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Must Watch: DC Residents Reject Jabs Shilled by Fauci & Mayor Bowser During Door-to-Door Vaccine Drive []

RealAlexJones 8 Mar 20

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soros and his and his fellow shit droppings want 60% of people dead. The jabs are designed to kill. SIMPLE !! Too many idiots are taking this thing because they don't want covvid ! Ha, ha, ha, ha,... What covvid ? They should have taken the jab for STUPIDITY !!!!!


I still want to know, what is in the "JAB" that the "BIDEN Administration" thinks EVERYONE needs??????????
To my knowledge, THEY have proven that the "JAB" does NOT prevent anyone form getting OR spreading COVID!!!!!!!!
But the "JAB' can cause heart problems and/or KILL you in other ways!!!!!!!
SO WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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