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So the Assange arrest is all the big news now and I wasn't sure what to think of it. I never paid much attention to Wikileaks, so I had to do some research first.
It sounds like the man was playing with fire for money and fame. Everyone wants to paint him a hero, but I think he trapped himself because he got greedy. Why didn't he stay anonymous? Did he really think he would get away with it? He did this to himself from what I can tell. Am I wrong?

The_Farseer 6 Apr 11

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Are you serious? "You never paid much attention" and now you're arguing MSM's opinion? I've been reading Wikileaks for at least a decade. Assange has risked it all to expose gov't corruption and hypocrisy for little more than minor ducats. He has been nominated repeatedly for the Nobel Peace Prize. Yes, he is a hero, and you have no idea what you're talking about. But, you're entitled to your misinformed opinion.

If I agreed with the MSM, then I would be calling him a Russian agent, which he is not. I've also spent a few hours reading up on the topic from several sources, and so I am the only one willing to take on an unfavorable position because I'm not one to jump on any bandwagon. He was doing the right thing, but I suspect it was for the wrong reasons. I also see it as completely foolish to be a public figure who openly accepts stolen classified information. And the worst part about it is that the original thieves deserve more punishment than him. He played a very dangerous game and he lost. I don't think he is quite the hero everyone thinks, but we will never really know his motivations.


His alleged rape kinda opened up a world of hurt for Assange

Playing fast & loose with government secrets can get you burned


This guy did nothing for fame just like all on the suicide list. He was just lucky have not been suicided.

What list?

@The_Farseer everyone in power has a red suicide list

@Gerri4321 citation needed. Where are you getting this?

@The_Farseer i reseach child trafficking in the Government and child sacrificing as well as pedophile rings ect. If you think Mafia style tactics are not used and i have to turn over my evidence to you your going to have to do better then the threats i get

@Gerri4321 so... You're just making shit up, then. The suicide list is just bullshit, not everyone in power has one, that's absurd. And not only can you not back it up, you pile on more bullshit to justify why you can't. Yeah, cool story, bro. I'm sure you get threatened all the time...

@The_Farseer think what you what one proof of a threat is how did this person know about my eye and I'm a trump supporter if they didn't see a profile if me this was downloaded into my phone believe me or not i don't have to prove anything to anyone but GOD.

@Gerri4321That doesn't prove anything. That doesn't make any sense. You're not making sense, are you ok?

@The_Farseer you are not thinking thst is why it does not make sense to you. I post about about child trafficking in the Government. I know alot i should not know. I have a dilated cornea how would someone know that if they did not see a pic. Of me or know me? And trumpet is what trump supporters were called

@Gerri4321 Ok, that is called subjective validation. It is a cognitive bias. You are seeing a hidden message where there really isn't. It's the same phenomenon that leads people to believe in horoscopes

@Gerri4321 also, the cornea doesn't dilate, the pupil does

@The_Farseer no I'm not why would i get a download out of nowhere that happens to relates to 2 things about me personally. At the sametime I'm posting about who kidnapped maddy McCain that has the same eye defect as me? Again think what you want i know what is going on. I work with other people on this.

@The_Farseer yes the conea can look it up. I have a brain anny yes it can.that is how they found out i have it

@The_Farseer FB and Instagram are extensions of the CIA. CBS did a report in 2017 on this easily reseachable as well.


I didn't know Assange stood to make any money from this. Perhaps he was acting on his own personal code of ethics and justice. I don't know. I really haven't delved into it much but from I gather Assange certainly did know what he was getting himself into. I honestly do not have a great deal of interest in the Assange story. I am much more concerned with Atty Gen Barr and his forthcoming report and all things related to that story.


I don't care if he identified himself and what his "true intentions" were, which we may never be able to determine definitively. All I want now is a fair trial. He is charged with Espionage, and, unfortunately, the Espionage Act in America is a farse. There are certain things you can't say or reveal for the sake of "national security", so Assange will be limited in his ability to defend himself in a court of law.

The critical question is, what is the line between "whistleblower" and "traitor"?

When you are giving away military secrets, that puts the whole Nation at risk. Exposing war crimes is a different story. I hope he does get a fair trial as well, but the more I read into this the more it seems Assange is just an arrogant fool who played with fire and I see no evidence to the contrary as of yet.

@The_Farseer Hopefully, if he gets a fair trial, a lot more will be exposed than what is being covered by the media today. I'm sure what he exposed embarrassed the American government regarding some of the activities going on in Iraq (back in 2010), but that needs to be publicized.

@CRBG I do agree we need more transparency in Government. But the State does have a need to keep certain things secret, if it is necessary for the safety of the Nation as a whole. I don't like it, but I don't have another country to move to, either.

@The_Farseer "It is not possible to have a fair trial in America under the Espionage Act" (Assange). He explained, in a CBC Radio interview in 2017, that this law doesn't allow for a "public interest defense". I looked it up. He's right. This Act doesn't even allow the defendant to challenge the appropriateness of government secrecy.

In the trial of Thomas Drake, an NSA "whistleblower", he was barred from saying the words "whistleblowing" and "overclassification" in court...Yes, under the Espionage Act, the court has the power to do just that: bar words from even being uttered.

So, yes, I'm quite worried about the trial. How much public accountability and fairness can we expect under the Espionage Act?

@CRBG Not much. American courts have no real justice in them anymore. My whole point is that he should have known better, unless he wanted to be a martyr that Damned bad


If you had material on war crimes about a country which is a super power no doubt, what would you do with that information?

Not let anyone know I was the one who had the information, for one. I believe in doing what is right, but I also believe in outlasting my enemies, not shining a light on myself

@The_Farseer Then who will believe the material being published then, if it's not an official representative of journalism? Anonymous posts can be bullshit.

@Valentine and published stories by journalists can be bullshit.

@Valentine If what he had was real, that would carry it. He wanted the fame to go with it

@The_Farseer Sure he wanted the fame, he loves being the most wanted man by the US government. That's a stupid argument.

@Valentine Then why go public? That's just stupid, unless he was arrogant enough to think he could get away with it. This man is no hero

@The_Farseer You go public too expose to the world officially what is going on. You seriously have no substance behind your incoherent claims that he's a bad guy.

@Valentine never said he was a bad guy, I said he gives me the impression he is an arrogant fool

@The_Farseer You clearly still have a dislike for the man, on claims he's fooling the world because of his arrogance.

@Valentine I didn't say he was fooling the world, he fooled himself

@The_Farseer Well he must be one stupid individual then, to make himself the most popular journalist of all time. Probably making into history books as we speak.

@Valentine And how does any of that matter in the face of what is going to happen to him? What is your point?

@The_Farseer This should of never happened, he was illegally dragged out of the embassy. Placed in police custody, now an unfair trial awaits him in the US for exposing war crimes. You seem to not care much about freedom of information. He who never hacked any computer system, but accepted and published material which was highly classified from 3rd party sources which he was given from individuals like Chelsea Manning. Once he's in the US it's all over for journalism. If that doesn't answer your question you're just not listening.

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