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RT - Uncut occult ceremony at the opening of world’s longest tunnel near CERN in Gotthard

How obvious can they be?

Uncut video with origional live audio can be found in the comments. The original audio gets pretty creepy but it adds a lot of context to the video. Or you can check out the shortened version with original audio from Daily Mail, also in the comments. What are the hidden (or not so hidden) meanings in this performance? Do you see what I see? Also, please check the comments for more information about the science of CERN and related interconnected technologies such as A.I. and quantum computing. I am concerned about ethics and potential misuse and/or this technology getting out of our control, same as what Elon Musk, Sam Harris, Max Tegmark and many others are concerned about.

CarrenTracey 6 Apr 13

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Do you know when this took place?



Obviously not the same pagan ritual.

There is a trend towards reviving pagan traditions in Central Europe. I have been to a pagan festival in Ptuj, it was good fun. Nobody got sacrificed.

My guess is that the scientists involved are nerds who think this stuff is cool and/or amusing.

@CarrenTracey I am not trying to be rude, but it may help to provide a summary of what your concerns are.

@CarrenTracey thanks. I will find time to look at those links.

I am an atheist but Sam Harris just grates on me at multiple levels. Not just that I disagree with him, I disagreed with Christopher Hitchens maybe even more but really enjoy listening to him. So if I don't comment on the Sam Harris vid, that's why.

I haven't seen Angels and Demons. I read "The Da Vinci Code" and saw the movie.

It's actually where we are headed, with animal worship art the forefront. A lot of people have really sick relationships with pets today pretending they are more important than people.


would be helpful to have the actual sound track from the event. Looks kind of like a Circque du Soleil meets Burning Man show. Very elaborate. I don't think it's an occult ceremony. Looks like something for entertainment purposes only. I don't believe they are tying to conjur up demons.


I don't think you really know what an occult ceremony looks like?

ahhh, What about drag queens at the kids school??? No? It's unreal, fake and semi-religious...

@johnlondon do drag queens go to schools? I know they do voluntary story time at libraries, but I haven't heard of captive audience sessions.

@CarrenTracey can movies have spiritual allegories, or be based on ancient lore? Of course. But to suggest the CERN celebration was of the occult is silly, no more truthful than saying there is a Satanic cult operating under a pizza parlor.

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