries. We here in the US have a Constitution. We have the Second Amendment which protects our right to bear arms. We have enough gun laws now. More gun laws are not going to keep guns out of criminal hands! If you want a safe society, arm the citizens. Someone breaks into your home, shoot them. Taking the guns away from law abiding citizens only makes unarmed victims for criminals and unarmed citizens for the tyrannical government. Unarmed citizens can be rounded up like cattle and shoved into the ovens.

@AZWoman Absolutely, except, there should be NO gun laws. The 2nd Amendment is the law. All these “gun control” are illegal and violate “shall not be infringed”. Without a constitutional convention, government cannot pass laws that restrict or change Amendments in the constitution. That is spelled out in Article V of the Constitution. Article V also shields three clauses in Article I from ordinary amendment by attaching stipulations. Meaning government cannot alter an Amendment outside Article V.


CRIMINALS NEVER obey the law. It doesn't matter how many laws are passed, criminals will NOT OBEY them. Remember prohibition? Alcohol became outlawed. That didn't work. It became a huge CRIMINAL enterprise and it went into the black market. The Kennedy's got VERY rich from it. So our POLITICIANS got VERY rich. See how that went? POLITICIANS get involved in the criminal enterprises. Ban guns...Make politicians rich!


More gun control laws only favors the criminals as they will always have guns and even if they didn’t they would find other means.


Hand in your guns, get a free tattoo .

Never again


Illegal and punitive restrictions are nothing but more big government encroachment upon our freedoms..more taxation without representation

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