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It appears Ecuadorian are finally done with Julian Assange. Armed police are camped outside the embassy, so are protesters.

Wondering what everyone's opinions are on Julian Assange himself and (if) the Ecuadorians terminating his asylum.


postmaster 7 Apr 5

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Bring time home to Australia


I think he is an intellectual who has great concerns and valid rational arguments about what happens to our world and the people and Government in it!That aside he is also a raping criminal pervert! And if he was not guilty of those crimes levied against him he would not have endured the years of Prison he has already endured1

@Slavey Yeah like you know anything! Typical leftist retort say anything other than the truth to deflect!! Michael Jackson isn't a pedo he just like paying 13 million to silence a child! Innocent people don't stay in embassies if innocent!And people with an ounce of cognitive reason don't defend them because they THINK he's cute!LOL!


Truth is truth no other group / person has exposed so much at there own risk. Save assange if for no other reason to let him live free...

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