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With the censorship sailing in, gun ports open, I can't sit idly by on certain topics any longer so have started a new series of videos to cover topics that I've yet to see covered by the intellectual dark web. The first of this series can be found here:

There'll be more to come over the next few weeks as I find time to squeeze these videos into my rather busy schedule.
CatreeceMacLeod 5 Apr 11

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Catreece your other video on youtube is fantastic!...IDW community would benefit from watching (Monsters aren't born).

Possibly... it's reaaaaaaally old though, before I had a good microphone, so I don't exactly feel comfortable posting it here to be honest. There's a lot more videos over on my main channel, but most of that revolves around game design principles rather than IDW type stuff. I'm sure there's some overlap and people would enjoy both, but eh.

Anyway, I just finished up the script on the next IDW one I'm planning on, which kind of combines ideas from the two, as it gets into the psychological aspects of what we define as "fun" in both games and reality. It'll take a few hours to record, edit and post it, but I'll have it up in a bit here. Going to see if I can get a third out today as well so I can get at least some of these things out of the way all at once and can get back to working on the other stuff I need done. This is basically the closest thing I get to "a day off" as it were. =P

@CatreeceMacLeod Well I sure do appreciate you sacrificing your day off to help our community continue to develop better ways of thinking and communicating!

@RubyWright Shall try! Need to do more editing on the current one but it's recorded and the first round of editing's done, it'll probably be like an hour or two before it's up though. Lots of extra steps to take, each is pretty easy but then there's multiple rounds of rendering the particle effects and video, then uploading and so on, so yeah. But it'll be up in a bit. Also I got myself some chocolate milk, so yay. Everything's better with chocolate milk. Except for strawberry milk. That totally trumps chocolate milk, but not much else does.


Thank you Catreece...Mama & Papa Bear analogy makes good sense!
I look forward to your other topics. D&D is in for it..I can tell you are serious about designing the ultimate self empowering game. your right about being out of time!
We appreciate the time you have given for this project.So glad You came to IDW!

Hey, thanks for the comment! And yeah, I try to use analogies. Sometimes I use too many, trying to come at a problem from multiple angles to make sure people get the idea, but this may lead to some degree of repetition, so sorry in advance for that.

You have no idea to what level D&D is screwed, but it's all good. We need a game that teaches people how to actually be themselves, to solve their problems and so on. Specifically a game because it gets the message across in a non-preachy way and can be built so that the gameplay itself makes it evident that, oh hey, my actions have consequences, and I'm in charge of my own fate.

We know people are flocking to things like socialism and communism, the SJW mindset and so on, but it's because they have nowhere else to turn. They don't have anything to show them a better way. We've isolated and identified many of the problems, but we haven't really got really any major alternatives to guide them. Jordan Peterson's doing an awesome job of getting people hooked up with the concept of personal responsibility, and his whole "clean your room" thing is a big deal, but it's not enough. It's the tip of the iceberg, but not enough to actually form a world view around. It's enough to deviate from the path they'd been on, but we need a structured setup for people to live their lives and feel sated, and just telling them what to do isn't good enough on that, either. They need to realize these things themselves, not be told. And that's the beauty of using a game: you can present people with a situation and, when they figure out the solution, it was "their" idea, and they can integrate that into their lives. The very nature of fun in a game stems from appealing to basic psychological needs anyway, so if you take that into consideration as a game designer, you can literally make the concept of learning how to be responsible in your life and taking your fate into your own hands as being fun, and they won't even notice there's a moral message present there if you do it right, they'll just walk away feeling like they can take on the world for some reason... because they actually have the mental tools to do so now.

So yeah, that's why I'm making a game - it can do more than any self help book or lecture series can due to the interactive nature of the medium. Anyway, you'll see what I mean in more detail soon enough.

Thanks for the warm welcome as well, looking forwards to some nice discussions here! =3


SJW’s hate responsibility. They are childish and selfish. Not to mention foolish. You make some great points. Thanks for the efforts!

It'd be an injustice to just say they're childish. This is partially true though - part of defining the adult from the child is that the adult is responsible for themselves and the child isn't because the parents are responsible for the child still. So, in that vein at least, you're totally correct, SJWs are childish and in many ways selfish, but not entirely either. In many ways they aren't selfish, buuut... much of that has to do not with being altruistic so much as it has to do with being unwilling to accept the self as existing as a concept in many ways.

There's more I'll be getting into with SJWs soon enough, but they do have very valid reasons for existing the way they do. One of the biggest is... we don't need them. Just as people. We don't need them to work a job, because we can automate their abilities. We don't need them to fight injustices for the most part because we've already curbed most of those things severely and further individualism and liberal democratic concepts will fix those issues as they are for the most part, so they have to blow up injustices larger than they are so that they have SOMETHING of value to contribute to society as a whole. They need a dragon to fight, but dragons are extinct, so the only thing they can do is start painting dragons on walls and kicking the walls down, and after awhile they stop being able to tell the difference between a wall with a dragon painted on it and just any wall at all.

Anyway, that's a topic that requires a lot more depth than I can address in a comment at the moment, and I'll be discussing it at length in another video soon enough. The point is though, don't try to cut SJWs down to just being childish and selfish, as you'll fail to understand the true causes behind what makes them what they are, and therefore you'll miss the opportunities that are hinted in those causes to help fix the problem. Just shrugging them off as petty and flawed isn't good enough and won't solve the problem. Sure, it'll make you feel good, but I think we're to the point we need to start fixing the problems rather than ignoring them.

@CatreeceMacLeod I agree. Well stated.

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