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Thought this was interesting.

The ten deadliest disasters in American history...

SpikeTalon 10 Apr 6

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Comparing apples to oranges is meaningless. The Left is talking about how COVID-19 compares to wars. Ridiculous. Why are they not comparing it to the 80,000 deaths in 2018 due to the flu in the US? Why are they not comparing it to all of the deaths in 2019 from all causes except suicide, 2,046,549? Why? Because then it is truly in perspective and far less sensational. Do you trust anyone who does that? I don't.

I don't either.

as far as I know Trump was the first to invoke the nonsense about being a "war time POTUS". then of course others jumped on that bandwagon and began to go with that whole "war like" narrative.
I was actually surprised when there was no apparent blowback from real war veterans over Trumps ridiculous assertion.

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