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Hey what's up!

Well I'm happy I found this community first of all.

Looking forward to being a contributor every can benefit from. Keen on giving and learning and getting it right. Let's all be fair and giving, the only way we stop needing is to let go.

AndrewCollins 3 Mar 27

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I’m glad for that you found this “community” ...
You can be as “Fair” and “Giving” as you want ...
I, on the other hand, have no need of such fuzzy illusions.


Welcome! Com'on in.

So, are they going to put TrueDoe out? Or not?

How familiar are you with some of the great Canucks? Steven Crowder, Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molineaux -- seems like Canada is raising some heavy hitters.

Theres not even continued coverage re Trudopes criminal act. I can't imagine Trump is still in the weeds because of "obstruction " over a crime he didn't commit but no one talks about Justin using every last weapon he can including gag orders to stop his own I investigation yet canadians as a whole fail to care. Theres 2 types of people good, and nice. He can only be one of those.

@AndrewCollins Yep, kinda what I figured. Complicit media, eh? They drop the story to let it fade and he goes riding off into the sunset with a legacy intact. We still have the media covering for Obama so that he can have a legacy.

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