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Yes !! Im still mad with F Book for taking down this beautiful picture . I had it on my page . A little boy with huge Wild beasts . Hes not afraid or being harmed and the colors are so beautiful . They said Id be band if I put it up ! What do you think ?

Katetrulyyours 5 Apr 11

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That’s an absolutely beautiful picture.Tasteful and shows the beauty of nature and man.Some Victorian prude got their panties in a bunch because the boy is in a loincloth.Newsflash... some cultures don’t wear much clothing.Educate yourself to the world and other cultures you microcephalic.


Was Facebook trying to suggest that the young boy was horny?

Political Correctness doesn't apply well to most things... but it really applies badly to aesthetics.


Unbelievable. Such a beautiful picture. And not offensive in any way.


Why was it banned? I don't know much about FB so it seems really weird to me.

I tried posting it and it said something about nudity standards. That's why I put shorts on him and offered it to Katetrulyyours...


Well it's almost mystical really youth admiration for nature inocent yet fearless free spirit curious knowing ART no reason to see it as anything else


hahaha I will try it thanks so much. The jokes on them. Thanks for the comments .

Hi Ok , I have your image on my facebook page since the 11th and not a word from the Mighty Face Book ! ? Not that you can see anything on my picture only that you can imagine it I guess ? Unreal, thanks ...I proved my point .


It's a stirring and beautiful picture.

What's the worst is they give you no reasoning behind the ban. Is it just because it strikes some FB SJW snowflake employee as presenting a racial stereotype of some sort? You just don't know and what is the appeal process? Does it even exist?

Yes and you have No place for a compliant except you write in a small box and NO one ever answers !

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