Chilly writes: I am calling out flapping wings and stamping flippers The viral BS is sending us into the black hole of SPARS 2028 report. They are not stopping. Proof is the latest from CBC [cbc.ca]
We also need to stop listening to those put in place that are still virus pushing...lots of popular doctors are raking it in....many became noticed after the Trucker convoy, you know the convoy hijacked by the political parties & their appt'd players. they stood up for our freedoms right? They are selling products...& running the game.
Please read the latest of Sage H's substack..included quote below.
SASHA LATYPOVA : 'They're likely using multiple modalities and vectors. But what I can definitively tell you, it's not a virus and it's not a bioengineered virus. And there's no ability to make living things in the labs, no matter what those fear mongers tell you. They don't have this ability.
They definitely don't have an ability to create something both highly deadly or toxic and spreadable at the same time. So highly transmissible at the same time. So you can do either one or the other. You can create, and you can certainly create poisons. That's, I mean, that's ancient art. It goes back thousands of years. So you can poison people. You can poison individuals. You can poison small groups of people in the same location. And, you know, there are multiple vectors that can be used. Water, food."
What are you useless shitbags going to do about it besides, NOTHING ????????
the city of medicine hat was poisoned in the Aug 30th of 2021 they called it COVID and after 2 years i am only getting better now as soon as i come out of hospital and had cancer and COPD all created in hospital i believe. and because i will never go back to a hospital again i have been treating myself with natural health products.... listen to the video start at the 6 min mark [sashalatypova.substack.com]