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The Navy, Army and Air Force policies on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training are compounding recruitment challenges across nearly all military branches.

Evidence indicates that appointed Pentagon political leaders are dragging divisive progressive social justice ideologies into an institution that, for 248 years, has sought to remain apolitical and neutral.

Here are their stated goals for military recruitment and advancement.

"We must recruit an increased numbers of the following: parental or caregiver status; gender identity or sexual identity, to include lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and all others (LGBTQIA+); pregnancy; disability, including people with hidden disabilities and the neurodiverse population; members of religious minorities; persons who live in rural areas; and persons otherwise adversely affected by persistent poverty or inequality."

How did we ever win WW2 without the aid of The Rainbow?

...found at

tomkatmovie 5 Apr 6

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It has been like this since the Bush administration.

This goes beyond party politics .

You are being intellectually dishonest.

No, the military has been relatively successful recruiting since 2000, until Biden. He and Lloyd Austin absurdly forced the military to accept the Rainbow into its ranks. Resulting, we have this:

@tomkatmovie i am speaking from experience.

Yes, it was the early 2000's when I enlisted.


Exactly the same thing happening in Canada

Not surprising. Canada is ahead of us regarding anything commie. Look what they are doing to Jordon Peterson.

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