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ALERT: More Vaccinated People KILLED By Covid Than Non-Vaxed! - []

JohnBurke 9 Feb 21

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The argument by the FauXi acolytes would state that there are 70-80% of the people who are vaccinated and only 58% of the deaths from Covid come from pool of vaccinated, therefore 12-22% of the deaths that would have occurred due to Covid didn’t happen because the “vaccines” work. The only thing wrong with that lie is that they are hiding the truth about how many people have died and how many more will die due to the vaccines. If you were to add in all the excess deaths due to the vaccines the numbers would leave no doubt. Add to that the FauXi protocols that ensured people wouldn’t be treated with known successful non-vaccines cures before the spike proteins had reached a level beyond the body’s ability to combat even with known successful treatments and the administration of counterproductive/unsafe drugs once they were admitted and the further damaging destroying their lungs with high pressure air being forced into their lungs, any honest person would be demanding FauXi and the tyrants be tried alongside big pharma execs and the WHO, CDC, and FDA criminals be tried for crimes against humanity.


You mean killed FROM covvid. Not killed BY covvid. Since March 2020 till now, approximately ! billion people have perished !!!!! So, WHY, the F are the globalists still alive ?????????????


And yet, THEY are still pushing the "JAB"!!!!!!!!! WHY????????


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