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Black people do exist, you know. 😂

Naomi 8 Oct 13

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Antifa. If I looked like that, I would be angry and rioting too.

The cultural malnourishment in Portland or wherever they are from is mind boggling. Being a peasant in the Dark Ages and reading only Bible would have been amazing accomplishment since Bible was not available or any other books to most people and almost no one was literate. If you were a peasant in India at the same time you would be happy if you could read at all. Today we have knowledge of the world in our pocket, but problem is that illiterates can read and write. And what do they choose, Critical Race Theory and Communist Manifesto, and probably pokemon.

I guess these days the best way to make money in Porland is to sell hair dye and graffiti spray paint. lol

Probably, kids in 2020BC could spell better.

@Naomi Hehe, true.

I take exception to what you are saying about these sad young, aimless ignorant children, who have been used and abused by a system created to support their parent's votes over years before they were born.

@ScottforKing I understand your feelings, but I take also an exception on what you are saying from practical stand point. What you said is probably true. They were not given guidance and discipline in life. And their purpose in life was provided by some Marxist inspired dumb ass ideology. However, someone has to take responsibility, we cannot go blaming previous generations or it will never stop and will only get worse. Someone has to say, enough. And start moving in another direction.

"You are not responsible for the programming you picked up in childhood. However, as an adult, you are one hundred percent responsible for fixing it." ― Ken Keyes, Jr.

Besides. What about the people who worked hard to create business, paid their taxes, did nothing wrong , raise their children responsibly and done right by everyone and than their store got burned down by these antifa punks. Sorry, I don't feel any sympathy for them. I do feel sympathy for the store owner.

Being dumb-ass punk has consequences. Why would these people be left off the hook. There are people who were in far worse conditions then them, and they took responsibility for their actions and did something constructive with their lives. Where is sympathy for them? Why should they be punished and these antifa punks left alone. That would only perpetuate the problem. Someone has to either get smart fast or someone will pay the consequences eventually the other way.

Imagine if America was truly fascist or communist country. They would have them all line up against the wall and promptly shot. The punks are getting off easy.

@Krunoslav I am not suggesting that they or anyone should be given a pass just because they were born in an age where their parents were sleepwalking towards socialism. However, it is important to know how they got there so that if those among us are able to change the direction of our culture back to where it makes all of us less fragile, they have a better chance.

@ScottforKing I agree with that. Do you have a suggestion. What system to adopt for the future?


They are BLM activists who were arrested.


What a sad looking bunch of people.

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