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Thousands of Biden's illegal invaders storm El Paso Bridge.

"America is under a form of illegal martial law as our Constitution & existing immigration laws have been tyrannically usurped and canceled by the Biden-Harris Democrat globalist regime which has overturned the outcome of the American Revolution, the Mexican-American War of 1846, and all of our subsequent US legislation, & elections of members of Congress by dictatorial fiat,"
-- William Gheen of ALIPAC 3/13/23

ALIPAC 7 Mar 13

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We need to get rid of all the lefties in our governments and bureaucracies, including self-serving Rinos in high places by free and fair elections. Perhaps impeaching dishonest Marxists, as well.

And so what are you going to do about it??????
I spent almost thirty years enforcing the law, YOUR turn!!!!

By the looks of it the Law administration today is an ass. Need people from the old days back on the board.

@Inspiration That is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big time!!!!!!!
And you are probably not old enough to totally understand what you would be letting you and yourselves in for!!!!!!!!!!

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