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Imagine that we became aware of a disease about which we realized very late in its spread that it was transmitted very rapidly. I'm not talking about COVID-19. The only people who knew much about the transmissibility of the disease were some medical professionals. The public knew very little about the disease, but medical professionals knew what it was, and had acknowledged that there was little known about how to prevent it, except one or two versions of it, but that it was generally not very dangerous, except to the elderly with pre-existing conditions, and most people would recover, so it just had to follow its course. Most people with the disease would never report it because the symptoms would be mild, so the true number of infected, and the mortality would have to be estimated. We learned that the disease would infect 30% of the population of the US, sometimes 100,000,000 people and the weakest, maybe .1% of the infected would lose their lives...about 80,000 people. That number happened in 2018.

COVID-19 has infected 75,000 people in the US as of today, with similar speed of the disease I just described, and has killed 1,100. The mortality of COVID-19 is not yet determined beyond estimates. When the number of asymptomatic people is known, if ever, the mortality might be well below 1%.

The disease I described is the the flu that has happened every year since humans have existed. We didn't shut down the economy every year, and we didn't accuse people of devalueing life.

TimTuolomne 9 Mar 26

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To "Create" a problem (then promote it as ultra serious, building not only fear but also control) which brings a reaction, then provide a solution. With the ultra extreme HYPE over this latest man made viral distribution, fear has been made plentiful with the use of heavy media coverage, but what is the solution? Well, look up ID2020, to realize what we are being herded toward. Those who have been paying attention through whatever means have realized this intention was real and coming, but we did not know how or when. The United Nations driven policies of Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 in combination with nano sized micro chips being injected via virus control vaccines provide the solution they want.


Is there an ULTERIOR Motive?

Pretty Creepy ... Pretty Credible ... You can watch or just listen ...
1hr 10m


Yeah ...
So far this is a Tempest in a Teapot
BUT ...
There are many who stand to Profit Handsomely ... not just in money ... for following the Hysterical Line being pumped by China, the Media and the Democrats.

So ... I wonder ... WHO Benefits?
They’re following the same tactics as the “Green New Dealers” ... the WORLD is Gonna End in 12 years ... 6 MONTHS ... 7 MINUTES!!!
OMG!!! We are SO Fork-ed!!!


Because you guys are too lazy to research why medical professionals are more concerned about coronavirus than the flu, I decided I'd do it for you.

Heres a link: []

We disagree on your charge that I am lazy about researching. And I question that a single article on the subject amounts to much, especially given the many posts that have appeared in IDW on the subject - most in far greater depth than your article, and by experts in the field, from geneticists who have actually sequenced the genes of COVID-19, to the CDC, which has clearly stated concern about overreacting to a virus for which the asymptomatic variables are almost completely unknown.



Now ... THERE’S a Totally Unimpeachable Source!!!


@TimTuolomne Oh I don't disagree that people and the media are very much overreacting. But there are legitimate reasons why we would shut down the economy for coronavirus but not the flu. You compared the two as if the situations are similar (which I guess they are) and I just wanted to point out that there are some factors in play that are unique to the coronavirus that don't apply to the flu.

And I don't know about you, but it seems that the other commenters are jumping to leftist conspiracy theories to explain the inconsistencies between society's reaction to the flu vs the coronavirus that you highlighted and I thought the article I provided was a better explanation.

But you're right, it was hasty & unnecessary of me to call you lazy. I apologize.

@Bay0Wulf did you actually go to the article? It was written by the director of Epidemiology Education for Indiana University who has been working in the field for 17 years. Sounds kinda credible to me

@sjwpigeon, No worries. I always appreciate it when I can learn something, and your article was informative, thank you. FYI, I generally don't believe in conspiracies. People are just not smart enough to succeed in the kind of complexity they usually involve. And I have no problem with our leadership acting with caution at first when we are faced with a brand new threat, which this is. But there should be an intelligent response when enough is known.


Assuming the current threat of COVID-19 is everything they say it is, then why should the Left want to close down the Gun Stores. Wouldn't they be wiser to leave Gun Stores open and eliminate the armed threat with a more effective biological weapon against their unsuspecting rivals?


Okay ... then what?
Should we get out scourges and recreate the “Flagellists” of the Middle Ages?




Suspicious, isn't it? Especially if one takes into account the attempted shutting down of gun stores (guess they succeeded in doing so in certain states), it sure seems like an agenda is in play to me...

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