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Canada Warming Twice the rate / Carbon Tax Rhetoric
The bought media / Globalist Owned breaks this story the same day the carbon tax takes effect. They truly feel that we are idiots. Has anyone asked the Globalist Trudeau how we are going to achieve the Paris Accord 30% below 2005 levels when the population was 30 million. Our current population is 35 million with the Liberals increasing immigration to 400,000 in 2019 that means we need to reduce by way more than 30%. These people just throw rhetoric at us constantly with talking points of no subtance.
Here are some facts since the earth's existence their have been only 4 periods with ice. The last period is linked above. We have been coming out of the ice age for the past 10 thousand years Montréal had 1 km thick of ice guess what it melted. The poles are the last to melt. Carbon is being emitted by the thawing Tundra, city's built over 3000 years ago are under water for over 1000 years way before human activity. 90% of Scientists that was a UN Climate Survey were a researcher funded by them looked at 9000 research papers only reading the front summary determined this Bullshit the actual number is 30% which if you don't follow the talking points you will receive no funding and be terrorized by the Globalist community. Basically if you are ASTRO Physicist shut up Geologist Shut up no real Scientific Analysis FUNDING AND MORE FUNDING

Heighten111 4 Apr 3

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I've never understood why someone would give up their tropical hut for an igloo. Hope Trudeau's igloo melts and collapses on him at night. Cheers

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