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So, if they make injecting you mandatory to be in "society" what else will they to do make you "FIT FOR SOCIETY?""


AZWoman 7 Apr 10

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Martial law! How did we allow our elected officials the power to mandate such things? What happened to their my body my choice mantra???


I'am old enough to remember lining up at school to get vaccinations for all of the diseases everyone is currently worried about. That is why those diseases pretty much disappeared in the USA, until now. Another problem that went away were bed bugs. These issues are coming across our border, and if we don't start screening people coming into this country more problems are coming.

But your parents we not forced by the government nor were they fined for not doing so. There in lies the difference.

@AZWoman If we are talking about the illegals, they have no rights until they become citizens.

That's what we've all been indoctrinated to believe, but it's actually not true. Deaths from those diseases plummeted prior to the introduction of vaccines due to public health measures, clean water, and good nutrition. What else don't you know about vaccines?


This is insane...
The US needs to switch there “Land of the Free” to you will do as the goverment says
Good watch

Trust your goverment they wouldn’t hurt you??


My body my choice? Only pertains to MURDERING the unborn.

@AZWoman I personally believe abortion is the choice of the people involved not the goverment
There is a population problem already going on in this world
I personally don’t think a child should be brought in to this world unless there is some loving and responsible to take care of it
Plenty of children out there with no homes already no use adding to the problem
No body is forcing abortion people just want the choice which I agree they should have
Just like vaccine the choice should be yours weather you want to get them or not but when the goverment starts forcing you to inject a foreign substance into your body that’s where I draw the line
No one is asking you not to vaccinate your children
Stop wanting to force others is all I’m saying

#mybodymychoice #prochoice #freespeach

@AZWoman yes the pro choice was my bad oops

@Xtremejay abortion shouldn't have to happen. Access to birth control is widely available. Just because we can, doesn't mean we should.

@AZWoman im not saying abortion is a good thing but it’s a personal choice. If you don’t want one no body is forcing people to get them. When I see all the kids in sex trades, orphanages and on the streets. I believe that unless there is a person 100% dedicated to raising that child in a loving family then I’d rather see them end it then see a child suffer his whole life
Plus there’s the rape, condoms do break, Vasectomy do fail and kids do stupid things
All of these things happen, this world is hard enough as it is without the burden of unexpected child birth.
Like I said earlier this world has a increasing popluation problem bringing a unwanted child into this world is not helping anyone.
I’m not sure why you want to control other people’s lives. Why you would want to force a baby into a unwanted situation and a life of neglect.
If you really want to help children why don’t you start with all the ones already born and suffering instead of adding to the problem



Nothing for our good that's for sure! Think they already got the second one well underway.

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