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The meaning and history of Molon Labe-

SpikeTalon 10 Mar 24

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From the artice:
The truth of the matter is that gun owners tend to recognize that no people become enslaved unless they’re disarmed. No genocide happens unless people are disarmed. Atrocities which shock the world only happen to disarmed societies.

We Americans have decided that won’t be us.

The difference between some of us and other is that we recognize that America isn’t inherently immune to the thinking and hatred which causes these horrific events, so we stay armed to make damn sure it never happens.

Should such a tyrant come to power, we already know what will happen. He or she will demand our guns. They’ll give us all kinds of reasons why we should. They’ll likely get Congress to ban them all, and we’ll be told to turn them in.

In reply, all we’ll likely say are two words. “Molon labe.”



I hope it never comes to that but I’m afraid if the democrats ever get in power again it could happen.

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