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Is a convention of the states a good idea?

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plebeian_lobster 6 Mar 24

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If you haven't read "The Liberty Amendments" by Mark Levin, I would recommend it. He really lays out why we need a COTS, why the fears of a "runaway convention" are baseless, and gives a great list of potential amendments for a COTS to take up.

I will have to look into it.


I am a proud conservative Canadian but I think the US is too divided for it to be of any use these days. Any thoughts and when was last one actually held. I thought they where suppossed to be held every twenty years or so?


I stopped folling this movement when they ban me from speaking out against it. That was my first sign it a bad idea you don't allow free criticism? There are many reasons this is a bad idea they say it can't run away yes it can anything can happen behind close doors. It's article vi not v. Who is going to vote for the people? Do you trust them? ( i don't) giving power to individual states have you been paying Attention to the laws they are passing now? This will also divide us as a nation more! There is very dark money behind this movement. Think Michigan Minnesota California ( sharia law) and more.

I am very sympathetic to your arguments. I like the idea of correcting things that need correcting, I just don't trust any person to go do it. I think it would be subject to special interest money.


The reason for conversation of states in the Constitution was mistrust of a corrupt Congress. Our Congress is beyond corrupt. A conversation of States in needed now to reclaim States' powers before they are completely denuded

But your missing the fact that the state government is no less corrupt. And given individual power. They will be more able to move freely with the power of corruption over smaller groups of people! We will not longer be united under individual laws of each state!

@Gerri4321 corruption at a local level is more easily fought then going up against a behemoth like the Federal Government; with all its unknown, unelected, and unaccountable departments.
We started with 13 pretty independent states. Things have constantly gone down hill as power has migrated to DC's central grasp. IMHO.

@JAMK not if the country is devided. If one state passes a law and other don't then this will it be legal for people of one state to help the other? No because if one state passes sharia law it will be illegal for someone to enter that state till the convert. If another state passes say a cults like law then then your subject to the law's if the land (the state) so thr only people able to fight the corruption if the handful in the state.


I am pretty sure the 2nd would come to a bad way if they did... just a gut feeling..


Seriously . I haven't seen a hoax this well cloaked in benign sounding marketing since N.E.S.A.R.A.


If the doubts are over a "runaway convention", people need to remember that in any new COS, it will be governed by our existing Constitution which, under Article V., cannot become "runaway" or else it is not a legal convention. Beyond that, fears of losing existing Rights seem remote as 38 state legislatures must still agree to the ratify all proposed Amendments. What objections remain?

Good point. However, my concern is that the convention that the "constitutional convention" was actually just supposed to fix the articles of confederation, not do away with them entirely. The Anti-Federalists argued that the constitutional convention was illegal under the articles of confederation. The Federalists seemed to acknowledge that it was illegal (though they did not expressly say so), but it was for the good of the country.

My point is basically that last time our country held a convention of the states, they ended up doing something that, while incredible, was technically illegal under the existing law at that time. My fear is that this would be a repeat but that this time the end product would be a disaster instead of the awesome constitution we have today. But I acknowledge that maybe my fear is more exaggerated than is necessary.

@plebeian_lobster - that is my point. Under the Articles, the Constitutional Convention, while not authorized, was not prohibited. It certainly exceeded the guidance from their States, there was nothing to prohibit it because there was nothing to authorize it, either.

Now that we have a Constitution that specifies how the Convention works and legally limits what it does. The "runway convention" is (best case) a legitimate, but uninformed fear, but more often, (worst case) deliberate fear mongering by those who know how a Convention of the States would break their Progressive stranglehold they have on our Nation right now.


This is an example of how well the Bait And Switch has been sold . A Constitutional Convention has been repackaged as a Convention of States , and it's purpose deceitfully hidden . By the time you understand that existing amendments are in jeopardy , it will be too late .


I think it would be good to restrict the COS to a few amendments, and that those first amendments should be in the spirit of restoring limits to federal government’s role toward what the Framers intended; (original intent).

This would make it imperative for we as citizens to start now to influence our state legislators about the process. It’s important for the delegates sent to be persons as well-verses in knowledge of the Federalist papers, and other Info that circulated between the Framers and their contemporaries of the day.

If we’re not thoughtful about our choice of delegates, we could just have a bunch of knuckle-head, Nanny-State “problem-solvers” who confuse Rights with Special Rights! ? The Framers educated themselvesves of, and we’re honest about Human Nature and what incentivized governments to respect and encourage individual liberty WITH commensurate responsibility.

Our nation sorely needs a revival of those principles!!!

I like the sound of this, but my concern is how do we sift through the delegates and who will do it? How do we keep special interests out of the process?


Everyone knows that political “elites” use their positions to enrich themselves, their families, and their friends. Money from various sources flow into clandestine financial institutions. The corruption in DC is immense. Politicians become millionaires, on $187 thousand a year. Non elected bureaucrats issue rules and regulations without oversight. Congress’ excessive spending has us $22 trillion in debt, with future unfunded expenses of $140-200 trillion. This is exactly what will lead to Socialism/Communism, if we don’t make corrections! Corrections that include Term Limits on congress and appointed officials, A balanced budget amendment and other spending restrictions. Lastly, to regain control of our lives, we need to reduce the Federal overreach and unconstitutional control of functions that were reserved to the states. The alphabet soup of agencies (IRS. FDA, FAA, DEA, ICC, FCC, etc) were given power because congress needed to spend more time on fundraising and campaigning, not on legislating..
The dysfunction and corruption in DC is immense. However always keep in mind that the only real solution to the massive problem of government is an Article V Convention of States! Congress will not act to restrain itself. It is not in their political interest. The only way to restore the constitutional balance of power is through informed citizens being involved in the governmental process. Article V is the tool to restore that balance. Read up on Convention of States. Sign the petition at [];
#cossquad #cosproject #lifelibertyandlevin#Saveournation


Yes, we need a constitutional amendment that forbids amending the any way, shape or form, without a convention of states. No laws forbidding freedom of speech, no laws restricting guns....that’s just a start.

Also add in an amendment that clarifies the commerce clause.


We've gone so far away from what our founding fathers intended. The only thing to do at this point is to rework and eliminate a lot of what's been done since the new deal.

I agree. If we can't even enforce the Constitution we have, what good will it do to add another few amendments?

@CautiousDreamer But what if a convention just accelerates the damage? How do we keep people like AOC or Pelosi from participating in a convention?

@plebeian_lobster I think we should rework through politics rather than through a convention. But I'm still on the fence.

If there was a convention, we wouldn't keep people from participating, instead we rely on the states to reject amendments which are untenable.


I believe that our elected leaders have sufficiently demonstrated that they cannot be trusted with the power they already wield. How could it possibly be a good idea to grant them carte blanc authority to make changes to our nation's charter documents? Just look around and see what people are calling for in today's volatile political landscape. Restraints on free speech. Disarmament. Abolishing the electoral college. US Senate representation for the District of Columbia. Stacking the SCOTUS bench.There is already dangerous overreaching going on without the constitutional authority by all branches of the federal government. No way do we give the keys to the kingdom to the self serving power mad crop of corrupted politicians we have today.

A Convention of States bypasses Congress. The States have the right from Art V of the constitution to call for a meeting to discuss ways to rein in the Federal Government. They can only make suggested amendments, which have to be ratified by 38 States. The same process Congress used 27 times. We need a Convention of States to add amendments for Term limits, budget & spending limits, and restrictions on Federal authority. sign the petition at [] Read up on
COS. #cossquad, #cosproject ,#whodecides, #biggovernmentsucks

It sounds like you misunderstand Article V. It is a power wielded by the states, not the federal government.

@ScottThomson I understand it, I just see that it can swing both ways. The "limited scope" of amendments that can be tabled at conventions are not set in stone. A runaway convention while unlikely to successfully ratify anything, is not a risk worth taking IMO.

@JayKane So, you believe that a runaway convention, creating unacceptable new ammendments, would be ratified by the states?

@ScottThomson No, I do not believe that any rogue amendment would have much of a chance at being ratified. At least in the short term here and now. But I do not have faith in governments at any level, and the rate things are changing in America lately I don't like the seven year window that would allow for states to pick up the ratification process. But more importantly than that I'm not on board with any of the proposals being put forth by any of the states calling for a convention.

@JayKane Can you give me an example of a convention or meeting that has gone off the rails. They are always controlled by an agenda, schedule and rules of order. This is a fear tactic espoused by Big government and Globalist agendas. 3.8 million people support our Convention of States Project, 14 States have passed our Resolution, Two more may pass this week. We need 34 states to call the convention.


A convention of states will gut our history and rights . It will bring to power a Socialist dictator

Are you afraid of a runaway convention? I am not sure how you draw your conclusions.

@MADcHATTER Yes , I know very well what a Convention of States is . I worked in Talk radio where this issue was hotly debated . The unintended consequence is that the entire Constitution is on the table , article by article
The right to armed self protection , freedom of speech and religion , lawful search and seizure , exemption from self incriminating , every protection you gave , could be gone . I've worked on radio interviews with every Constitutional scholar you can think of . I heard what they had to say on the subject .

@ScottThomson Please read my reply to the comment by @MADcHATTER

What astounds me, is that you think that the states would ratify what you fear.

@Georgesblogforum Did you talk to this expert?

@Georgesblogforum the bar to come to agreement is very high with COS, George. As stated above each amendment would need to be approved by a vote of 38 of the 50 state legislatures.

But what is even more significant is what continues to happen if we do nothing. Not only does our Constitution get amended by the Supreme Court by the edicts they submit to us, but it is amended aggressively by lower court orders that aren’t accepted for consideration by the High Court.

In addition much of the “deliberations” on new laws never even make it out of the administrative rooms of our bureaucracy... and citizens become more and more intimidated from execution of their already established Rights under our Current Bill of Rights by the power of the Administrative Star, (not even a Constitutionally codified Branch of government)!!!

Our Constitution IS ALREADY being Amended in all of those ways almost weekly!

@tkrzmarz No , but I was the Board Operator on many interviews with Constitutional scholar Joseph Douglass , among others . People have been trying to sell this pig in a poke excuse for a Constitutional Convention , for 20 years .

If Donald Trump had not been elected, we would have 2 more liberal judges on the Supreme court. Hillary would continue Obama's destruction of the US with wide open borders, millions of Muslim Refugees and we would be on a downhill slide to socialism, which always turns to Communism.
We need a Convention of States to stop Big Government, which is a requirement for Socialism.

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