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Wal-Mart rolls out fleet of robots, says automation is good for its workers...

Walmart is adding hundreds of robots to its stores to help wash floors and perform low-level jobs that will free up workers to do other important work.

Walmart will add robots to at least 300 of its stores this year, The Wall Street Journal reported. In another 900 of its stores, Walmart will put 16-foot-high towers permitting shoppers to pick up orders they’ve placed online.

SpikeTalon 10 Apr 9

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Well, in my 27 year career, mostly in finance, I have never seen anyone in business say something like, "hey, I've got a great idea. Let's invest millions in technology to eliminate some lower level tasks. And listen to this, we aren't going to let anyone go, just re purpose the labor." they would be laughed out of the room. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.

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