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New Facebook Group:
Come join us at: Speak your mind CANADA
See the news stories that Justin Trudeau won't allow!

JohnBurke 9 June 2

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Facebook has an agreement to share user data with the Canadian (and other) govt upon request, without a warrant. Gab is the only semi-safe platform to have discussion groups

since when. Please explain further.
I was a major sharer on GAB until they changed for the worse.

Gab is still free speech. They just went to a subscription model to have full use of it. Facebook sells user data to advertisers so they don't need to sell their service as a subscription. They also receive a stipend from the US government in the form of tax credits, that Gab does not receive because Gab refuses to hand over user data

Here is an excerpt from Facebooks' policy review:

  1. What are the most common types of user data that Facebook provides to governments?

Basic User Information: Facebook provides governments with basic user information, such as names, addresses, and contact information.

Content and Communications: Facebook also provides governments with content and communications data, including emails, text messages, call logs, photos, videos, documents, contact lists, and calendars.

Biometric Data: Facebook collects biometric facial data without users’ explicit “opt-in” consent, which can be provided to governments.

Political Labels: Facebook assigns political labels to its users, which can be provided to governments.

Other Data: Facebook may provide governments with other types of data, including user behavior, browsing history, and search queries, although the exact types of data provided may vary depending on the government’s request.

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