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I live in the San Diego area. Have enjoyed doing improv for some time. Would LOVE to play with folks interest in writing and/or performing real politically incorrect skits. If you have even a modicum of interest or know folks who do, please reply. Thanks!

Coyote50 4 Mar 25

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Sounds intriguing. Would politically incorrect include all political bents? Just asking for a friend, of course. San Diego and Coyote, could be a deal breaker, or maker...will let her know ?

Live in Oceanside. Particularly interested in giving playful shape to JP's ideas. As we get closer to election time hammering socialists might be stimulating.

@Coyote50 or maybe playfully showing them the error of their ways....JP has an acid wit, and a certain humbleness, mixed in with solid convictions, that many mistake for arrogance. Would love to see something, like you are proposing, in tribute to him.


Not anywhere near you, but would very much like to be kept abreast of your progresd. Is there a place where one could do that should you make it happen ?

Thanks for the interest. If I get something going I'll make announcements here.

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